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China continues to produce more steel than the rest of the world, COMBINED














  新加坡大华银行集团的董事长,祖籍福建省金门 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinmen ),大华银行发展成新加坡四大银行之一,国际性的大银行集团,他是继郭芳枫、李成伟之后的新加坡华裔金融界富豪。黄祖耀也是新加坡工商联合总会会长、福建会馆的主席、新加坡华文报《星洲日报》董事长,他还曾是南洋大学理事会的理事长。2015福布斯华人富豪榜第46名,世界富豪榜第271名。净资产55亿美元。



  新加坡丰隆集团的创立者,祖籍福建同安, 1928年移居新加坡,1941年和其兄弟合作创立丰隆公司,经营五金、轮胎、采胶工具等,营业逐渐扩大。1948年,丰隆注册为有限公司,下属6家公司,经营种植业,地产业、建筑材料业、贸易业等。1961年与日本三井财团及黑龙水泥公司合资创办水泥厂。1966年创立丰隆金融有限公司。1968年创立丰隆实业有限公司。1972年收购城市发展有限公司(1963年创立)大部分股权,取得该公司控股权。1980年又创立丰隆基金有限公司,其盈利多用于社会慈善事业。丰隆集团在新加坡、马来西亚等地共拥有100多家企业。郭芳枫曾被美国《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志评为世界十大华商富豪之一。













  有“股票经纪王”称号,祖籍福建莆田,其父在民国初期下南洋,以贩鱼为生。他后来成为新加坡最成功的股票经纪, 1996年他正式成为全职的投资家,投资丰益国际股票让他的资产从700万欧元激增70倍,达到5亿欧元,成为新加坡21世纪初投资领域的神话。

  他还是时装零售商FJ本杰明(FJ Benjamin)及啤酒餐厅酿佳香(Brewerkz)的股东。2014年5月18日,在官方网站上宣布,新加坡富商林荣福成为西甲劲旅瓦伦西亚俱乐部新老板。2015世界富豪榜第949名,净资产20亿美元









  印尼首富,祖籍泉州晋江潘湖,与其兄黄惠祥,共同经营印尼针记香烟集团。其父黄维源成立针记集团,是印尼丁香烟的第二大生产商。针记集团有两家银行Bank Hagakjta和Haga Bank,下属近百家分行遍及印尼全国。在房地产方面,集团下属的PT Bukit Mulia除了发展工业区外,也兴建住宅和办公大楼。整个集团的企业超过15家,是印尼最大的商业集团之一。集团在雅加达市中心拥有集商场、写字楼和酒店为一体的综合项目大印尼购物中心。2015福布斯华人富豪榜第22名,世界富豪榜第142名。净资产96亿美元。












  丰益国际股东、董事兼联席首席运营官,祖籍泉州晋江, 于1991年同糖王郭鹤年和其侄子郭孔丰,联合创办的丰益国际在本地股市挂牌。公司前身丰益控股,是世界最大的食用油炼油企业之一。17亿美元资产位列2015华人富豪榜第184名。






  林绍良第三子,祖籍福建省福清,1984年开始担任执行总裁职务主持集团的全面工作。现在除了担任三林集团在印尼、香港、新加坡、菲律宾等地上市公司的董事外,还担任国际性的公司,如ALLIANZ GROUP等公司的董事和上海中远三林置业集团有限公司副董事长。2013年福布斯印尼富豪榜排名首次进入前三甲,其家族总资产63亿美元。



  印尼的烟草大王,祖籍福建福清, 蔡氏家族的盐仓集团由蔡道行和蔡道平兄弟的父亲蔡云辉创立。蔡云辉靠生产九三牌丁香烟开始,组建盐仓丁香烟公司, 70年代将其发展成印尼首屈一指的烟厂。如今,盐仓集团依然是印尼最大的烟草集团,与针记黄氏家族保持一山二虎的竞争关系。

