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China continues to produce more steel than the rest of the world, COMBINED

Some of my compatriots may grew over-confidential for what we have achieved in past 65 years (especially in recent 35 years)and I hope sincerely for your understanding. After all we turn a backward whole with desperate poverty into a nuclear armed economic power with advancing modern technology and it is quite an unprecedented miracle to us. The road is tough but the speculate achievement can easily make people faint in proud.
Although I've never been in India,I learn very much about her in many ways,for both advantages and weaknesses. I dont think catching up or even surpassing China in steel production is impossible,for China has done half of the infrastructure constructions yet India is just about to accelerate. Of course some reform measures must be taken to satisfy the hunger of market and it wont be easy. Even though India matches not with China and so what?You still makes great progress than before,and that matters the most.
I always remembered that when I was a child,the western world view China as nothing,let alone they could believe we would achieve so much in such a short time,and now they know how things gonna to change. So I think India too shall not be underestimated. If you guys achieve something incredible in not a long time,I think I wont be surprised.

Thanks for reminding me that there are still some sane Chinese members on PDF who have humility and grace even as they continue to enjoy the fruits of their own labor!
Thanks for reminding me that there are still some sane Chinese members on PDF who have humility and grace even as they continue to enjoy the fruits of their own labor!
I majored industrial economy for my Phd and trust me bro,I know something about economy growth especially industry growth. To be frankly,although India developed a bit slower than China,she has still done amazing jobs comparing to other countries in history(not only developing countries). So I have faith in our developing world that we will one day earn our dignity and let the developed countries treat us equally

Thanks for reminding me that there are still some sane Chinese members on PDF who have humility and grace even as they continue to enjoy the fruits of their own labor!
I can assure you all chinese members are humble it's just some of us have some misjudgement right now
China's steel production will be shrinking after the industrialization is finished. During the expansion period the human history record of annual steel production keeps being refreshed. Right now half of the world steel is produced by China, and this percentage is still expanding. Can India someday break the world record set by China? May or May not. Some people say that US or China can do it, why India cannot? These people please answer this question, Usain Bolt can set the 100m world record at 9.58s, why you cannot? Good luck to India. BTW, China is struggling on air pollution control. While India's air pollution is now much worse than China's as indicated by PM2.5 and PM10 values, with only 1/10 steel production compared to China. How India manage to avoid poisoning their own land/air once their steel production jumps up to anther order? this is way beyond me. Or Modi Ji doesn't even think about this issue yet?
China's steel production will be shrinking after the industrialization is finished. During the expansion period the human history record of annual steel production keeps being refreshed. Right now half of the world steel is produced by China, and this percentage is still expanding. Can India someday break the world record set by China? May or May not. Some people say that US or China can do it, why India cannot? These people please answer this question, Usain Bolt can set the 100m world record at 9.58s, why you cannot? Good luck to India. BTW, China is struggling on air pollution control. While India's air pollution is now much worse than China's as indicated by PM2.5 and PM10 values, with only 1/10 steel production compared to China. How India manage to avoid poisoning their own land/air once their steel production jumps up to anther order? this is way beyond me. Or Modi Ji doesn't even think about this issue yet?
This pollution issue shocks me when I read the statistics that show the most polluted cites( monitored by our "beloved" American friends from US embassy daily) in China are even better than India's most polluted cites. I'm wondering where their pollution comes from given their very small manufacturing and small number of vehicles.
And if Modiji attains his steel goal, what will happen to India's environment which is already highly polluted?
This pollution issue shocks me when I read the statistics that show the most polluted cites( monitored by our "beloved" American friends from US embassy daily) in China are even better than India's most polluted cites. I'm wondering where their pollution comes from given their very small manufacturing and small number of vehicles.
And if Modiji attains his steel goal, what will happen to India's environment which is already highly polluted?

