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China confronted India warship off Vietnam

Awh jeez! This thread still going? Why do people like fake news?
you Vietnamese were hated for your betrayal behaviour, you "oversea" vietnameses like to suck up with a rival faction and make enemies with other side of faction: such "White" Khamer and communiste...a lot have been put into a slaughte chamber by white Khamer...then before Vietcon invade Cambodia, these people suck up with vietnamese armies...then got burry alive by Khamer rouge. In Laos, it more subtile most vietnames were executed by assasination...

Sure you can claim to kill alot of bad guys...but "oversea" Vietnamese were the ones who have to pays for the consequence. AS for the donation...China has out-perform you tiny vietnamese donation, we have completely demolish Vietnamese influence in Cambodia and Laos...we built roads..bridge...basically you guys are less than nothing beside confinding in you vietnamese boundary. I dont know where you get that China has made donation to "Laos-Viet" bank..,but ok I give you a benificary of doubt...one thing you must remember..China don't give a free luch as 50s to 70s without get anything back..most likely vietnamese goverment already give China a concession to exploit a mountain of gold in your country...sure you can buy what ever you want.

What ever between China and Indonesia is our business...we know how to deal with them, we have plenty of time, sure we will find a satisfactory respond to that...don't need Vietnam to stir up the concern....

As for SCS and Malacca Straight...just make sure that your ships are safe (mechant, fish & military boats) when leaving the sea port..or if your vietnamese sea port will ever operational when China decide to purge Vietname.

You demolish our influence in Cambodia and Laos just by built roads..bridge ?? keep day dreaming bro :lol:, we can send VNese troop any time we want to protect Laos-Camb, but CHina can not send any troop to 'demolish' our influence there. You also built roads, bridges in VN, but we can send you home any time we want , you have a very little influent in IndoChina .
What ever between China and Indonesia is our business...we know how to deal with them, we have plenty of time, sure we will find a satisfactory respond to that...don't need Vietnam to stir up the concern....
How to deal when they don't like you ??we Viet-Laos block your way to Indonesia, so you can not threaten them like what you're doing to VN, don't make them angry with you more , you have to pay very high cost to Indonesian :P

You're the Bigest traior of USSR, so you have no Right to hate VN , we recieved USSR's order to teach the Traior a lesson .
You demolish our influence in Cambodia and Laos just by built roads..bridge ?? keep day dreaming bro :lol:, we can send VNese troop any time we want to protect Laos-Camb, but CHina can not send any troop to 'demolish' our influence there. You also built roads, bridges in VN, but we can send you home any time we want , you have a very little influent in IndoChina .

How to deal when they don't like you ??we Viet-Laos block your way to Indonesia, so you can not threaten them like what you're doing to VN, don't make them angry with you more , you have to pay very high cost to Indonesian :P

You're the Bigest traior of USSR, so you have no Right to hate VN , we recieved USSR's order to teach the Traior a lesson .

Haha you still think vietnam today is the same that you have U.S.S.R to back you up? lol all your troops have been recall...if Vietnam dare to send troop to Laos and Cam...that's act of invasion so China can use same arguments as protecting Laos and Cambodia to Invade Vietnam.

We don't send troop to demolish vietname influence...but diplomats and $$$, Vietian and Phnom Pen are full of Chinese business men...what you guys got...you vietnamese there are just selling PHo and vietnamese cuisine nothing else? We build bridge and road for vietname using our people and equipment so we don't teach you anything but gain moneys form your gorvernment..amazing isn't it?...up untill now you vietnamese can't even builtroad and bridge..sure tell me the greatness of vietnam

We dont have influence in IndoChina??? ask ASEAN countries...what is meaning ASEAN +3...VN just sit on the corner in the organization dont have anything to say in economy nor politic. Vietnam may block our way but we have Laos and Thai...now China construct the high speed train from Yunan to Singapore passing Throught Laos...block our way??

Traitor to USSR? China was never been slave like VN to take order from Soviet...sur you receive order :lol:from USSR..what else you can do???
Well china could have Sunk that ship but probbly since they are gentlemen they did not do much
This area is a big problem,more accident will be happen in here
Haha you still think vietnam today is the same that you have U.S.S.R to back you up? lol all your troops have been recall...if Vietnam dare to send troop to Laos and Cam...that's act of invasion so China can use same arguments as protecting Laos and Cambodia to Invade Vietnam.

We don't send troop to demolish vietname influence...but diplomats and $$$, Vietian and Phnom Pen are full of Chinese business men...what you guys got...you vietnamese there are just selling PHo and vietnamese cuisine nothing else? We build bridge and road for vietname using our people and equipment so we don't teach you anything but gain moneys form your gorvernment..amazing isn't it?...up untill now you vietnamese can't even builtroad and bridge..sure tell me the greatness of vietnam

We dont have influence in IndoChina??? ask ASEAN countries...what is meaning ASEAN +3...VN just sit on the corner in the organization dont have anything to say in economy nor politic. Vietnam may block our way but we have Laos and Thai...now China construct the high speed train from Yunan to Singapore passing Throught Laos...block our way??

Traitor to USSR? China was never been slave like VN to take order from Soviet...sur you receive order :lol:from USSR..what else you can do???

