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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???

Stop trying to portray China as "anti-Islam" China is one of the most helpful countries to Muslim countries. One of China's most important bilateral strategic relationships and most permanent ally is a Muslim country named Pakistan.

This is just a propaganda campaign internet actors are engaged in. China has never invaded a Muslim country, never attacked a Muslim country, never has perpetrated genocide against Muslims, in fact China has been a historical ally of Muslims going back to the Silk Road and the days of the Rashidun Caliphate.

I am amused to see the desperation... Ah! niether you can abuse china, nor you can defend Islam.. ha aha ah... :taz:

@old China: That china is called "Republic of China" and its in Taiwan.. The China you are talking about is captured by Communists, and its not real china..

Even Japan surrendered to original china , not communist china..
Yeah I agree but you don't get it every where. Can you expect such freedom in the hub of Islam the whole Arab lands?

yh ofcourse it isnt as bad china tho.
in saudi arabia they just cant build places of worship thats all but they can do what ever they want in their house and no body is going to force them to eat if they dont want to.

I am amused to see the desperation... Ah! niether you can abuse china, nor you can defend Islam.. ha aha ah... :taz:

@old China: That china is called "Republic of China" and its in Taiwan.. The China you are talking about is captured by Communists, and its not real china..

Even Japan surrendered to original china , not communist china..

the real china is the communist, the other place is taiwan. if you cant see that then your delusional.
India is the only place where muslim are being oppressed, China being the most open society in the world give its muslim population full right to live like living in Makkah.
China is just pre -emptying the potential threat of wahabism.Now muslims need to introspect before it's too late, everyone in whole world is turning against them.Be it Christian,Hindoos,Sikhs,Buddhists,Jains and obviously JEWS.
China is just pre -emptying the potential threat of wahabism.Now muslims need to introspect before it's too late, everyone in whole world is turning against them.Be it Christian,Hindoos,Sikhs,Buddhists,Jains and obviously JEWS.

Pre-emptying? Do they teach English in India or are you home-schooled? Drawing from your dimwitted conclusions I don't think you earn a dime lest earn more than
"[my] whole comming generations will ever dream to earn".

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/americ...slim-girl-doll-terrorist-3.html#ixzz2SjIJTrTu

I know I should be preparing my closing arguments for court tomorrow, but I'm compelled to speak my mind here since I'm fascinated with the idiotic lows to which most people will sink and the desperation with which they will magnanimously project themselves on the internet to compensate for the guilt of having spent a life wanking off to gay **** and working at a PCO, all the while hoping that the anonymity that the worldwide web offers will enhance that projection and aid in belittling and bullying those of weaker moral construct.

At the cost of appearing grandiose and vain I shall have you know that you may just have crossed paths with the wrong Pakistani. You see, while you spent the larger portion of your life struggling to make ends meet, I was born into a wealthy family and destined for greatness the day my parents put a silver spoon in my mouth. Unlike you, I was not left to be brought up by the streets but was subjected to the rigors of educational institutions, groomed and cultured, taught foreign languages and inculcated with etiquette. I was imbued with tolerance and respect for authority and my tutors demanded the utmost of discipline and civil behaviour. All that, and the many years I have spent travelling and meeting people of different origin, have made me particularly astute and discerning...which brings me to you.

For the sake of brevity, and the fact that I must be shaving precious minutes off your wanking routine (hoping of course that you can read and understand what I have written or that you have at least made an attempt to read this before barfing out a reply), I'm going to put this quite simply: Your seething hatred for Muslims shines out brightly through my TV screen. It's brilliance is not dulled by your incompetent command of the English language (or contrastingly, perhaps, it's dullness is accentuated by the fact that you are a blithering idiot) but I am not going to blame you for it. No, I shall blame your uncle for it, because he put a phallus to your face where instead he should have put a book. Lol. No. I'm going to blame you for it...for not keeping abreast with world politics and for not brushing up on history, for constantly Googling 'Muslims and terrorism' and for failing to appreciate the broader interplay between terrorism in Muslim countries and the fight against it, for riding on the coattails of hate speech and for overlooking calls of tolerance and humanity, for falsely instilling within yourself a delusion of grandeur with regards to India and incorrectly assuming that the world is turning against Muslims.

