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China continues to produce more steel than the rest of the world, COMBINED

Without the state protection, chinese companies will be blown out of water by innovative european and american companies.
Steel industry in meltdown as another 1,200 jobs go
Pressure mounts on David Cameron to act as Tata announces 1,200 jobs to go at Scunthorpe and in Scotland. More than 5,000 posts have now gone in crisis-hit industry

Campaign: The Mirror's Save Our Steel campaign is calling for the government to act now
Britain’s steel industry suffered another hammer blow this morning with Tata announcing 1,200 jobs would go at its plants in Scunthorpe and Scotland.

At least 900 workers face the sack at Scunthorpe, one of the country’s largest plants, and further 300 are at risk in Dalzell, Motherwell, and Clydebridge in Cambuslang,

The cuts follow the loss of 2,200 jobs at SSI’s Redcar plant last week and 1,700 at Caparo yesterday .

The Mirror’s Save Our Steel campaign is demanding immediate action from David Cameron to step in and save the battered industry.

The Prime Minister has watched idly from the sidelines as Italy, France, Germany and the US all took steps to support their own steel industries.

Allstar Picture Library

Closed: the SSI Redcar blast furnace steel mill

We are also calling on the PM to tackle Chinese President Xi Jinping, who begins a state visit today, on China’s dumping of cut-price steel on the British market.'

The Tata announcement means one in six of Britain’s 30,000 steelworkers will have lost their jobs in just a few weeks – with many more to come.

Job losses from the three announcements could soar from 5,200 to around 15,000, experts said, once contractors and supply chain firms are taken into account.

The unions said the Government should “hang its head in shame” over its failure to act on the job losses.

John Park, assistant general secretary of the Community union, said: “The significance of this is that it could be the end of steel production in Scotland.

“Tata Steel have to be persuaded to mothball the site rather than close it and the Scottish government has to have a role in keeping the infrastructure secure and supporting short-time work until a future can be secured.”


But what's he doing now? George Osborne visiting a Tata plant last year
Gareth Stace, Director of UK Steel, said: “Our fears about further job losses have now been confirmed.

"If we are to stem this tide then the Business Secretary must now deliver as a matter of urgency the commitments he made at last week’s summit, on energy costs, business rates costs and tackling unfair trade.

"In addition, we must also see a commitment from all parts of government at the highest level to ensure the sector’s survival in the UK

“The Prime Minister can demonstrate that he is prepared to lead this commitment by stepping in this week and pressing the Chinese Premier about the dumping of under-priced steel which is one of the major factors killing our industry.”
A good news and we will soon more such lay offs as the dust settles
EU hits China with new steel anti-dumping probes
Photo: Reuters
EU hits China with new steel anti-dumping probes, AsiaOne Asia News

Brussels - The EU launched new probes on Friday into imports of Chinese steel, warning it would not allow "unfair competition" to threaten Europe's industry already crumbling under a flood of cheap imports.

European steelmakers are reeling from a global glut and last week Luxembourg-based world leader ArcelorMittal blamed China for a colossal $8-billion loss in 2015 while thousands of jobs are being cut.

"We cannot allow unfair competition from artificially cheap imports to threaten our industry. I am determined to use all means possible to ensure that our trading partners play by the rules," EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem said in a statement.

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, had opened an investigation into imports of seamless pipes, heavy plates and hot-rolled flat steel from China, the statement said.

The Commission separately imposed anti-dumping duties on cold-rolled flat steel imports from China and Russia.

It recalled that it recently also imposed anti-dumping measures on Chinese steel bars used in the construction industry.

Malmstroem last month urged China to cut output for everyone's sake.

"In the wake of a worrying trend, I urge you to take all appropriate measures to curb the steel overcapacity and other causes aggravating the situation," Malmstroem wrote in a letter to Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng.

The letter also warned China that it faced new probes if nothing was done after its steel exports soared 50 per cent in 2015, destabilising the global market and the EU in particular.

China accounts for half of global steel production but internal demand has slowed sharply along with the economy, forcing it to look overseas.

Beijing has announced plans to cut production by as much as 150 million tonnes over the next five years but this is far short of the 340 million tonnes that experts say the country is overproducing every year.

The latest measure on steel comes amid a growing stand-off between the EU and China, which are major trading partners but which have also had many trade disputes in the past, most bitterly over solar panels which continues to rumble on.

In a separate statement Friday, the Commission said it was extending existing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures on imports of Chinese solar modules and cells via Taiwan and Malaysia.

It said an investigation showed that China was getting around duties by transhipping the goods via Taiwan and Malaysia.