1. we sent tropp to protect Laos untill 1992, bcz Laos have No aggressor and her Govt. is our special friend now, so we don't need to sent any more.

No one belive CHina can protect Laos-Camb bcz you lost in 1979 war and failed to protect Camb, so your $$$ is not enough to 'demolish' our influent :P.

2. ASEAN +3 means CHina is our cash-cow, so we need you to donate more money, if you refuse it , then No money , no Honey :P

3. Same to you, we're not your slave , so, we can kick you out any time we want and stop blaming or hating us just bcz we sent your Hoa home in 1979 .
1. we sent tropp to protect Laos untill 1992, bcz Laos have No aggressor and her Govt. is our special friend now, so we don't need to sent any more.

No one belive CHina can protect Laos-Camb bcz you lost in 1979 war and failed to protect Camb, so your $$$ is not enough to 'demolish' our influent :P.

2. ASEAN +3 means CHina is our cash-cow, so we need you to donate more money, if you refuse it , then No money , no Honey :P

3. Same to you, we're not your slave , so, we can kick you our any time we want and stop blaming or hating us just bcz we send you home in 1979 .

1- Lol you master collapse in 1991...you leave Laos 1992?? as I said without your master, you're useless, it seem the Russia is not good enough or maybe not too supportive...now Vietnam is keep looking a new master: tell me India or U.S? :lol:
sure China can protect Laos anytime...even with a tiny friction in south china sea, you S.o.S vietnam sent a distress throuth out the world trying to get help...because you have no longer a master to back you up...

I don't even bother to bring up 79..I have already had alot of discussion about that even...Just remember your history...if we have annexe your once..we can repeat again. No matter how you good you wrote in your history book..you can put Vietname win 79 war..noone care. at the end who has a bigger gun count.

2 Cash Cow..sure we have cash..but you have minerals, wood, rubber...sure it's a good deal..we just need to corrupt your gorvernment and we got a good chunk of your precious material...why not...same for other ASEAN countries.

3 Kick us any time? we slap Vietnam face and get out you dared not to counter-attack...
1- Lol you master collapse in 1991...you leave Laos 1992?? as I said without your master, you're useless, it seem the Russia is not good enough or maybe not too supportive...now Vietnam is keep looking a new master: tell me India or U.S? :lol:
sure China can protect Laos anytime...even with a tiny friction in south china sea, you S.o.S vietnam sent a distress throuth out the world trying to get help...because you have no longer a master to back you up...

I don't even bother to bring up 79..I have already had alot of discussion about that even...Just remember your history...if we have annexe your once..we can repeat again. No matter how you good you wrote in your history book..you can put Vietname win 79 war..noone care. at the end who has a bigger gun count.

2 Cash Cow..sure we have cash..but you have minerals, wood, rubber...sure it's a good deal..we just need to corrupt your gorvernment and we got a good chunk of your precious material...why not...same for other ASEAN countries.

3 Kick us any time? we slap Vietnam face and get out you dared not to counter-attack...

1. So does Laos have any enemies after 1992 ??why must we stay there and waste our time if Laos is in safe and become our special friend now ??

btw we still have 20.000 Vietnamese living in Laos , 164.000 VNese in Laos-Camb-Thai to keep helping and protecting Laos-Camb, and how many Hoa-Chinese living permanently there to help and protect them ??

200.000 men means we have around 20 battalion in Laos already :P

Hiện nay cộng đồng người Việt Nam tại Lào có khoảng 20.000 người, đa số sống ở Thủ đô và các thành phố lớn như Vientiane 5000 người, Champasac 5000 người, Savannakhet 3000 người và Khammuon 2000 người...

2. You're the Cash-cow of all ASEAN nations, you can not corrupt all of us, and thank for your money we Indonesia-Malaysia- VN can affort to consider about buying a Carrier now :P

3. You slap on my face but we killed your friend-your allies, so who got more hurt ?? do you feel hurt when losing your allies ??
1. So does Laos have any enemies after 1992 ??why must we stay there and waste our time if Laos is in safe and become our special friend now ??

btw we still have 20.000 Vietnamese living in Laos , 164.000 VNese in Laos-Camb-Thai to keep helping and protecting Laos-Camb, and how many Hoa-Chinese living permanently there to help and protect them ??

200.000 men means we have around 20 battalion in Laos already :P


2. You're the Cash-cow of all ASEAN nations, you can not corrupt all of us, and thank for your money we Indonesia-Malaysia- VN can affort to consider about buying a Carrier now :P

3. You slap on my face but we killed your friend-your allies, so who got more hurt ?? do you feel hurt when losing your allies ??

1 Who's Laos enemy before 1992? You leave because you don't get anymore the support from U.S.S.R.
20.000 Vietnamese living in Laos , 164.000 VNese in Laos-Camb-Thai to keep helping and protecting Laos-Camb? such big mouth..make sure that they won't be slaughted again..this time there will not be a chinatown or sanctuary for them to hide.

We over chinese don't mess up with Laos or CAmbodia politic..we're there only for business.

2. Sure Vietnamese offiers are the best to corrupt...that's why Chineses can go where ever we want and get what ever our nation need from vietnam...you guys just have big mouth when come to $$$..you know how to open your eyes.

3. tell me if I slap you and you slap other person, do I get hurt..where is your logic?
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