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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam... How true is this???



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Jun 24, 2011
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(China) Chinese Begin Crackdown on Islam...
CAIRO — With prayers banned in public areas, private hajj trips not allowed, teaching of the Qur'an not allowed in private and students and government officials forced to eat during Ramadan, China is enforcing laws and regulations restricting the practice of Islam.
"Of course this makes people angry," Mohammad, a teacher, told The New York Times on Sunday, October 19.

"Excitable people think the government is wrong in what it does. They say that government officials who are Muslims should also be allowed to pray."

In recent week, Chinese authorities have enforced laws restricting the ability of Muslims in the northwestern region of Xinjiang from practicing their faith.

In Khotan, signs posted in front of the grand mosque say the weekly Friday prayer sermon must not extend beyond than a half-hour.

Prayers in public areas outside the mosque is forbidden and residents are banned from worshipping at mosques outside their town.

Under the rules, imams are banned from teaching the Qur'an in private and only official versions of the Qur'an are allowed.

Studying Arabic is only allowed at special government schools.

Government workers are banned from showing the slightest sign of religious devotion.

For example, a Muslim civil servant could be sacked for donning hijab.

Many of the rules have been on the books for years, but local authorities have publicly highlighted them in recent weeks with banners hanged in towns.

They began posting regulations mandating women not to wear hijab and men to shave their beards.

Uighur Muslims are a Turkish-speaking minority of more than eight million in Xinjiang, a northwest vast area that borders Central Asia.

Atheist China recognizes five religions — Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Taoism and Buddhism — and tightly regulates their administration and practice.

Official Hajj

Under the rules, two of Islam's five pillars – the Ramadan fasting and hajj – are strictly controlled.

Students and government workers are compelled to eat during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

China has also revived a law prohibiting Muslims from arranging their own trips to Saudi Arabia to perform hajj.

Signs painted on mud-brick walls in the winding alleyways of old Kashgar warn against making "illegal" hajj.

"Implement the policy of organized and planned pilgrimage; individual pilgrimage is forbidden," reads a red banner hanging on a large mosque in Urumqi, the regional capital of Xinjiang.

Authorities have also confiscated passports of Uighur Muslims across Xinjiang to force them to join government-run hajj tours rather than their own trips.

Once a person files an application, the authorities do a background check into the family.

If the applicant has children, the children must be old enough to be financially self-sufficient, and the applicant is required to show that he/she has substantial savings in the bank.

To get a passport to go on an official hajj or a business trip, applicants must leave a deposit of nearly $6,000.

Now virtually no Uighurs have passports, though they can apply for them for short trips.

This has made life especially difficult for businessmen who travel to neighboring countries.

Critics say the government is trying to restrict contacts with world Muslims, fearing that could highlight the sufferings of Muslims in Xinjiang and possibly build pressures on China.

Yeah I agree but you don't get it every where. Can you expect such freedom in the hub of Islam the whole Arab lands?

Yeah... even in Arab lands everyone has right to their religion... and if they're not providing that then they're wrong.

PRC's religious suppression isn't Islam specific. Sooner than later they would have to give their citizens their due rights to practice their chosen faith as they please.

Let's hope so
umm, I doubt China is against Islam, it's just Islam is used as a rally point for scums who wants to create chaos for their own end.

It's like communism it self is just a political and economic idea, it shouldn't be a tool for violence and yet....

China has always been tolerant of other religions, except for brief period of CCP under mao, but that is China under a western ideology. Today Islam is seen as a symbol of violence though not true, it is still seen that way.
As children, Hussein and millions of other young Uighurs never attended the religious schools known as madrassas or prayed at mosques because of a government ban on Islamic education for those under 18. Since Hussein never learned about religious laws governing marriage and family, he feels unprepared to have children, and he wonders whether future generations will be able to practice their faith before adulthood.

Uighurs have long complained of restrictions on Islam, which include studying Arabic only at government schools, banning government workers from practicing Islam and barring imams from teaching religion in private.

