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China confirms takeover of Gwadar port: Report

This surely is nice friendly idea. I hope you also start implementing it by moving some of the manufacturing base to pakistan. showing the lolipop of doing in future may convince some on the forum but to others its like taking credit without doing anything.
Pakistan's per capita can be increased by only hard working pakistanis.

Of course we will, after finish upgrading our chain of manufacturers, we will ship a lot of jobs to Pakistan to boast its manufacting capability as our first priority. :coffee:
Dont understand the reason why Pakistan can't develop and expand its own ports. Pakistan's current ports are third class. This one can be a reason for national pride, but its now sold.
China taking control of gwadar is very important event in our time ,China will start investing in gwadar port facility and wait for 2014 allied withdraw from afghanistan .then invest in Highways & rail network in pakistan .once the terrorist don't have safe house in afghanistan there will be no terrerist attack in pakistan ,gwadar will bring peace and prosperity to baluchistan and whole of pakistan.
Gwadar will get status like Dubai in Future.
Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia
Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia - English pravda.ru


The relations between the U.S. and Pakistan, despite the numerous attempts to revive them, are falling apart. Therefore, establishing close cooperation with Pakistan will give Russia a real chance to gain a foothold in Central and South Asia. In addition, Russia will be able to access the Indian Ocean, and make the U.S. troops in Afghanistan directly dependent on its logistics.

The constant and rude attempts of the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of a nuclear power raise overt anger in this country at all levels. An opinion poll conducted by Pew Research Center (USA) in the beginning of this year showed that 74 percent of Pakistanis view the U.S. as an "enemy." Not that long ago, the whole country was discussing the scandal connected with the resignation of the Pakistani ambassador to the United States. Husain Haqqani wrote a secret letter, in which he asked for help in preventing a military coup, which was allegedly plotted in Pakistan, and promised certain concessions in return.

But even this pro-American official said last week that the goals and priorities of the two countries would not be the same in near future. That is why, he said, the USA and Pakistan should give up their attempts to build a partnership and pay attention to their own interests instead. "If in 65 years we haven't been able to find sufficient common reasons to live together ... It may be better to find friendship outside the family ties," Haqqani told Reuters.

The brazen drone bombings of the Pakistani territory, the uncoordinated military operation to destroy Osama bin Laden, the accusations of supplying materials for Iran's nuclear program have prompted Pakistan to seek cooperation with Russia. A special envoy of the President of Russia visited Pakistan in May 2012. Putin himself accepted the invitation to come to Pakistan for a bilateral meeting in Islamabad, prior to the IV quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan. The meeting is to be held in Islamabad on 26-27 September 2012 with the participation of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Russia. A new strategic partnership is brewing in the region.

Pakistan was one of three countries that officially recognized the power of Taliban movement in Afghanistan. There is no logic in the decision of the USA to make Pakistan its ally after 9/11. Indeed, Afghanistan and Pakistan are two brotherly nations. Ten billion dollars that the States invested in Pakistan's economy during ten years are not enough to make the country "sell and destroy itself," as Minister of Science and Technology Azam Khan Swati said.

In case of partnership with Pakistan, Russia could take control of the logistics of the U.S. military bases in Afghanistan. Russia already controls the Northern Distribution Network in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan that border on Afghanistan. If we add the southern routes from Karachi to Chaman and Torkham, then all deliveries will have to be coordinated through the Russian-Pakistani alliance.

If this scenario becomes reality, Russia will obtain enormous leverage over the United States. In one fell swoop, it will remove the Mideastern loop, which can not be tightened today just because of Iran. What is more, Russia will receive access to the Indian Ocean through the Arabian Sea and the ports of Gwadar or Karachi and then to the Strait of Hormuz, bypassing the alliance with Iran, which is not beneficial for Russia now.

In addition, Pakistan has been an observer at the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a regional international organization, founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) since 2005. One could go further on the geopolitical level, and make the country a permanent member of the SCO. Given that Afghanistan, India and Iran also look for partnerships in the bloc, one should welcome them as members too. The U.S. would thus face a dilemma: either give away South Asia for the SCO (to Russia and China that is) or try to retain the region at all costs.

With Pakistan's help, Russia would be able to control terrorist activities in Central Asia. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) is the largest Islamist political organization in Central Asia. It is present in Afghanistan on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border, and Pakistan's role could be crucial in the fight against this menace.

The Commander of Pakistan Air Force, Air Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, visited Russia in August. He told Thenews.com.pk portal that "it was a great visit with a positive result, and we can expect closer cooperation with Russia in the field of defense, particularly air defense." According to experts, Pakistan is interested in buying Mi-35 attack helicopters, Mi-17 transport helicopters, engines for JF-17 program, missile defense systems, submarines and so on.

