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China concerned over India’s naval prowess, says expert

now back to topic...:devil:

theres no need for any concerns we are interested only in ior...:angel:

Yea, India is next to Indian Ocean, but if two forces are too far apart it won't matter. Besides, China has a allie in Pakistan and may have one in Sri Lanka.
Thats a Joke.Srilanka has no option but to support India for its survival.Srilanka cant have support of China all the time,After all She is not fool to be India's enemy It will be matter of days India will invade Srilanka.Stop ur wet dreams.And now Pakistan.Sure pakistan will go against India but whats the use ? Pakistan's naval power is not even close to IN.I dont know what made u to think Indian Navy so poorly Armed.Indian Navy is a nghtmare for CHINA.

Of course, as a growing economic and military power, India can't stay in India forever can she? You don't want any interests abroad? If you do, how are you going to protect them?
Sure but India wont invade or threaten any nation even it has Huge Power.We Share profits among us.Unlike China who play a bully .No country will Like it if they have an opyion to Chose between India and China :azn:

Once China settles South China Sea either claim or some sort of settlement, China will have uninterrupted passage of fuel and reinforcements from the mainland. While China can wait for India to come out and attack, by just interrupting ships to Indian shores. Though this assuming China can have naval base in neighboring countries.
Dude are u serious ?China can claim South china sea by forces ?Hehe stop ur wet dreams.Even Taiwan STARE at china.Why dint u take or Claim Taiwan first? And All south China sea countries are hand in golves to take on CHINESE.China may have large number But when compared to SCS countries Its nothing.It will be a sucide attempt by china .

Which to me is likely because, unless there is a hegemony going on in South Asia, the neighbors will always like the far away countries better as no conflict of interests.

I'm not saying India is designing nothing, just not doing too much too keep up.

P-8I Neptune is going to be sold to everyone, well almost. This isn't the most cutting edge technology. I'm talking carriers, 5th gen, engines that are actually good, and a few other types of ships and missiles, drones as well as satellite technology.
Dude i agree India not doing any thing .But India right now dont want to be seen as aggresser.I know its a Stupid Idealogy by Indian politician.But u should also know if India start moving it coins to beat Chinese the MOVES will be check mate.If india want it can block 80%of Chinese trade and cripple its economy But just sinking old ships as a wreck.These are many things in can do and Ll do at the right time.U just carried away Just think about Andaman &Nicobase Naval base its Tri camand.Its going to be Check mate for China.With Bramos to add its capability

Maybe you will have the same number or more carriers, I have no clue what the Chinese plan actually is, but seeing as how the dates for the second steam powered carrier to be 2025. I am not too worried about it. And looking at past examples, it may or may not get delayed.

A Carrier group needs more than carriers, it needs the other ships to complement it. Can India build them and constantly upgrading it?
As far as Navy is concerned India can mass produce its own ships which are far better than Chinese ships with Bamos and Israel Tech.Its just matter of months India to decide to building ships at Forign ship yards to keep up the phase.If it get go ahead.Its a diffrent ball game dude. And for ur kind imformation Indian Navy to add more than 100 war ships by 2018-2025 Chinese wont even Think about attacking India at sea.It will be SUCIDE

China most likely will be looking at more than one group, things tend to escalate quickly in China due to greed, just look at the rea estate build up. Need it or not it's getting built. Especially now that more and more is being privatized. Business will be lining up to build more and won't be taking no as an answer.

Buying new ships is not cost effective, as coast guards are not actual combat ships and don't need to be as powerful, while any old system can be upgraded to newer ones.

I guess the Indian navy is used, not sure if the Chinese navy is used or not I will have to check.
China will build 3 more carrier by 2030 But its takes more than beingf a owner to fight war with carrier.Chinese as far as i know.It dont have any experience.U belive in Huge number to overwhelm But ur number games are also comming to an end .All south china sea nations are buying more Warshipsthan before.South China sea will be full of Submarine and its total SUCIDE Pill for CHINA .

STOP ur wet dreams wake up Smell the COFFE China is not Super Power as it claims.U have the world's largest out dated weapon.After 2014-2015 large number of Chinese weapons will be DUD When india equals china with numbers with High Tech weapons.Thats the only reason china might attack India by 2014 Beyound that Its just a wet dream.

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So are we, we like what we have and we like what you have. What we have is ours, what you have will be ours:devil:

hahaha even with the present navy china cannot counter india in IOR..leave alone future when our navy would be far superior and would have an air support.anyway first consolidate scs which is a disputed region. ior is a later issue

Yea, India is next to Indian Ocean, but if two forces are too far apart it won't matter. Besides, China has a allie in Pakistan and may have one in Sri Lanka.

Of course, as a growing economic and military power, India can't stay in India forever can she? You don't want any interests abroad? If you do, how are you going to protect them?

Once China settles South China Sea either claim or some sort of settlement, China will have uninterrupted passage of fuel and reinforcements from the mainland. While China can wait for India to come out and attack, by just interrupting ships to Indian shores. Though this assuming China can have naval base in neighboring countries.

Which to me is likely because, unless there is a hegemony going on in South Asia, the neighbors will always like the far away countries better as no conflict of interests.

As US has demonstrated with Japan and WW2, a strong manufacturing base that can outproduce your enemy is very helpful.

Though it is meant as more of a joke than an actual comment, hence the :devil:

1. That's why I asked you to see the Map again. And if you have define "far apart" ;)
Allie in Pakistan :omghaha: ya sure. Forget Sri Lanka.