Uighurs fear Islamic practices will disappear under Chinas rule - Islam web - English

Interesting how not wearing the Hijab in France is a crime against Islam but in China it is a minor problem that will be sorted out soon.
umm, I doubt China is against Islam, it's just Islam is used as a rally point for scums who wants to create chaos for their own end.

It's like communism it self is just a political and economic idea, it shouldn't be a tool for violence and yet....

China has always been tolerant of other religions, except for brief period of CCP under mao, but that is China under a western ideology. Today Islam is seen as a symbol of violence though not true, it is still seen that way.
If you know its not true, why are they oppressed in china then. Why no freedom of religion to them.
Only general description, without solid things, or provisions of the Ordinance
People under 18 can enter any religion and pray, but any thing should not against law, there is not any particular law to one religion, only law to all the religion. Panchen Lama was enthroned at 9 years old.
Such Q also asked by some Chinese Islam at Chinese net,
such as »ØÃñ¶ùͯÉÏѧºÃ»¹ÊÇÈ¥ÇåÕæËÂÄî¾*ºÃ - ÍþÄþÉçÇø - ÖÐÄÂÍø - ×î´óµÄººÓïÄÂ˹ÁÖÉçÇø
回民儿童上学好还是去清真寺念经好(The Muslim children to school or go to the mosque chanting)
(Ma Guosheng ask:In recent years, overseas compatriots to missionary, I participated in listening to their speech several times, repeatedly asked the mosque on the Muslim children learn Arabic chanting. Our local imam also repeatedly emphasize this point. I do not know of any wisdom?)
This is an almost mentally handicapped, not worthy of the in Weining community explore.
What do you mean??
Occasionally to learn Arabic and scripture
Or do not go to school every day in the mosque? ?
First I very much support ah, I'm going to when my son grown up a little, silver Shaan La words so do
The second is a bit extreme, Islam is the religion of accession to the WTO, unlike Buddhism childhood kept in the temple
As a Chinese Muslim, even their own national culture is not adopted, but also to learn Arabic. When parents should always Islamic faith knowledge to instill in our children, let the children learn good Chinese knowledge. We Muslims to gain a foothold in the community. The imams should take advantage of the summer and winter time good mosque universal education for our children to learn the faith of Islam common sense.Do not allow our children to learn the culture, lost faith, or learn the faith, lost culture.
Scriptures can only be an amateur. "Compulsory Education Law" stipulates that school-age children must receive nine-year compulsory knowledge education.
Natural is to read good books, had any energy left, chanting as appropriate.
For this problem, there is bad learn or good learn things. However, as the Muslim children, childhood exposure to some of the nation often knowledge is not a bad thing, at least, the mosque education allows children to understand what is right and what is wrong.
In the Weining county Mosque has to do two summer classes, from their own children, I think the effect is very good.
First, use holiday let children touch the Arabic.
Second, let the children know the correct behavior of the Muslims.
Third, to avoid a child during the holidays doing nothing, wander around the whole.
First, the correct pronunciation of the Education and Arabic-based,
Second spelling main;
Third, the the Islamic representative figures virtue of story-based.
Fourth, do not instill of paradise beautiful and Hell terror to the child, just let them self-awareness.

(For field-Dawa preaching, not suitable for Weining Hui Muslim children.
First, The Weining Hui emphasis on culture and education as the first, in the same state education policy, Muslim children should enjoy the state's compulsory education policy.
The Weining Hui epigenetic improve the rights and obligations of the quality of their own culture.
Third, the
The Weining Hui epigenetic grow up have the right to participate in national and social management.
The Weining remote, Hui do not learn Chinese culture will increasingly be eliminated.
Weining Hui Chinese level is low, even if the Scriptures and never can not be a great imam.
I hope each CMC and Imam of the mosque to grasp the sense of proportion, Do not towards harm the younger generation.
The field is not suitable for the Weining the status quo, not mechanically.
A good nation should be the Developing National. The kids learning sect knowledge can be placed during the holidays.

