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China Civil Aviation, AVIC (MA600) & COMAC (ARJ21/C919/C929)


Via @人民画报 from Weibo
Pratt & Whitney Forbidden To Deliver First PW150C Engine To China AVIC - $3 Billion Contract

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September 9, 2020 - by ALEXANDRE ROBILLARD et PIERRE-OLIVIER ZAPPA for www.journaldemontreal.com
Pratt & Whitney Canada has been waiting two years for Ottawa's green light to export to China
Read also "Pratt & Whitney Canada FINED For Exporting Military Software To China!"
Ottawa has for about two years prevented Pratt & Whitney from exporting aircraft engines to China in a large $ 3 billion transaction, due to risks of industrial espionage.

The Quebec company has so far been unable to obtain from the federal authorities the necessary permit to deliver the goods to its client, the Chinese aeronautical giant AVIC.

Three sources have confirmed that Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is facing particularly long delays from the federal department of Global Affairs Canada.
"By blocking the transaction, either Ottawa fears intellectual property theft or it fears the use of these engines for military purposes," we were told...
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I just re-found this old "news" from about one year ago:

... and if I'm not mistaken, so now new C919 flew this year. Any idea, when the next one is ready?
The 6th prototype that flew last year is the final prototype. 6 prototypes were planned in the development program. So unless they change their planning, no new prototype will be built.
The 6th prototype that flew last year is the final prototype. 6 prototypes were planned in the development program. So unless they change their planning, no new prototype will be built.

As for the prototypes that was quite clear, but won't there be some sort of LRIP or when will serial production commence?
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