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China Cementing Global Dominance of Renewable Energy and Technology

That's a significant share of the global capacity by 2020. I believe that China's share will go beyond that number because of the immense investment that is being made at the moment. Besides, China's market is more ready for NE-Vehicles and it has a number of big players that provide affordable options for mass consumption.

China's environmental policies are also becoming major driving force toward the creation of a greater market capacity.

The numbers quoted in the article are completely off the mark.:rofl:

2016 capacity 16.4 GWh?

Over 60 GWh more likely, with BYD and CATL each at 10 GWh.:D

Another figure that has been talked about is 100 GWh.:hitwall:
China smashes solar energy records, as coal use and CO2 emissions fall once again
Dr. Joe Romm
Feb 28

With millions of jobs up for grabs, China seizes clean tech leadership from U.S.


Six solar and wind power farms in northwestern China. CREDIT: AP/Ng Han Guan

We are witnessing a historic passing of the baton of global leadership on technology and climate from the United States to China.

The new U.S. administration has said it will abandon climate action, gut clean energy funding, and embrace coal and oil — the dirty energy sources of the past that experts say can’t create a large number of sustainable new jobs. At the same time, China is slashing coal use and betting heavily on clean energy, which is clearly going to be the biggest new source of permanent high-wage jobs in the coming years.

Indeed, Beijing plans to invest a stunning $360 billion by 2020 in renewable generation alone, and China’s energy agency says the resulting “employment will be more than 13 million people.”


Renewable energy jobs in select countries (excluding large hydropower). CREDIT: IRENA

In 2016, Chinese coal consumption fell for the third consecutive year, Beijing reports, while it installed almost twice as many solar panels as it had in 2015, which was also a record-setting year. Beijing projects both trends will continue in 2017.

China’s solar installation target for 2020 is likely to be achieved in 2018, which as Greenpeace’s Energy Desk noted in January, is “a pretty impressive feat given that the target was set only a couple of months ago.”

All of these policies have helped make China a new global leader in climate action, as their own CO2 emissions have plateaued and declined since 2013.


Via Greenpeace’s Energy Desk

Meanwhile, the rest of the world has redoubled its commitment to ramping up clean energy and ratcheting down carbon pollution, as required by the Paris climate agreement. That’s a $50 trillion (or more) commitment in the coming decades.

That means tens of millions of new jobs in clean energy are up for grabs, something no other emerging sector can match. China’s strategy is simple, as explained in a recent analysis by Melanie M. Hart. Hart, director of China policy at the Center for American Progress, writes:

“What Beijing really wants is for the next generation of energy technologies to come from China.”

Ironically, it was the United States itself in 2014, under President Barack Obama, that managed to extract the game-changing pledge from China to cap emissions by 2030 while doubling zero carbon energy. China is on track to beat both of those pledges.

Tragically for U.S. workers, while America helped pave the way for a China deal, and then global deal, that ensures the world economic prosperity will belong to the countries that lead the way on clean energy, we elected a president who campaigned on zeroing out clean energy funding and waging a losing battle to stanch the loss of fossil fuel jobs.

Even more tragic for America than ceding a multi-trillion dollar market to China is the fact that the U.S. is planning to aggressively attack all policies aimed at reining in carbon pollution just when the future of the climate for the next thousand years will be decided. That makes resistance to Trump and his policies all the more important.

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Beijing has banned any new coming petrol taxi. All new taxi must be electric. Soon it will be all major cities of Guangzhou or Shanghai and Shenzhen. That will means 200000-300000 new electric car. Maybe soon China will ban new petrol car sales. It will spur more vehicle to electric. I dont think fossil fuel is going to last another 10 years.

Many new nuclear plants in China are also going operation in 2018.
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Beijing has banned any new coming petrol taxi. All new taxi must be electric. Soon it will be all major cities of Guangzhou or Shanghai and Shenzhen. That will means 200000-300000 new electric car. Maybe soon China will ban new petrol car sales. It will spur more vehicle to electric. I dont think fossil fuel is going to last another 10 years.

Many new nuclear plants in China are also going operation in 2018.

Taiyuan in Shanxi is the first major city where taxis have gone all electric, with nearly 10000 BYD e5s and e6s plying for hire up and down the provincial capital.

28 cities in the JJJ area are set to follow the fine example of Taiyuan.

千亿级别市场大门开启 出租车全面电动化已成趋势


发布时间:2017-03-02 10:06
































In 5 years max, the prices of lithium-ion batteries will be such that allows the mass deployment of energy storage systems in tandem with solar/wind farms.

Perfect combination.:enjoy:
Tesla has Already demonstrated it...to store solar power on a large scale....it can even store excess power from regular transmission lines!!
Tesla has Already demonstrated it...to store solar power on a large scale....it can even store excess power from regular transmission lines!!
This concept requires flexible smart grid support, it is too difficult. Single user is almost passable.
China is world’s largest investor in renewable energy

China blazed ahead of the rest of the world in terms of investment in renewable energy last year, spending a total of $103bn, or 36% of the world total.

