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China confirms takeover of Gwadar port: Report

you guys must be happy giving your lands away to china and USA:enjoy: khud bhi kar lia Karo kuch:enjoy:
China would finally convert Gwadar port into a Chinese Naval base. They need it for their long term strategic interests. From Gwadar they would be able to dominate the shipping lanes in the Straits of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea.

The rapid expansion of China’s naval capabilities and broader military profile is a classic manifestation of its aim of attaining great power status. China’s new naval strategy of “far sea defense” is aimed at giving Beijing the ability to project its power in key oceanic areas, including and most significantly the Indian Ocean.

China has been acquiring naval facilities along the crucial choke-points in the Indian Ocean not only to serve its economic interests but also to enhance its strategic presence in the region.

It is possible to explain the construction of these ports and facilities by China on purely economic and commercial grounds, but regional and global powers like the US, Japan and India inevitably view the sum total of China’s diplomatic and military efforts in the Indian Ocean as projecting power vis-à-vis competing rivals. Moreover, most of Chinese naval facilities in the Indian Ocean are dual use in nature and no serious strategy can discount their future military use.

In addition, China has 11,000 PLA troops stationed in Pakistan Administered Kashmir. The way Pakistan is welcoming China with open arms to establish bases (Under the guise of construction and development of infrastructure), it seems it is on the way to becoming a protectorate of China or perhaps an autonomous region of China like TAR, in the not too distant future.
When China will become the number one superpower, it will help Pakistan to become the second world superpower. Our all weather friendship stands stronger day by day. Our brotherhood will emerge as the most powerful in the universe.

Sure, we will make sure that Pakistan can manage to get its per capita closer to us in the future, and together we will smash anyone who is trying to against us.
China would finally convert Gwadar port into a Chinese Naval base. They need it for their long term strategic interests. From Gwadar they would be able to dominate the shipping lanes in the Straits of Hormuz and the Arabian Sea.

The rapid expansion of China’s naval capabilities and broader military profile is a classic manifestation of its aim of attaining great power status. China’s new naval strategy of “far sea defense” is aimed at giving Beijing the ability to project its power in key oceanic areas, including and most significantly the Indian Ocean.

China has been acquiring naval facilities along the crucial choke-points in the Indian Ocean not only to serve its economic interests but also to enhance its strategic presence in the region.

It is possible to explain the construction of these ports and facilities by China on purely economic and commercial grounds, but regional and global powers like the US, Japan and India inevitably view the sum total of China’s diplomatic and military efforts in the Indian Ocean as projecting power vis-à-vis competing rivals. Moreover, most of Chinese naval facilities in the Indian Ocean are dual use in nature and no serious strategy can discount their future military use.

In addition, China has 11,000 PLA troops stationed in Pakistan Administered Kashmir. The way Pakistan is welcoming China with open arms to establish bases (Under the guise of construction and development of infrastructure), it seems it is on the way to becoming a protectorate of China or perhaps an autonomous region of China like TAR, in the not too distant future.

All the above points are more scary for India than US. The above are all in interests of Paakistan and against Interests of India. So i being a Pakistani and am sure every Pakistani will welcome the above and are not gonna be fooled by emotional blackmailing like the one line in red is trying to make us.
Do it. whats the big deal. His group is not having any money in US/UK/ EU etc etc banks.

still there are some factors that US will not do so, so soon.

But they should delcare it as so we dont mind , but dont pressurize us to use all our resources for attacking them and putting eye off TTP terrorists.

As I wrote in that thread, it is a domestic pre-election stunt. The designation will be silently dropped next year.
It seems it is on the way to becoming a protectorate of China or perhaps an autonomous region of China like TAR, in the not too distant future.

Well it seems more obvious that you are here for the very purpose of trolling , Will it be the first time a country will host another country's base ? So all others who have done so in the past have become protectorates or province like ? :azn:

Severe obsession.
The lack of psychological treatment is making it worse for them !
A Chinese company has been contracted to manage the port...and Indians are having brown pants like PLA is marching at their border.. Soo much paronia against China that India president even fears raising a defensive corps...Yet Indians talk about becoming a supaaah powaaah!
If i am not wrong this news comes after Gen Kyani confirms his visit to Russia.

So i think China after a long delay china now decided to take control.

I think that they have some kind of fear that Pakistan may offer Russia to take over gawadar port and Russia will take over and may accept this offer ...
A Chinese company has been contracted to manage the port...and Indians are having brown pants like PLA is marching at their border.. Soo much paronia against China that India president even fears raising a defensive corps...Yet Indians talk about becoming a supaaah powaaah!

1. In the unfolding scenario brown pants of Indians are in order. Watch carefully the moves made by the Chinese known for their patience and perseverance. She has made friends with Turkey, Iran who join Pakistan in the list. Post-US Afghans will also join. Thereafter, China will have a secure Sinkiang-Gwadar approach in the Wests of the subcontinent.

2. Owing to India's bellicose nature, SL has also been won over by China.

3. In the East of Indian Ocean, Indonesia has been a friend of China. Malaysia also. With an anti-India administration likely to emerge next in BD, China will develop the Magnama-Moishkhali Deep Sea Port.

4. All these will either diminish or eradicate US influence over this region of the Indian Ocean. For BD and Pakistan, this will lock India into a Chinese pincer that Ayub Khan used to talk about.
I suspect there will be more going on at Gwadar than meets the eye. Like I wrote, not everything needs to be spelled out in a press release, and not everything requires an overt military base. The Pak-China relationship is based on a long term alignment of interests. I am sure the Indians and the Americans are taking note of developments. If you feel they are unduly concerned, so be it.

Okay. Let's see what development(s) or lack thereof happens with regards to Gwadar. Just don't hold your breath.

.....................---just imagine a wide 4 lane highway and a double track railroad leading directly into heartland russia---an access never visually imagined while standing on the shores of the arabian seas---in front----mother russia on the back---pakistan---china and india on one flank---and the whole of middle east on the other flank----.....................

Yawn. Imagine it all you want, I will wake up when there is something tangible being actually built.
Sure, we will make sure that Pakistan can manage to get its per capita closer to us in the future, and together we will smash anyone who is trying to against us.

This surely is nice friendly idea. I hope you also start implementing it by moving some of the manufacturing base to pakistan. showing the lolipop of doing in future may convince some on the forum but to others its like taking credit without doing anything.
Pakistan's per capita can be increased by only hard working pakistanis.
Yawn. Imagine it all you want, I will wake up when there is something tangible being actually built.


So---one day we heard loud knocking on the door in the middle of the night---. I was a young kid---but we knew that it must be a patient---. So dad my goes out---then comes back smiling after a little while---. I was awake by then---my mom said whats happening---why are you smiling----.

He replied---'oh this patient I had just now---had a real big YAWN---it locked his jaw in the open position and he could not shut his mouth'. My mom asked---'what did you do'---my dad replied---' I punched him on the side of the jaw and fixed the problem'.

It has been 45 or 48 years---I have not forgotten it.

So---one day we heard loud knocking on the door in the middle of the night---. I was a young kid---but we knew that it must be a patient---. So my goes out---then comes back smiling after a little while---. I was awake by then---my mom said whats happening---why are you smiling----.

He replied---'oh this patient I had just now---had a real big YAWN---it locked his jaw in the open position and he could not shut his mouth'. My mom asked---'what did you do'---my dad replied---' I punched him on the side of the jaw and fixed the problem'.

It has been 45 or 48 years---I have not forgotten it.

Cute story, even funny slightly, but rather pointless. :D
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