Which such an extensive list of tycoons, entrepreneurs, businessmen, millionaires, billionaires and political leaders all hailing from Fujian, it's no wonder that the cities in the Zhangzhou-Xiamen-Quanzhou-Putian-Fuqing-Fuzhou coastal corridor is 1 of the most heavily-invested
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  印尼首富,祖籍泉州晋江潘湖,与其兄黄惠祥,共同经营印尼针记香烟集团。其父黄维源成立针记集团,是印尼丁香烟的第二大生产商。针记集团有两家银行Bank Hagakjta和Haga Bank,下属近百家分行遍及印尼全国。在房地产方面,集团下属的PT Bukit Mulia除了发展工业区外,也兴建住宅和办公大楼。整个集团的企业超过15家,是印尼最大的商业集团之一。集团在雅加达市中心拥有集商场、写字楼和酒店为一体的综合项目大印尼购物中心。2015福布斯华人富豪榜第22名,世界富豪榜第142名。净资产96亿美元。












  丰益国际股东、董事兼联席首席运营官,祖籍泉州晋江, 于1991年同糖王郭鹤年和其侄子郭孔丰,联合创办的丰益国际在本地股市挂牌。公司前身丰益控股,是世界最大的食用油炼油企业之一。17亿美元资产位列2015华人富豪榜第184名。






  林绍良第三子,祖籍福建省福清,1984年开始担任执行总裁职务主持集团的全面工作。现在除了担任三林集团在印尼、香港、新加坡、菲律宾等地上市公司的董事外,还担任国际性的公司,如ALLIANZ GROUP等公司的董事和上海中远三林置业集团有限公司副董事长。2013年福布斯印尼富豪榜排名首次进入前三甲,其家族总资产63亿美元。



  印尼的烟草大王,祖籍福建福清, 蔡氏家族的盐仓集团由蔡道行和蔡道平兄弟的父亲蔡云辉创立。蔡云辉靠生产九三牌丁香烟开始,组建盐仓丁香烟公司, 70年代将其发展成印尼首屈一指的烟厂。如今,盐仓集团依然是印尼最大的烟草集团,与针记黄氏家族保持一山二虎的竞争关系。

Which such an extensive list of tycoons, entrepreneurs, businessmen, millionaires, billionaires and political leaders all hailing from Fujian, it's no wonder that the cities in the Zhangzhou-Xiamen-Quanzhou-Putian-Fuqing-Fuzhou coastal corridor is 1 of the most heavily-invested

Good to see Fujian diaspora is doing well! Perhaps that's one major driver that makes "Min Nam" (southern Fujian, Taiwan) so successful. You may even consider starting a thread about it.

P.S. Hian di, lu si Hokkien lang bo?
Good to see Fujian diaspora is doing well! Perhaps that's one major driver that makes "Min Nam" (southern Fujian, Taiwan) so successful. You may even consider starting a thread about it.

P.S. Hian di, lu si Hokkien lang bo?

Im Henghua
China’s Steel Juggernaut Gathers Speed in Asia as West Fades

Oct 25, 2016 Bloomberg

A third of all Chinese steel shipments now end up in countries like Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, where rapid economic growth is fueling increased spending.


China’s steel juggernaut is picking up speed closer to home.

As governments in Europe and the U.S. limited supplies of Chinese metal they said was dumped on the market, the world’s largest producer is expanding exports to its neighbors in Southeast Asia. A third of all Chinese shipments now end up in countries like Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, where rapid economic growth is fueling increased spending on infrastructure including highways, airports and office towers.

Southeast Asia’s growing appetite for steel is helping to ease the pain of a global surplus that sent prices plunging last year. It is giving new life to government-owned mills that China had sought to close. But rising imports also are posing longer-term competition for high-end steel products made in Japan and South Korea as China pursues a bigger role in the region’s economy.

“Imports are coming by leaps and bounds,” said Tan Ah Yong, secretary general of the Southeast Asia Iron & Steel Institute, an industry group based in Selangor, Malaysia.