Tensions with China have also grown as Beijing presses the EU to recognise it as a fully market based economy, not a communist, state controlled giant which now ranks second in the world only after the United States.

China joined the World Trade Organisation in 2001 as a developing country, a status giving it 15 years to progressively remove government controls.

Beijing insists it has done just that and should now be recognised as a market economy but many in Brussels disagree.

They say the change in status could mean they will have fewer options to control trade with a China they believe is still dumping exports on the global markets.

Malmstroem's spokesman Daniel Rosario said the EU currently had 37 trade defence regimes in force against imported goods and 16 of these involved Chinese products.

Steel industry group Aegis Europe plans a march in Brussels Monday, expecting to draw several thousand people to a protest against China's market-economy ambitions.

The opening of the investigation with respect to hot-rolled coil and Heavy Plate proves that the Commission considers the European Steel Industry position as justified. We hope for a smooth and fast process of the investigations. The EU Commission has all decided on preliminary measures against China up to 16% and Russia up to 26% in the cold-rolled case. We expect that these preliminary measures will have a stabilizing effect on the European cold-rolled flat steel market. Our outlook for the full year remains unchanged. However, target achievement requires a significant recovery of material markets in our second fiscal half compared with the unsustainable situation, which we have seen in Q1.

ThyssenKrupp's (TYEKY) CEO Heinrich Hiesinger on Q1 2016 Results - Earnings Call Transcript | Seeking Alpha
EU is under US's control. CN-Russia are US enemies now, so they will be EU's enemies,too.

Its soo funny when some Cnese here believe that CN can collaborate wt EU to take down USA :laugh:
EU is under US's control. CN-Russia are US enemies now, so they will be EU's enemies,too.

Its soo funny when some Cnese here believe that CN can collaborate wt EU to take down USA :laugh:

that's what happened when someone lack real life experience. They make very poor judgement.
Good decision.They are heavily subsidised by their goverments,they don't play fairly.
Brussels - The EU launched new probes on Friday into imports of Chinese steel, warning it would not allow "unfair competition" to threaten Europe's industry already crumbling under a flood of cheap imports.

i will put a different perspective here... the simple fact of matter is that europe's steel imports traditionally have not been largely for humanitarian purposes, given that the eu is not a socialist bloc.

i speak of the sheer homelessness especially in britain[1], the steel imports not having been used to create free, good-quality homes and this resulting in unnecessary tragedy :
16:30, UK, Friday 25 September 2015

The number of people sleeping rough in London has doubled over the past 10 years and the UK is sleepwalking into a homelessness crisis, a charity has warned.

In a special investigation, Sky News spent the night in one town where homeless men and women were found sleeping under bridges, in car parks and even in rubbish bins.
Using infrared cameras, we revealed the night-time conditions in several highly dangerous locations used by the rough sleepers, including caves leading to a sheer drop into a river.
After becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, Emma Vellino, 31, became homeless and ended up sleeping in the caves.

Earlier this year she broke her spine after falling into the river Mersey.

It took five fire engines, two police cars and two ambulances to rescue her in a two-hour operation.
She told Sky News: "I'd been sleeping in the caves for about seven years on and off. I was moving around and next minute I was on the floor of the riverbank. I fell 30 feet and I tried to get back up... I was there for three hours."
Charities say the number of people sleeping rough could be even higher than believed because of the difficulty over counting accurately.

The organisations blame welfare cuts, high rents and low income - as well as the availability of "legal highs".

one side-point... the sometime drugs addiction of that the lady in the the above story... when drugs are considered normal in western european culture, in manner of other perversions like trans-sexuality and male homosexuality and anorexic "bikini body" for females ( because the indulgers are "adult", above the western magical age of 18 ), and drugs are promoted by rubbish musicians and idiotic capitalist politicians, it will contribute to degradation of society... and alcohol is drunk more freely than tea.

but more on british homelessness[2] :
Jonathan Owen
Saturday 4 July 2015 23:00 BST

The true number of young people who are homeless far exceeds government figures, according to a major new study by housing experts at Cambridge University being released on Monday.

Some 83,000 homeless young people have had to rely on councils and charities for a roof over their heads during the past year – more than three times the 26,852 young people recorded in homeless figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government. And there are about 35,000 young people in homeless accommodation at any one time across Britain.
Government figures do not capture those who do not meet narrow criteria for being homeless which would force councils to help them. Many homeless people do not come into contact with their local authority, and those that do are often considered to be “intentionally homeless” or not in a “priority need” category such as being under 18 or pregnant, the study says.