Russia made another thoughtful decision as it offered Pakistan help in solving the country's energy crisis. Gazprom is ready to invest in Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, rather than in the risky TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India), which has the support of the United States. In addition, Russia's Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Factory (MMK), with 75 percent of shares, will help expand the capabilities of Pakistan Steel Mills from 1 million to 3 million tons of production a year. Pakistan, in turn, can provide access to mineral resources in Balochistan and the Thar coal deposit.

It is important to remember that Pakistan sits on the crossroads of east to west and north to south trade corridors, including the new Silk Road Project in South Asia, which the Americans cherish. Russia needs to firmly define its economic priorities and defend them strongly. If the resources are not needed, then one should keep the transportation routes of those resources under control. A mega breakthrough is possible in the future: the "Persian Gulf - Bering Strait" railroad. The road will cross the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Turksib and the Trans-Asian Railway from China to Europe.

Lyuba Lulko


Read the original in Russian

it will was all possible just because of our great friendship with great china, which is allways our supporter without any greed & demands, we pakistanis love & respect , our friendship with china!
we hope with , mutual co-opreation & trust , we will change the geo-political grouping of this un-justifyed world.:china::china::china::tup:
for those, who still living in the past, thats the future we will be , walking ahead with our friends!:wave:
China taking control of gwadar is very important event in our time ,China will start investing in gwadar port facility and wait for 2014 allied withdraw from afghanistan .then invest in Highways & rail network in pakistan .once the terrorist don't have safe house in afghanistan there will be no terrerist attack in pakistan ,gwadar will bring peace and prosperity to baluchistan and whole of pakistan.
Gwadar will get status like Dubai in Future.

All that will happen before or after we all sing Kumbayah? :D
China taking control of gwadar is very important event in our time ,China will start investing in gwadar port facility and wait for 2014 allied withdraw from afghanistan .then invest in Highways & rail network in pakistan .once the terrorist don't have safe house in afghanistan there will be no terrerist attack in pakistan ,gwadar will bring peace and prosperity to baluchistan and whole of pakistan.
Gwadar will get status like Dubai in Future.
positive indian with positive thinking!
not only china, but i am very affarmative, it will bring opportunities for indian companies sure, if both countries kept thier cool & could build more trust!

Dont understand the reason why Pakistan can't develop and expand its own ports. Pakistan's current ports are third class. This one can be a reason for national pride, but its now sold.

keep twisting & trolling!
but its a done deal!:lol::china::pakistan::tup:

pakistan is like a man letting another man sleep with his wife to get back at his more powerful neighbour.

your future on this fourm is dark , really dark!:lol:
China taking control of gwadar is very important event in our time ,China will start investing in gwadar port facility and wait for 2014 allied withdraw from afghanistan .then invest in Highways & rail network in pakistan .once the terrorist don't have safe house in afghanistan there will be no terrerist attack in pakistan ,gwadar will bring peace and prosperity to baluchistan and whole of pakistan.
Gwadar will get status like Dubai in Future.


And it would be of usage to india as well---. Iran is going to shut itself off from the world one day---india cannot depend on chabahar---once serious sanctions are imposed upon iran.

With russia getting involved---it would help evryone in the region---india included.
Orangutan, you could not have got it more wrong.. you willingly let americans bomb your soil (f**k you) by taking money (only ****** get f^^^ed for money). you willingly let china setup a base (you are becoming their rakhail. hahaha.. there is a subtle difference between trading and whoring. we all know who does what.
LOL... i have respect for other only not for you guys.

I think you inert fool that he would have the last laugh because your post is being reported to the Mods. If you dislike Pakistan to such an extent then why did you join this forum...typical attention seeking brat that needs to go to the dentists and clean his dirty mouth. The Chinese are excellent at developing a port, example is Dalian, Shenzhen and they way they run the three gorges dam is superb. So mind your own business and fix your own house, as Assam doesn't look too good and you have your own corruption problems.
the Gwadar port will be important for Pak as currently Karachi port handles all major merchant operations

opening of Gwadar means increase in number of these ops

Yes, but going to the moon was not a commercially viable venture. I am sure you can see my point: there is a big difference between achievable and viable.

As an exercise, please consider the logistics of an oil pipeline through the northern areas of Pakistan, supplying 1 million barrels of oil per day over the 16,000 ft (about 4,700m) high Khunjerab Pass, through all months of the year, complete with pumping stations and servicing and security issues through an active earthquake zone (remember Attabad Lake?). Let's start with design, financing and construction, let alone reliable operation for years and years afterwards.

