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China brands US democracy 'weapon of mass destruction'

Show me the proof that WHO claims the virus originated from China, can you?
Hes just a bullshitting troll keen to derail a thread calling out the U.S. regime and shut down any discussion about countries like the U.S.A. who are actually spreading missery accross the world contrary what the U.S.A. and their paid armies of propaganda mouthpieces try to narrate, specifically when it comes to Americas unchallenged dishonesty and duplicity, such as hosting a "democracy" event where only democracies get invited that vote for America or vice versa other attendeds are coerced to participate in a farce just to pay allegiance to America, because they are blackmailed by the threat of repercussions when not attending a shitshow thats at the end just gloryfying American imperialism and bashing free countries resisting Americas reign of terror. Who cares?
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China Rejects WHO Call for More Transparency on Origins Probe
China’s Foreign Ministry bluntly rejected the WHO’s call for China to be more cooperative with investigations into COVID-19’s origins.

On Friday, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus asked China to be more cooperative with the second phase of the WHO’s investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.

The WHO is “asking actually China to be transparent, open and cooperate, especially on the information, raw data that we asked for at the early days of the pandemic,” Tedros said.

On Monday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said bluntly that the “work plan on the second phase origins study proposed by the WHO Secretariat is at odds with the position of China and many other countries on the issue,” seeming to rule out any more transparency from the Chinese government.

Instead, Zhao Lijian re-emphasized China’s preference for the next steps of the investigation to focus on “further research around earlier cases globally and further understanding the role of cold chains and frozen foods in the transmission of the virus.”

China is a liar. Trying hard to deny WHO finding the exact origin.

When did WHO delare China the origin of the virus? If you are not a liar, back up this claim you made, can you?
China is a liar. Trying hard to deny WHO finding the exact origin.

China is a liar. Trying hard to deny WHO finding the exact origin.
I wonder how old are you anyway. You claimed that WHO says the origin was from China, can you just back it up? you are just being deperate avoiding my question.
Weapon of Mass Destruction....Hmmm Thats What She Said :partay:
I wonder how old are you anyway. You claimed that WHO says the origin was from China, can you just back it up? you are just being deperate avoiding my question.
China is a liar. Trying hard to deny WHO finding the exact origin.
Are you trying to throw a tantrum in this forum? how old are you? I just ask you to back up your claim, you don't have to be acting like a 3 years old here.
China is a liar. Trying hard to deny WHO finding the exact origin.
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