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China building bunkers, military infrastructure for Pakistan along border with India

Their ganja, the Raj "gay", self proclaimed satellite imagery expert whine few days ago about development work at Thar coal mines. I think, this report is recycled from that after adding little "hindi tarka" to make a lovely "curry" for low level "@@@@@@"

Even if its true...
1. Bunkers are a defensive structure
2. Every independent, sovereign country have a right to make, whatever, where ever and whenever in its territory

So F### off Y#####
I'm guessing you referenced an indian media outlet (and zee news at that) to present the propaganda being rammed down indian mouths and not for factual reporting, right?
Sarcasm bro...

We are capable enough to do such things our own, I remember when India started to fence LOC....our jawans go bare handed in front of Indians and defenced it by challenging them and they don't dare to fire on them.
Jee newj! I trujt jou! Jee zee is jee best!
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