Finally, the local imam has repeatedly stressed that "it" refers to you in front of the Scriptures or that do leave classes out of the formal education of the state?
If you don't leave class only learn at vacation, I agree, it is best to mobilize children to the mosque to learn, provided daily by the imams urge to finish the education work.
If children out of school to go to the mosque chanting, I'm sorry, please get out of the mosque, where you need to you where to go.)
8. 有点文化的人都知道这个道理,但在威宁农村却是非常具体的问题,80后就有很多因为这个问题而误了前途。所以我把它发到社区,现在大家的回答让我非常满意。
Any one with some knowledge can aware of the truth, but is very specific issues in rural Weining, After 1980s young people there are a lot because of this problem and missed the future. So I send it to the forum, and now everyone's answer made me very satisfied.
Well said
10. 非常赞同永双版主的看法!

念经也好,学习阿语也罢,对于我们来说都是一门外语,首先都要学习好 自己的母语,汉语文化高了,理解能力也会加深,自然也学习好。


Very much agree with Wing moderators view!

Chanting or learning Arabic or, for us, is a foreign language, we must first learn our mother tongue, Chinese culture, understanding will deepen, natural learning.

Classes, use summer vacation to learn some knowledge of religious nationalism, for children only of benefit and no harm. At least not forget root!

Some of the local college students can also take advantage of the winter and summer vacations with the imam in the mosque to support education, the imams guidance religious knowledge, college students can supervise the child's homework, give the child guidance to correct, I believe that parents will also be happy!

11. 不错的建议,这也正是一些有远见的阿訇和寺管会努力的方向啊。
Good advice, this is some far-sighted imams and Mosque efforts direction.

12. 不愧是版主,说的头头是道!理性的信仰与发展民族文化,都是好事!极端终将被历史抛弃!
Is indeed the moderator, said clearly and logically! Rational faith and the development of national culture, is a good thing! Extreme will eventually be abandoned by history!

Agree with Mr. Shi Hua point of view, the Prophet Muhammad said: "seek knowledge even as far away as China", not to mention we have in China, Chinese culture is the existence and prosperity of the Chinese Muslims, do not learn is tantamount to isolate itself in the community (of course,Muslims in addition to a few people there every Han opposing the concept of, most people have recognized the importance of Chinese culture). Islamic culture is the root of the Muslim faith, not just the mosque, the entire Muslim community is charged with carrying forward the Islamic duties. The Prophet said; "You should be publicity, even if it is only one scripture". As for the children, the parents should first understand some basic knowledge of the sect, so that they grew up in the family heard the head dyed sect and beliefs, because the Prophet said: "Paradise at the foot of the mother. At the same time trying to learn Chinese culture to support and supervise their children, let them become destiny in the community, but also Rikkyo in the heart of the people.

By the way ,Weijing is a county.
Stop trying to portray China as "anti-Islam" China is one of the most helpful countries to Muslim countries. One of China's most important bilateral strategic relationships and most permanent ally is a Muslim country named Pakistan.

This is just a propaganda campaign internet actors are engaged in. China has never invaded a Muslim country, never attacked a Muslim country, never has perpetrated genocide against Muslims, in fact China has been a historical ally of Muslims going back to the Silk Road and the days of the Rashidun Caliphate.
Stop trying to portray China as "anti-Islam" China is one of the most helpful countries to Muslim countries. One of China's most important bilateral strategic relationships and most permanent ally is a Muslim country named Pakistan.

:lol: Pakistan is simply a proxy used by China to keep India distracted and counter USA.. China's most important bilateral relationship is USA..
The rule is simple, Muslims of China can not cause lawlessness or a chaotic situation.

such activities are banned and forbidden in Islam.

muslims of China should try to follow their religion in a peaceful manner, and if they feel that they are unable to do so
then they should migrate.

such is the principle proved by history of Islam.

FASAD (corruption & Chaos) are not allowed in Islam under any condition.
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