Ten nations in Southeast Asia accounted for 37% of China’s steel exports in the first nine months of 2016, up from 32% a year earlier, and 20% five years ago, according to Chinese General Administration of Customs data. Southeast Asia has been by far the biggest driver of the increase in Chinese shipments, accounting for about two thirds of last year’s gain and almost all of it this year.

Half the World's Steel

China makes half the world’s steel and has been sending more overseas as its domestic capacity rose faster than demand. Global shipments more than quadrupled since the 2008 financial crisis, reaching a record last year, and prices dropped as much as 64% from a peak in 2011. While the market recovered some of those losses this year as Chinese demand improved, the prolonged surplus has forced mills to close across five continents.

To be sure, even before the tariffs were imposed, western countries weren’t major destinations for Chinese steel. Less than 1% of exports went to the U.S. in the first nine months of 2016, the lowest in five years, and less than 6% ended up in Europe, government data show. Those shipments are shrinking as sales jump in Asia, where China’s government seeks more economic and trade clout. Southeast Asia was the biggest source of new demand in the past five years.

A Boon to Steel Buyers

For now, supply has been a boon to buyers in Southeast Asia, where infrastructure spending is expected to expand through the rest of this decade. Vietnam’s economy will grow 6% this year, as the Philippines expands 6.4% and Indonesia 5%, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg.

China is seeking a bigger role in the economies of its neighbors under a policy called One Belt, One Road, which aims to stimulate new trade links. The government also is funding projects in the region through the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to develop more markets for its exports.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, during his visit to Beijing last week, got $24 billion of investment and funding pledges from China, including $11.2 billion of preliminary agreements for projects including railways, ports and energy projects.

While most of China’s exports are commodity products commonly used in construction, mills are investing and exporting more higher-end steel like coated sheet and rolled coil used in manufacturing.

Baosteel Group Corp. and Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Corp., which are merging under a plan intended to consolidate the industry, are building two huge plants on the south coast of China, each with nearly 10 million tons of capacity. These are low-cost, high-quality plants designed to serve domestic markets as well as those elsewhere in Asia, said Laura Zhai, an analyst at Fitch Ratings Inc.

“Where Japan and Korea have already been displaced is the kind of middle-of-the-road flat products like re-rolling grades of hot-rolled coil,” said Tomas Gutierrez, an analyst at Kallanish Commodities Ltd. in Shanghai.

Such incursions pose a competition for more established companies in the region including Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. and JFE Holdings Inc., Japan’s top two producers, or South Korea’s Posco.

While competition is sure to increase, the influx of Chinese supply may have limited impact on markets for higher-end steel, especially from Japanese or Korean manufacturers with operations in Southeast Asia, said Risaburo Nezu, a senior research adviser at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan.

“I question if Japanese manufacturers will shift away from Japanese steel in favor of Chinese steel,” Nezu said. “I don’t know how realistic that possibility is.”
China’s Steel Juggernaut Gathers Speed in Asia as West Fades
longer-term competition for high-end steel products made in Japan and South Korea as China pursues a bigger role in the region’s economy.
Baosteel Group Corp. and Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Corp., which are merging under a plan intended to consolidate the industry, are building two huge plants on the south coast of China, each with nearly 10 million tons of capacity.
pose a competition for more established companies in the region including Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. and JFE Holdings Inc., Japan’s top two producers, or South Korea’s Posco.
“I question if Japanese manufacturers will shift away from Japanese steel in favor of Chinese steel,” Nezu said. “I don’t know how realistic that possibility is.”