More than one in seven young people (17 per cent) have slept rough, including in places such as cars or squats, during the past year, according to a ComRes survey done for the study. “When the poll data was scaled up to reflect the wider population, an estimated 1.3 million young people aged 16 to 24 have slept rough during the past year,” said the research.

so the british government along with the remained of the 40+ nato militaries invaded the libyan jamahiriya in 2011 where there was not only true democracy but also free housing for everyone ( no homelessness ), where as in britain itself the british government has been intentionally not providing free homes to its own citizens.

so what is the british steel imports used for?? well, not only for building capitalist private banks and such institutions but also means of invading socialist countries[3] :
Thousands of tonnes of foreign steel has been used to build the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carriers, we can reveal.

David Cameron last week insisted British steel was being used for the £6.2billion Queen Elizabeth-class ships.

one simply expands all this to rest of the eu.

European steelmakers are reeling from a global glut and last week Luxembourg-based world leader ArcelorMittal blamed China for a colossal $8-billion loss in 2015 while thousands of jobs are being cut.
a major shareholder in arcelormittal is the india-born lakshmi niwas mittal... i suppose the indian government, headed by the hindutva/nationalist party, bjp, must have asked mittal to induce some complaints in britain about china.

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, had opened an investigation into imports of seamless pipes, heavy plates and hot-rolled flat steel from China, the statement said.

The Commission separately imposed anti-dumping duties on cold-rolled flat steel imports from China and Russia.
about russia, there is certainly the element of russia involvement in syria and the happenings in ukraine.

Tensions with China have also grown as Beijing presses the EU to recognise it as a fully market based economy, not a communist, state controlled giant which now ranks second in the world only after the United States.

if that is true, it is wrong.


[1] 'England Sleepwalking Into Homelessness Crisis'

[2] Number of young homeless people in Britain is 'more than three times the official figures' | Home News | News | The Independent

[3] Royal Navy used foreign steel in new aircraft carriers as British workers are laid off - Mirror Online
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they arent you just suck at making steel #reality

Thanks for tagging. IMO the current status quo is due to:
  • Last year China (Mainland, Taiwan) produced 825.312 million tonnes of steel, EU (28 nations) produced 166.181 million tonnes. Economy of scale gives Chinese steelmakers leverage in commodities (iron ore, energy) and other cost advantages.
  • It's estimated that China (Mainland) has an installed capacity of ~1.2 billion tonnes/year, such an over-capacity is one main reason to drive down the non-direct costs of steel.
  • Single currency (Euro zone) for countries with uneven degree of development/competitiveness. Note despite China records trade surplus with EU (28 nations) as a whole, highly competitive German industries enjoy trade surplus with China.
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Right now China has over capacity of steel and they are dumping their steel in international markets. Nothing really could be done other than imposing anti dumping duties.
i will put a different perspective here... the simple fact of matter is that europe's steel imports traditionally have not been largely for humanitarian purposes, given that the eu is not a socialist bloc.

i speak of the sheer homelessness especially in britain[1], the steel imports not having been used to create free, good-quality homes and this resulting in unnecessary tragedy :

one side-point... the sometime drugs addiction of that the lady in the the above story... when drugs are considered normal in western european culture, in manner of other perversions like trans-sexuality and male homosexuality and anorexic "bikini body" for females ( because the indulgers are "adult", above the western magical age of 18 ), and drugs are promoted by rubbish musicians and idiotic capitalist politicians, it will contribute to degradation of society... and alcohol is drunk more freely than tea.

but more on british homelessness[2] :

so the british government along with the remained of the 40+ nato militaries invaded the libyan jamahiriya in 2011 where there was not only true democracy but also free housing for everyone ( no homelessness ), where as in britain itself the british government has been intentionally not providing free homes to its own citizens.

so what is the british steel imports used for?? well, not only for building capitalist private banks and such institutions but also means of invading socialist countries[3] :

one simply expands all this to rest of the eu.

a major shareholder in arcelormittal is the india-born lakshmi niwas mittal... i suppose the indian government, headed by the hindutva/nationalist party, bjp, must have asked mittal to induce some complaints in britain about china.

about russia, there is certainly the element of russia involvement in syria and the happenings in ukraine.

if that is true, it is wrong.


[1] 'England Sleepwalking Into Homelessness Crisis'

[2] Number of young homeless people in Britain is 'more than three times the official figures' | Home News | News | The Independent

[3] Royal Navy used foreign steel in new aircraft carriers as British workers are laid off - Mirror Online

i'm confused/lost. :sick:
Right now China has over capacity of steel and they are dumping their steel in international markets. Nothing really could be done other than imposing anti dumping duties.
what about Russia? we have higher duties

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