The country, notorious for its dangerous levels of pollution, invested more than the US ($44.1bn), the UK ($22.2bn) and Japan ($36.2bn), put together, the United Nations Environment Programme’s annual report on global trends in renewable energy found.

In total, countries around the world invested $286bn in renewable energy capacity, early-stage technology and research and development in 2015 – more than six times higher than investments in 2004 and setting a new global record, adding $13bn to 2014’s investments.

As also revealed by Climatescope 2015 in November, developing countries outpaced their developed counterparts for the first time last year. The UNEP found emerging economies invested $156bn last year, a 19% increase on 2014, surpassing the developed world’s $130bn, which marked an 8% decrease.

Also for the first time, coal and gas-fired electricity generation attracted less than half the investments made in solar, wind and other renewables capacity, which stood at $130bn and $266bn respectively.

UNEP executive director Achim Steiner said last year’s record-setting investments are further proof that renewables are becoming ever more central to low-carbon lifestyles, and proving especially valuable in societies where reliable energy can offer “profound” improvements in quality of life, economic development and environmental sustainability.

UNEP also noted earlier this week that Latin America could save up to 10% in energy consumption by switching to cleaner technologies, saving $350bn in energy bills annually and reducing global CO₂ emissions by 1.25bn tonnes per year.

The report said this fast-rising demand in emerging economies, particularly China’s dash for wind and solar, are among the factors driving this shift in investment towards developing nations and away from advanced economies.

While countries like India, South Africa, Mexico and Chile all saw significant increases in investment, with the latter three seeing 329%, 105% and 151% spikes respectively, investment in Europe was down 21% at $48.8bn, the continent’s lowest figure for nine years despite record investments in offshore wind projects.

Subsidy cutbacks in Europe and sluggish economic growth in advanced economies could also be contributing to this trend, the report said.

The falling cost of renewables is also a factor in their rise across the globe. Worldwide, clean energy sources added 134 gigawatts of capacity last year, compared to 106GW in 2014 and 87GW in 2013.

Michael Liebreich, chairman of the advisory board at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, which launched the report along with the Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance, noted that this was true despite the tumbling oil, gas and coal prices.

Increases were lead by wind and solar power, which dominated the renewables market in 2015 as in previous years.

The UNEP said that were it not for renewables, not including large hydro projects, annual global CO₂ emissions would have been significantly higher – 1.5 gigatonnes – in 2015.

Steiner said continued and increased investments like those seen last year is not only good for the people and planet, but will be a key element in achieving international targets on climate change and sustainable development.

“By adopting the Sustainable Development Goals last year, the world pledged to end poverty, promote sustainable development and to ensure healthier lives and access to affordable, sustainable and clean energy for all.

“Continued and increased investment in renewables will be a significant part of delivering on that promise.”


This is the responsibility of developing countries to the world!
@Nilgiri @Viet @TaiShang @AndrewJin @saurav jha @rott
Video showing how 40m long wind turbine blades are transported from A to B



Nuclear unit goes online at Yangjiang

2017-03-16 09:59

China Daily Editor: Li Yan

China's first nuclear unit constructed after the 2011 Fukushima accident in Japan was put into operation on Wednesday, after 168 hours of test operation, according to China General Nuclear Power Corp, the country's largest nuclear operator.

With construction beginning in November 2012, Unit 4 of the Yangjiang nuclear power plant, China's biggest nuclear power plant located in Guangdong province, has had a good safety record, said CGN, which is also the world's fifth-biggest nuclear operator with 19 nuclear power units in operation and an installed capacity of 20.38 gigawatts at the end of 2016.

After the Fukushima disaster, nuclear power unit construction was suspended in China and all nuclear plants under planning or construction were reviewed.

However, nuclear power generation in recent years, especially in the first two months of the year, had continued to see sharp growth, said Joseph Jacobelli, a senior analyst with Asia utilities and infrastructure research at Bloomberg Intelligence.

China's nuclear energy developers will be commissioning many more reactors during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) as nuclear power is a key source of clean energy along with hydropower, he said.

"Installed nuclear capacity already more than doubled to 27.17 GW in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) and should double again by 2020 to 58 GW," said Jacobelli.

"Actual output from nuclear plants has also followed suit, with a 24.4 percent increase in 2016 alone."

The growth was coming from a low base with nuclear power accounting for just 3.6 percent of the total in 2016, he added.

Six units are planned for the Yangjiang plant, with Unit 1 entering commercial operation in March 2014, Units 2 and 3 in June 2015 and January 2016, respectively. And all six reactors will be put into operation by 2019, said the company.

The grid connection of Yangjiang's Unit 4 brings its total number of operational power reactors in operation to 20, with a combined installed capacity of more than 21.46 GW, said the company.

CGN's total annual nuclear on-grid power generation was roughly 115.58 billion kilowatt-hours in 2016, an increase of 30.8 percent year-on-year, which is equivalent to a reduction in coal consumption of 37 million metric tons and carbon dioxide emissions of 90 million tons and sulfur dioxide emissions of 880,000 tons, it said.

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