Good news.
  1. Asia infra market is expanding, good news for Chinese steelmakers.
  2. Japanese overseas manufacturers is an opportunity. Example: Toyota uses Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp (before 2011 merger, both Nippon Steel and Toyota are directly under the same Keireitsu - Mitsui) only in domestic production, but worldwide strategic partner is South Korea's POSCO. Mitsui, Nippon Steel, POSCO and Baosteel have very long and deep history of co-operation and tech sharing, chances are Baosteel can also tap into this opportunity.
  3. Contrary to orderless competition, the fact is that these steelmakers are highly integrated in whole value chain from capital, production, technology (and principal/heavy equipment), maritime logistics to upstream iron ore mining.
Mitsui - one of the six Keiretsu - has maintained deep ties with both CCP since Deng Xiaoping era, and South Korean elites (the Chaebol families) since President Park Chun-hee. Background of Mitsui, Baosteel and POSCO:

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Good news.
  1. Asia infra market is expanding, good news for Chinese steelmakers.
  2. Japanese overseas manufacturers is an opportunity. Example: Toyota uses Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp (before 2011 merger, both Nippon Steel and Toyota are directly under the same Keireitsu - Mitsui) only in domestic production, but worldwide strategic partner is South Korea's POSCO. Mitsui, Nippon Steel, POSCO and Baosteel have very long and deep history of co-operation and tech sharing, chances are Baosteel can also tap into this opportunity.
  3. Contrary to orderless competition, the fact is that these steelmakers are highly integrated in whole value chain from capital, production, technology (and principal/heavy equipment), maritime logistics to upstream iron ore mining.
Mitsui - one prominent Keiretsu - has maintained strong connection with both PRC and SK government since decades ago. Background of Mitsui, Baosteel and POSCO:
Wuhan Ore and Steel has just been merged into Baosteel!
Steel and coal firms reach capacity reduction targets early
China Daily, October 26, 2016


Workers at a coalmine in Huaibei, Anhui province. [Photo/China Daily]

China is expected to reach the annual targets set for cutting overcapacity ahead of schedule this year, but pressure of excessive production suggests no easing up on the continued efforts.

China is expected to hit its annual target to reduce steel production by the end of this month and is expected to reach the goal for coal production by the end of November, according to Xu Kunlin, vice-minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, citing "strengthened supervision and inspection."

More than 80 percent of the target reductions were already reached in the two sectors by the end of September and some large scale State-owned enterprises have already reached their year-end targets, according to Xu.

Annual targets set for coal capacity and steel capacity reduction are 280 million and 45 million metric tons, respectively, according to Xu.

Xu made the remarks after 10 inspection teams were deployed by the State Council earlier last month, when progress "fell far behind the expected level."

"But fundamentals of production exceeding demand have yet to be changed and we will not see a major improvement in the near future," said Xu.

Demand for coal is expected to reach at most 4.1 billion tons by the end of 2020, while capacity will remain at 4.6 billion tons, according to Xu, suggesting further efforts are needed to upgrade the industries while cutting overcapacity.

"Recent soaring coal prices have made the task more challenging," he added, as an expected winter increase in demand for coal is pushing up prices.

Earlier this month, the commission allowed coal companies in areas with short supply to increase production and to extend working days from 276 to 330 this year.

Yang Fuqiang, a senior analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council, warned that although government supervision helped facilitate hitting the short-term targets, a market-based approach should always be in place.

"Extended working days should only be allowed for companies with high-quality capacity, and the market should speak itself," said Yang.

In line with his remarks, Liu Shengjun, an economist with Lujiazui Institute of International Finance, said too much government intervention may have sent wrong signals to enterprises.
China's building materials sector picks up
(Xinhua) 20:31, October 27, 2016

BEIJING, Oct. 27 -- China's building materials sector warmed up in the first three quarters this year as the country's housing market gained momentum, official data showed on Thursday.

Cement output rose 2.6 percent year on year to 1.77 billion tonnes, compared with the 4.7 percent drop during the same period last year, said the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

Output of flat glass increased 4.1 percent, compared with the 7.5 percent drop during the same period last year.

The data came as the property sector, a major consumer of cement and flat glass, gained momentum in the first nine months boosted by interest rate cuts and lower deposits.