This is so because, if you had even the slightest iota of knowledge about world history you would see that at every point since the dawn of society, man has fought with man. They have fought over women and they have fought over chattels. They have fought for power and they have fought for virtue. They have razed villages, raped women and killed children in the name of State and they have also slain one another on the pretext of religion and on the instructions of Gods and Goddesses. It has happened since time immemorial and it shall continue till the last human stands over the corpses of all the others.

When you say, with regards to Muslims, that
"everyone in whole world is turning against them."
, you make me laugh. And for that, I shall be lenient on you, because you are as shrewd as a handful of peat. I feel that maybe if you had the same opportunities that I have had, you may not have been as obstinate as you appear. You see, my fellow border-mate, when Christianity destroyed Rome the Christians had what the Romans were losing...power. Power wins wars and power alone rules the roost. The tragedy of present-day Earth is that power is no longer a big canon and no longer consolidated in one supreme entity but instead is multifarious and possessed by entities of disparate constitutions. The innate irony of what you are saying is that by turning against the Muslims you are overlooking the possibility that it would force them to unite, thereby creating an Islamic empire which would sit on 63% of the world's proven oil reserves, have a GDP of 7.5 trillion dollars and be armed to its teeth in nuclear warheads.


Lol! Unlike you, no sensible foreign policy will let that happen! That would be one crippling headache for Earth and perhaps the beginning of World War 3. In effect your blunt remark defeats your blunt remark. What is happening, is not the world turning against Muslims, but rather a brutal confrontation of different ideologies as has happened since two men first decided they had different Gods and the ensuing violence is but the seasonal river which swells and then abates before swelling once again. Your problem is that the persecution of a handful of Muslims that is reported by a news agency turns you blind to the majority of Muslims coexisting with foreign races in their own countries and the diaspora which peacefully toil in the lands of foreigners. What you've also missed is that "atheist China" tightly regulates the practice of religions within its borders which goes to say that in addition to Islam, Christianity, Taoism and Buddhism are also strictly regulated. Why? Because China understands the absolute lunacy of acting out on orders from a divine power. In China the only supreme power is China and God comes second. So before you bring Wahhabism and your asinine sense of judgement to posts which I am reading, pray that you make more sense than you normally do because although Allah may forgive you, I won't.

So brave, O Mard-e-Momin. Picking up on someone who has been banned by friendly Umpire rather than arguing him face to face, height of cowardice, isn't it?

Anyway you are one of those numbskull lawyer of Pakistan. Nothing good could be expected from your ilk.
the chinese state treats all religions generously and equitably. it asks only that religions in china be reverential - that is, they must not act as if they were venerable and deserved veneration from the state, and if they are venerated by their faithful, they must understand that their venerability is derivative and secondary to the venerability of the chinese state. in other words, religions and churches in china must approach the state with reverential awe and on bent knees. those chinese subjects who deem their religion respectable on its own right faces destruction of their faith and flesh
the pakistani response is fascinating. just some time back they were saying how india intends to start a genocide against muslims since some of them could not find a flat in mumbai.
This is not correct. China can't do such things, not on pdf anyways.
If it happened in India, PDF members would have gone to town lambasting the Indians in every conceivable way. But alas, since this is happening in China, nothing will be said as Pakistan claims their friendship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans and stronger than steel!! Saying anything against China is blasphemy!! :cheesy:
the pakistani response is fascinating. just some time back they were saying how india intends to start a genocide against muslims since some of them could not find a flat in mumbai.

any muslims in china who didn't start violence fear no discrimination or communal violence in china. can an yindian muslim say the same? that if he commits no violence, then he need not fear yindoo criminals and terrorists raised in fundamentalist fanaticism? han chinese are fundamentally areligious and always prefer to leave religious minorities alone - can you say the same about your fellow yindoos who subscribe to violent cults that mobilize and channel violence through yindoo community organizations and yindoo political parties?
any muslims in china who didn't start violence fear no discrimination or communal violence in china. can an yindian muslim say the same? that if he commits no violence, then he need not fear yindoo criminals and terrorists raised in fundamentalist fanaticism? han chinese are fundamentally areligious and always prefer to leave religious minorities alone - can you say the same about your fellow yindoos who subscribe to violent cults that mobilize and channel violence through yindoo community organizations and yindoo political parties?

if you are spouting cr@p from your mouth, why dont you at least use your real flags.
i am not a "yindoo" by the way
What brotherly understanding here on pdf for the chinese ...why cant this ever happen when it comes to India ,, lol
Pakistanis desperately finding ways tone down the issue and appease china
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