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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst


Nov 4, 2011
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China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst
China could defeat US in East Pacific conflict by 2020: Russian analyst - Trunews: Trunews:

China could soon defeat the United States and its allies in a naval conflict in the East Pacific, says Vassily Kashin, a senior research fellow at the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies.

In a commentary published on Dec. 27 on the website of the Voice of Russia, the Russian government’s international radio broadcasting service, Kashin says it is “highly probable” that by 2020 China could defeat the US in a local conflict in the east part of the Pacific or slow down the transportation of US forces to the region after it completes its current cycle of reforming and rearming the People’s Liberation Army.

“China could be able of reaching its political goals even before the US localizes all the necessary forces for a full-scale counterattack,” Kashin said.

The US army has developed the “AirSea Battle” concept to counteract joint efforts made by Iran and China to stop the build-up of American forces in neighboring regions, Kashin said. The AirSea Battle concept envisions three main courses of action; the destruction an adversary’s intelligence, the destruction of the adversary’s means to isolate a combat area, and the destruction of an adversary’s armed forces.

However, Kashin said that China has been preparing against the strategy via a large-scale countering of intelligence and control systems by means of electronic warfare, cyber attacks and the use of anti-satellite weapons.

“China will be able to launch a massive highly accurate non-nuclear strike against US facilities used by transportation and military infrastructure in the region by reducing abruptly the speed of building up American forces,” he wrote.
China is at a very favorable position,She holds the cards and can choose to play or hold at her free will. Japan on the other hand,is on the receiving end.
The assumption is military operations will be limited to East Pacific.
Yeah, Russian Always like that. What they do is two things:1, Selling cheap weapons to India and Vietnam and getting USD, whatever those Money should be paid on India and Vietnam's domestic development. 2, Selling Resources to EU and getting a benfit from the high price at the moment. 3, Calling their experts write such essaies to heat the "China Threat Theory" and hope USA paying a more military treasure on China and spending more military expenditure on that. Personally, without thinking history, I even would rather consider Japanese not Russian.
Wow what like its other version of the COD chinese rip off glorious b.s sure but not in real life
How you plan to defeat Japan? With your one old and used aircraft carrier?

I thought chinese don´t want lose face? Why do you act like a clown here?

I give you the advice to stop that nonsense and start to play a more positive role. For example, will china be able to defeat its enormous pollution problem?
Have you been in China recently? If not, so no Qualifications to talk that. Do you Italy Always blue sky in the past 100 yrs? Same same. How to stay with Japan? Chinese leaders are much more wiser than you Italian leaders. Sorry, I've stay in Europé for a long time and you Italy is nothing but joking.
The assumption is military operations will be limited to East Pacific.

It's a no-brainer that China would be formidable in their own backyard since they have 100% of their weaponry at the front line. Problem is they don't have a World military ability like the US does. Once outside they are sitting ducks.

It's a no-brainer that China would be formidable in their own backyard since they have 100% of their weaponry at the front line. Problem is they don't have a World military ability like the US does. Once outside they are sitting ducks.
No, this article is very stupid. Please notice "written by Russian"
2025 maybe but more likely 2030.

Do not trust Russians as they are not sincere.

Have you been in China recently? If not, so no Qualifications to talk that. Do you Italy Always blue sky in the past 100 yrs? Same same. How to stay with Japan? Chinese leaders are much more wiser than you Italian leaders. Sorry, I've stay in Europé for a long time and you Italy is nothing but joking.

China destroyed a large section of Italian manufacturing in the 1990s and 2000s. Italy's economy has barely grown at all in the last 20 years.
How you plan to defeat Japan? With your one old and used aircraft carrier?

I give you the advice to stop that nonsense and start to play a more positive role. For example, will china be able to defeat its enormous pollution problem?

Don't be stupid,I don't plan,but there are a whole bunch of PLA officers must be doing the planning. and what does it have to do with Italy?
Russian tactics for weapon exporting.US naval record is exceptional.I dont think China will take any adventure against US may after 2030 it has chance and One must also account ever evolving US technology.
Don't be stupid,I don't plan,but there are a whole bunch of PLA officers must be doing the planning. and what does it have to do with Italy?

I find your belingerent talks laughable.

What are your plans for a peaceful co existance with Japan? How do you plan economic and scientific cooperation till 2020?

Stop the bullshit war talks nobody takes serious at all and move to more interesting topics. Economic and research cooperation.

Have you been in China recently? If not, so no Qualifications to talk that. Do you Italy Always blue sky in the past 100 yrs? Same same. How to stay with Japan? Chinese leaders are much more wiser than you Italian leaders. Sorry, I've stay in Europé for a long time and you Italy is nothing but joking.

You speak english?
You speak english?[/quote]
Or do you want to speak Chinese with me instead of?

I find your belingerent talks laughable.

What are your plans for a peaceful co existance with Japan? How do you plan economic and scientific cooperation till 2020?

Stop the bullshit war talks nobody takes serious at all and move to more interesting topics. Economic and research cooperation.

You speak english?
Or do you want to speak Chinese with me insteads of?
You speak english?
Or do you want to speak Chinese with me insteads of?

Your english is horrible bad and hard to follow. I would advice you to try it better so you can communicate with others.
I find your belingerent talks laughable.

What are your plans for a peaceful co existance with Japan? How do you plan economic and scientific cooperation till 2020?

Stop the bullshit war talks nobody takes serious at all and move to more interesting topics. Economic and research cooperation.

You speak english?
You speak english?

Your english is horrible bad and hard to follow. I would advice you to try it better so you can communicate with others.
Yeah, of course. Italy is the area where English isnt quite popular and I'm really quite understand. Next time I will write all things in right way, so you can understand it. BTW, the essay was written by Russian. Ah, I know, you cant read what the Russian is. Sorry.
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