If you consider road transport via KKH as an option, it will take about 5,500 18-wheeler tanker trucks (or about 50 to 100 standard two-mile long freight trains, depending on grade and engine/braking capacity) to transport a million barrels of crude, roughly - per day, every day throughout the year. Try that as a logistics exercise too, please.

Similar constraints would apply to goods transport via road or rail.

northern Pak is earthquake zone? didn't know that

BTW what Attabad Lake incident you are taking about
the Gwadar port will be important for Pak as currently Karachi port handles all major merchant operations

opening of Gwadar means increase in number of these ops

northern Pak is earthquake zone? didn't know that

BTW what Attabad Lake incident you are taking about

ALL of the Hindu Kush range is an active earthquake zone.

Details about Attabad Lake are worth a read:

Attabad Lake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan to seek Chinese assistance in developing Gwadar

BEIJING: Pakistan is expected to seek assistance from China in developing Gwadar during the maiden visit of Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, who is arriving here today (Monday) for a three-day trip to participate in the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting.

China and Pakistan will have in-depth and extensive discussions on the regional situation, subjects of mutual interest and upcoming challenges for both the countries pertaining to developments in the area.

The Pakistani premier will also avail the opportunity to interact and discuss a number of topics of common interest with the Chinese leadership, including Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao. The interactions between the Pakistan and China leadership will help greatly in enhancing bilateral cooperation in trade, economy, defence and regional cooperation. It is understood that Pakistan would be seeking assistance from China in developing its strategically important port of Gwadar. Federal Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh and Foreign Secretary Syed Jalil Abbas Jilani will also be accompanying Prime Minister Raja, who is travelling in a small plane as a measure of austerity, sources said.

PM Raja will also have meetings with other participants of the forum known as the Summer Davos. The presence of leaders from the Baltic States would be of conspicuous significance besides the prime ministers of Pakistan and China in the gathering.

According to the organisers of the forum, the annual meeting of the new champions, under the auspices of the WEF, is the foremost global business gathering in Asia. It is taking place after five years, reflecting the “spirit of Davos” that for more than four decades has meant openness, collegiality and frank exchange among leaders from business, government, academia, civil society and media.

The annual meeting of the new champions provides a platform for the rising generation of global leaders from business and society to contribute to broader policy discussions and engage with the world’s top business executives. The new champions are led by the forum’s growing global growth companies community as well as the communities of technology pioneers, young global leaders, global shapers and young scientists.

The meeting will highlight the role new and fast-emerging multinational companies play in enabling and driving sustainability in a global business landscape that has been fundamentally changed by the economic crisis. The theme for the forum has been set as ‘Creating the Future Economy.’ Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao will attend and address the opening ceremony of the sixth Annual meeting of the new champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, tomorrow (Tuesday) in Tianjin.

Sources at the Chinese Foreign Office told the media that several foreign leaders, including Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius, Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Costa Rica’s Vice President Jack Lieberman, Rwandan President Paul Kagame, and Zimbabwe’s Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara will attend the forum. He said that the host prime minister will meet foreign leaders and WEF chairman Klaus Schwab, and talk with representatives of entrepreneurs. China hopes the forum can be a platform for people to discuss the main problems of global economy and send positive signals to promote world economy recovery.

The forum was created, according to a joint proposal, by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Chinese Government. Northern Chinese port cities of Dalian and Tianjin have hosted the forum in turn since 2007.

The Tianjin Summer Davos Forum will be held at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. By now, the total number of registered representatives to attend this Forum has reached 1363, exceeding the level at the same time of 2012, and the number of formal representatives to participate in the Forum is expected to surpass 1600.

Diplomatic sources told The News here that Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf lived with the traditions of great Pakistani leaders who opted to undertake his first business foreign trip to China. It also reflects Pakistan’s deep commitment for ties with China since it had been Islamabad’s all weather and time tested friend.

Pakistan to seek Chinese assistance in developing Gwadar - thenews.com.pk
Hang on a minute: If China has confirmed "takeover of Gwadar port" as the title of the thread claims, then why is Pakistan still seeking "Chinese assistance in developing Gwadar"? Merely more premature celebratory claims or something else?

Although I have not been following this thread, but I think taking over means getting the operational control, related to managerial work. Development and funding for it is still work of government and the Post and Shipping Authorities.

Like a maid for your house, she would be cleaning and taking control of the kitchen, but you would be responsible for installing a new sink or repairing it.
Although I have not been following this thread, but I think taking over means getting the operational control, related to managerial work. Development and funding for it is still work of government and the Post and Shipping Authorities.

Like a maid for your house, she would be cleaning and taking control of the kitchen, but you would be responsible for installing a new sink or repairing it.

I can only suggest going through the thread first. :D
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