Of 70 large and medium-sized cities surveyed in September, 63 saw new home prices climb month on month, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

China's property sector investment rose 5.8 percent year on year in the first nine months of 2016, higher than 5.4 percent posted in the first eight months and 5.3 percent for the January-July period, according to the NBS.

However, the property market has become increasingly diversified, with major cities reporting record prices and smaller cities struggling with oversupply.
Wuhan Ore and Steel has just been merged into Baosteel!


Baosteel is doing well. Helped by cost cutting and a rebound in steel prices, the company posted a net profit of 5.6 billion yuan ($826 million) in the January-September, net earnings in the first three quarters surged 148.3 percent year on year. Meanwhile it also predicted profit for the whole of 2016 to soar 600-800 percent to 9 billion yuan.

Shares of Baoshan, whose merger with Wuhan Iron & Steel Group is expected to be completed soon, gained 2.15 percent to close at 5.69 yuan yesterday.

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China steel exports to remain high in 2017: report
Xinhua, November 18, 2016

China's steel exports will remain high in 2017 due to flat consumption domestically and slow capacity rationalization, a recent report pointed out, forecasting exports at 100 million tonnes next year.

International rating agency Fitch expects Chinese apparent steel consumption to remain between 700 and 705 million tonnes next year, reflecting decelerating property growth, stable infrastructure investment growth, and a favorable outlook for Chinese automobile and appliance consumption.

On the other hand, capacity rationalization will remain a key theme of the sector, with a target of 14 million to 27 million tonnes annually until 2020.

As a result, exports should remain high in 2017 as Chinese producers continue to benefit from the yuan's exchange rate and lower raw-material prices, the report concludes.

China's over-supplied steel sector experienced years of plunging prices and factory shutdowns due to the sluggish economy. However, with encouragement from the upward trend of prices from the beginning of this year, many steel mills are resuming production.

Official data showed China's crude steel production increased 0.4 percent year on year to 603.78 million tonnes in the January-September period.


If Trump Government (c) starts to build some roads and bridges to promote economic growth and provide jobs, China can supply them with lots of good quality, affordable steel. I think Trump would not say "no" to this because it economically makes sense. Hopefully, no illegals will be employed on those projects.
China steel exports to remain high in 2017: report
Xinhua, November 18, 2016

China's steel exports will remain high in 2017 due to flat consumption domestically and slow capacity rationalization, a recent report pointed out, forecasting exports at 100 million tonnes next year.

International rating agency Fitch expects Chinese apparent steel consumption to remain between 700 and 705 million tonnes next year, reflecting decelerating property growth, stable infrastructure investment growth, and a favorable outlook for Chinese automobile and appliance consumption.

On the other hand, capacity rationalization will remain a key theme of the sector, with a target of 14 million to 27 million tonnes annually until 2020.

As a result, exports should remain high in 2017 as Chinese producers continue to benefit from the yuan's exchange rate and lower raw-material prices, the report concludes.

China's over-supplied steel sector experienced years of plunging prices and factory shutdowns due to the sluggish economy. However, with encouragement from the upward trend of prices from the beginning of this year, many steel mills are resuming production.

Official data showed China's crude steel production increased 0.4 percent year on year to 603.78 million tonnes in the January-September period.


If Trump Government (c) starts to build some roads and bridges to promote economic growth and provide jobs, China can supply them with lots of good quality, affordable steel. I think Trump would not say "no" to this because it economically makes sense. Hopefully, no illegals will be employed on those projects.

Do you have any idea why China's exports are declining right now? They are declining at a rather alarming speed!
Do you have any idea why China's exports are declining right now? They are declining at a rather alarming speed!

They are declining because the indian curry express times said so, so all the dumb Punjab turban terrorists are dancing with joy, while they have no toilets to use and are starving due to the plummeting indian economy, caused by the tyrant Osama Currymuncher Hussein Modi
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