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China could do Kargil on India

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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China could do a Kargil on India "to teach India a lesson", warned strategic affairs think-tank Insitute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), adding it could be a "limited war".

The limited hostilties could be confined to a specific section of the border, limited in duration

and amenable to a negotiated termination, IDSA said in its report.

Projecting conflict scenarios between the two Asian giants, a report titled A Consideration of Sino Indian Conflict by Ali Ahmed said, "The lower end of the conflict at this level could be a Kargil-like situation. China's aim could be to teach India a lesson so as to influence India's rise before its capacity building underway acquires traction."

The report warned this "could be a limited war confined to a specific section of the border or LAC, limited in duration and amenable to a negotiated termination".

The Kargil hostilities were triggered by infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC) in 1999.

Ahmed warns at a higher level, China could indulge in a "territorial grab" by entering an area such as Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.

"At the next rung, it could be a more ambitious bid southwards up to its claim line. Lateral or horizontal expansion of conflict from one theatre to another is the next step, with the conflict engulfing one or more of the four possible theatres -- Ladakh, Central Sector, Sikkim and Arunachal," the report said.

The think-tank said in view of India becoming better prepared in future with its capability-development programmes, it could engage China's "hegemonic attention."

"Since India would be better prepared by then, China may instead wish to set India back now by a preventive war. This means current day preparedness is as essential as preparation for the future," it said.

China could do Kargil on India, warns IDSA - Hindustan Times
Think tanks are supposed to air their views on such contingiencies.

China is neither a child nor foolish to squander goodwill and development to provoke a situation that would set both India & China back by a few decades giving the west a lead once again to expolit a weak spot.
Think tanks are supposed to air their views on such contingiencies.

China is neither a child nor foolish to squander goodwill and development to provoke a situation that would set both India & China back by a few decades giving the west a lead once again to expolit a weak spot.

True in normal cases, but remember that this is not a democratic government.

They cannot lose face in front of their own people, which means they have literally no choice but to respond if there is a severe enough provocation.
India and China cant afford a war or a conflict now. It is only the media both local and international, trying to up the ante.

China knows that any conflict with India will give a chance to the west to push China further down the list (u know what I mean)

China has put a lot of efforts to come to this stage and dont think will do anything silly and destruct itself.

China is well aware of India's missle power. Indian misslies can target entire China.

---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

True in normal cases, but remember that this is not a democratic government.

They cannot lose face in front of their own people, which means they have literally no choice but to respond if there is a severe enough provocation.

Did u mean, India would jump the gun :undecided:
China is probably the best "enemy" we have. The differences with China deal with rational stuff - land & power (both real & projected). They don't scare me, their thinking will always be rational & any adventures will be well weighed before it is entered into. The proof of rationality exists with Indo-China trade, no one is about to cut off the nose to spite the face. It is the chaps who bring non-rational reasons to a discussion of relations between countries that we need to fear. Their thinking is not always driven by lucidity of thought & therefore remain far more unpredictable.
China would not try such a thing as they and we have to much to lose over such a "limited conflict" besides if they do want to try such a thing i would advise to them to be fast because Indian developments in the north east are commencing

in my opinion the best way to deter a Chinese aggression is to have flawless border protection from BSF/ITBP and a separate North east command for the navy and air force while maintaining a unique "mountain strike" command in Ladakh this can be compared to how US has troops in South Korea and Japan as a counter to North Korea we should consider placing hundreds of thousands of reserve troops in the NE like we do in Kashmir while having a mountain strike command based in Ladakh with the necessary logistics, equipment etc so that if we lose territory in AP we could gain territory in Aksai Chin so in case of a ceasefire we have even if not more territory to bargain with which would bring us back to ante bellum borders or in a case of a status quo
Its true that China once did an aggressive move by attacking India. But that time was different. And this time its different. They will never dare to attack India again. Cause the reason being if they do they too will suffer heavy damages. And could further escalate the matter worse. Most of the Chinese major cities are also within ranges of Indian missiles. India is robustly enhancing its reach, capabilities, infrastructure, manpower, weaponization, deployment and in many more sectors. And if in case Chinese think for any misadventure they could in an instance loose all their hope to be a superpower, economic power house. And in turn will only help US to maintain its status for many more years to come. And for this Chinese will never go for any Kargil on India.
Its true that China once did an aggressive move by attacking India. But that time was different.

Wrong. It was India who backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, and it was them who conducted the Forward Policy in 1962.

Secondly, China today is the strongest it has ever been vis-a-vis India, ever since the founding of the PRC. Back then, our economies were the same size, and that continued up until 1990. Even in 1990, our economies were around the same size.

Then in the year 2000, China's economy was twice the size of India's. And in 2010, China's economy was four times the size of India's.

Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it. And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.
True in normal cases, but remember that this is not a democratic government.

They cannot lose face in front of their own people, which means they have literally no choice but to respond if there is a severe enough provocation.

The subject at hand is unilateral action on part of PRC without provocation.
^^^^^ you do realize China liberalized its economy more than a decade before India did so it is not surprising that you guys have a larger economy?????? 1978 compared to 1991 we're barely 20 years into liberalization and we have made good process 20 years from now our economy will be 3x as big as it is now

you have to realize that India is a nation that is not even 100 years old yet take for example the USA they became the worlds economic superpower only in the 1870's 100 years after there birth 100 years after our birth we will have the worlds largest economy by 2050 your own media has even stated this Chinese Media: INDIA LARGEST ECONOMY IN 2050 - YouTube

and as for the casus belli of 62 those were largely the mistakes of Nehru and he had initiated the forward policy after Chinese forces went into our territory after the McMahon line and so what we gave the Tibetans shelter from your oppressive gov't and forces in Tibet that is no cause to start a war
The subject at hand is unilateral action on part of PRC without provocation.

That's just the thing. Sometimes people cross our red lines, while "claiming" that they never meant to. Sino-Indian history is a case in point.

You guys think of 1962 as an unprovoked unilateral action, but you did not see how enraged the Chinese government was in 1959 after you hosted our largest separatist group (Mao went into a frenzy), and with the Forward Policy in 1962.

Authoritarian governments are very difficult to handle in such situations. At least with democratic governments you have a chance to take the loss of face and move on. Not so with Authoritarian governments, they cannot lose face in front of their people.
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