Don't forget India is a magic land full of mysteries. Their pollution is there coming from nowhere.
Don't forget India is a magic land full of mysteries. Their pollution is there coming from nowhere.
Yes, I am extremely curious about India. India to me is like Taj Mahal amidst smog.
And I have more questions, when I ask my Indian friends who are working in China, they cannot give me satisfying answers. Where does India's GDP come from? How do Indian officers make a national demographic census given their high illiteracy?
Seems like Mr. Modi wants to start another great leap forward. Good luck with that.:rofl::lol: You guys are really obssessed with your northern neighbour.:laughcry:
I have no issues about they being "obsessed"(Times Of India has a special China section). It's beneficial for them to set a goal and be stimulated by achievements of other nations.
China during that frantic Great Leap Forward era, a famous slogan was "赶英超美” about steel production. (overtaking UK & USA). In 1978, Chinese were emotionally stimulated when Deng Xiaoping visited Japan and took HSR there. He said we must have HSR in the future.
Setting a goal is good to some extent, isn't it?
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China is one of India's neighbors. Hence there is nothing wrong to look up to China when setting up national goals (even sometimes unrealistically since the masses would not mind and would be mobilized no matter what).

China has looked up to Japan and Singapore as embodiments of efficiency, technological advancements, and social development. That's only natural.

Explosive growth brings about lots of negative externalities. Add to that not so friendly international environment.

I would say, ensuring an explosive growth is easy. What is difficult is to manage the aftermath.
I would say, ensuring an explosive growth is easy. What is difficult is to manage the aftermath.
Explosive growth brings about lots of negative externalities.
I am researching in a WHO database, so sadly to find out our Asian cities turn out to be the most polluted one. Even those cities which have just started rapid development. I think this situation won't change since Asia is undergoing a pivotal developing phase.

@TaiShang We have so many cites in Top100 most polluted city list concerning PM10:cry:
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.19.27.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.19.53.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.20.06.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.20.19.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.20.31.png
I am researching in a WHO database, so sadly to find out our Asian cities turn out to be the most polluted one. Even those cities which have just started rapid development. I think this situation won't change since Asia is undergoing a pivotal developing phase.
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@TaiShang We have so many cites in Top100 most polluted city list concerning PM10:cry:
View attachment 211903View attachment 211904View attachment 211902 View attachment 211901View attachment 211900
You would be shocked to know that "Patna" is probably the least industrialised cities in India.
It has to be one of the least developed cities in India too.
I wonder how does it manage such high pollution levels...
Yes, I am extremely curious about India. India to me is like Taj Mahal amidst smog.
And I have more questions, when I ask my Indian friends who are working in China, they cannot give me satisfying answers. Where does India's GDP come from? How do Indian officers make a national demographic census given their high illiteracy?

Our HDP comes from Agriculture Manufactring & services
We are conducting successful surveys of our whole population since late 1800s
@TaiShang You know PM2.5 is much more harmful to our health.
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.09.30 16.31.01.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.31.56.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.28.21.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.28.32.png
屏幕快照 2015-04-05 16.35.12.png

Luckily, Wuhan is not Top100 of PM2.5:rolleyes:

You would be shocked to know that "Patna" is probably the least industrialised cities in India.
It has to be one of the least developed cities in India too.
I wonder how does it manage such high pollution levels...
No surprise.
Sources of emissions of air pollutants are comprised of industry, transportation, agriculture, consumer and commercial products, etc. In China, smog quite often comes from agriculture(like burning straws), especially after harvest season. And in winter, some cities and towns in Tibet are the most polluted one, characterised by burning sheep manure for healing.
Generally, in China, air emissions from transportation and residential heating are on the decline since cleaner energy strategies are imposed and citizens are stimulated to use solar energy by governmental subsidy. However, it's still a major problem how to control pollution from industry. That's why low value-added industry is not welcomed in China.
The above post by @AndrewJin is spot on.
In the 1880s, London's sky was so filled with pollution that it was sometimes
difficult to see the Sun during daytime. Wood and coal burning were the heating
sources of choice then. Compare that with electricity and you get the idea?

Good day all, Tay.
Hold on there, mate! Are you quoting your ancient achievements to suggest that nobody else can do stuff that you can? Are you serious? Get off your high horse! India almost matched your economic, spiritual, architectural, intellectual feats in the ancient/medieval times! But much more importantly, you tend to forget that you were in the same boat as India up until the 90's. :azn:

India almost match China economic, architectural, intellectual feats in ancient times??? :rofl: Typical Indian bragging. The only thing you were good at was spiritual and religious stuff. That I concede.

We weren't on the same boat in the 80's. Nominal GDP means nothing in close-economy like China. In all other economic and social indicators, China was miles ahead. In 1967, China was already producing 2 times more steel than India. By 1980, the gap increased to 4 times. 37 vs 9.5 (million T)

Steel 2.png

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