2. If you failed to see it. India is protecting its interests in SCS too. It will do it everywhere.

3. I would say wet dream. Many powers are seeing that you never solve SCS ;) India never say it will attack china. It's only Chinese posters here are on war hysteria. Nobody else. .

4. It's 2013 not 1945. Enough said on that.
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China may be concerned NOW nut it wasn;t years ago. CHina's pearl of string strategy was written up yrs before the IN Naval Modernization. Also, China wasn't concerned when they armed NK, Pakistan, Iran, etc to the teeth.
^^^ What is the point of sharing this pic if the pic is showing US Military might (Nimitz class ACs, Aegis destroyers and a host of other airborne assets that belong to that nation? Whose gem of an idea was it to use this pic for Indian naval boasts?)

If you are trolling you are doing nice :tup:

And if this is your true opinion buddy I must say you don't understand Naval warfare. Indian location in IOR may it capable on taking on more powerful navies than IN.
In such locations geographical position favours the defenders. Look at the map again and you will understand
Guy, Genesis is a fake Chinese, look at his location and posted threads, you will know that, he only sales war
^^^ What is the point of sharing this pic if the pic is showing US Military might (Nimitz class ACs, Aegis destroyers and a host of other airborne assets that belong to that nation? Whose gem of an idea was it to use this pic for Indian naval boasts?)

Now you see what a bunch of clowns we have to deal with.
Indian navy is the most overrated navy in the world. It has a couple of foreign destroyers and few frigates for a surface fleet and a bunch of old soviet submarines. It's aircraft carriers are nothing but 1950s junk. I highly doubt the Indian military is even professional enough to operate an aircraft carrier.
Indian navy does have one thing....hype. But in terms of capability, it's nothing but a dud. Any country that cannot make their own warships and submarines with domestic components is not a powerful navy. Once they lose their existing warships, it's game over. You will never import naval ships during wartime, only build it at home and India neither has the money nor the capability to make their own weapons. Indian warships all have foreign components which means they are not Indian warships.
Guy, Genesis is a fake Chinese, look at his location and posted threads, you will know that, he only sales war

Ya the guy is flaming threads unnecessarily. Thanks for bringing it to notice :tup:
Indian navy is the most overrated navy in the world. It has a couple of foreign destroyers and few frigates for a surface fleet and a bunch of old soviet submarines. It's aircraft carriers are nothing but 1950s junk. I highly doubt the Indian military is even professional enough to operate an aircraft carrier.
Indian navy does have one thing....hype. But in terms of capability, it's nothing but a dud. Any country that cannot make their own warships and submarines with domestic components is not a powerful navy. Once they lose their existing warships, it's game over. You will never import naval ships during wartime, only build it at home and India neither has the money nor the capability to make their own weapons. Indian warships all have foreign components which means they are not Indian warships.

Thank you. Anything else?
Lo Chartered Accountancy hardly requires Mathematics beyond the usual addition, subtraction, multiplication or division ! :blink:

Nahiin busss tujhe na-laik ko sharam delaaa rahaa theeiii ke abhii bhii par leiii ! :angry:
I do not know what sort of mathematics u guys are taught in your CA course but the ICAI ,i.e.,the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has a comprehensive mathematics syllabus right in the entrance examination starting from Algebra to differential and integral Calculas to statistics.Later on in the intermediate and final examinations there are subjects like Cost accounting,Financial Management,MAFA,SFM which encompasses Capital Market Instruments
Financial derivatives – stock futures, stock options, index futures, index options
Option valuation techniques : Binomial model, Black Scholes Option Pricing Model, Greeks – Delta, Gamma, Theta, Rho and Vega
Pricing of Futures – Cost of carry model
Imbedded derivatives
^^^ What is the point of sharing this pic if the pic is showing US Military might (Nimitz class ACs, Aegis destroyers and a host of other airborne assets that belong to that nation? Whose gem of an idea was it to use this pic for Indian naval boasts?)

Don;t really understand? Could have been an Indian who feels more friendship with America. Maybe its a soldier who loves American weapons? Who knows? But the point is if China was so concerned they wouldn;t be sending troops over the border after signing numerous agreements? Did the US force the Chinese to act aggresively and tell them not to leave? Sure, India will play it down. Sure, Congress will play it down.....it has been doing that for 50 yrs.
Indian navy is the most overrated navy in the world. It has a couple of foreign destroyers and few frigates for a surface fleet and a bunch of old soviet submarines. It's aircraft carriers are nothing but 1950s junk. I highly doubt the Indian military is even professional enough to operate an aircraft carrier.
Indian navy does have one thing....hype. But in terms of capability, it's nothing but a dud. Any country that cannot make their own warships and submarines with domestic components is not a powerful navy. Once they lose their existing warships, it's game over. You will never import naval ships during wartime, only build it at home and India neither has the money nor the capability to make their own weapons. Indian warships all have foreign components which means they are not Indian warships.
In any modern naval war u lose ur existing ships its game over.A ship takes years to build,war between nuclear powers don't last that long.India does have both money and slowly capability to make their own ships,the only reason for slow progress is non privatization of defence sector and bureaucratic red tape.And it does not matter if china has 3 times large a navy.In a indo china naval conflict the only ships and subs that matter are ones that have the endurance to sail from china to the indian ocean.And ur going to have to contend with our unsinkable aircraft carriers the andaman, nicobar[east] and lakshwadeep[in the west] islands along the way.Therefore the actual number available to the PLAN for such an expedition is hopelessly outgunned when surrounded by the IAF,the IN strike groups and detected early as they enter through the malacca straits into hostile territory.
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