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China blocks NY Times as Wen Jiabao $2.7 billion fortune is reported

India select leaders who corrupt mammoth without shame, at least we didn't do that.

i wish if I could buy a gun here in china.:rofl:

Well, then you can't fire your boss. You can quit your job. And mammoths are extinct. This is what I mean when I say that the Chinese are simple minded peasants. They seldom make sense.
See, the problem is that the Chinese people are simple minded peasants. They make the ideal worker to be exploited. Why do you think the Foxconn factory is in China and not sub-Saharan Africa? Because the Africans would not take exploitation lying down. The Chinese have never known life expect one of servitude. Give them a bowl of rice and they will sew Nikes for 20 hours non-stop. Till they develop a sense of self-respect - we will merely come across as patronizing. They are the ones who need to stand up.

I'm not sure what you're implying because you should know Foxconn is actually one of the best paying manufacturing positions in the entire sector. Wages and living standards are higher in China than India despite Chinese being 'simple minded peasants'.

As for the comments about servitude and exploitation, you're just being elitist against the millions of impoverished people around the world who have to struggle everyday with what you talk about so lightly. Those who have to throw away their dignity to survive day to day. In Asia, Africa and even India.
I never liked grandpa wen, total softie.
He is too pro-western for my liking.

I want hardliners in power that will kick out the foreign media, foreign NGOs and companies like Cisco.

So happy this clown is gone in a few more days.

Any pro-western leader should be kicked out of the CPC.

We need our own version of Vladimir Putin!
"what to retard to think" - lol! Then you are saying that you represent the minority view and most Chinese know that they reside in an oppressive nation with no rights. Well, thank you.

LOL - really? When did the average Chinese citizen ever have the right to choose own leaders? NEVER! Hahahaha - 200 years of colonization vs 5000 years of being a serf nation.

hey i m glad we dont have to choose an italian waitress to rule our country:cheesy:
Really? My country blocked NY Times? LOL - when? Or was that printed in some communist mouthpiece in China?

In civilized countries, when charges of this magnitude are leveled against public officials - the onus on proving them lies with investigative agencies in that country - not on the foreign press. LOL - but I bet you did not know that.

What is your defination of a civilized country. ?

President Bush could not find oil in Saudi Arabia. Yet someone gave him money to buy part of Texas Rangers.

With power comes perks.

Another master hatchet job of NY Times.
Our politicians are even royal dumb jack ***, who don't know how to cover up the corrupt money trails....and sad enough we are way behind from coming out of this problem. But our media gets 100% freedom to bash them from time to time, reminding us, what a **** hole they are.
How the humble relative rises in Wen's China

This article spends half the page defending old Grandpa Wen :what:

But it gets the message through. On paper, none of the Chinese leaders are dirty or directly implicated in any wealth or scandals. But obviously such men of power would be pulling the strings behind the family wealth.

And If I remember correctly, the Western press also did an analysis of Xi Jinping's wealth a few months back when he was confirmed as the successor.

Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Fortunes of Elite - Bloomberg

The Chinese blocked Bloomberg as well and no-one remembers the mini-scandal.

So I predict no-one would care in a month or so.
Corruption is bad and should be fought against regardless.

BUT, these guys who are peddling the news in a wholesome manner during this sensitive period of transition soon to take place in the event of the 18th National Party Congress is very wicked!

Also, they never have derived the figures with solid naming of the source! All beatings around the bush kind of trash like the cult-sponsored epoch times! Do not look good in these established media!

In most civilized countries, using insider information to profit amount to insider trading and is thus fraud - a criminal offence. Just ask Rajat Gupta.

just the guy dont know taking profit from insider info is also a violation of law in China!

Here from article 180 onwards

india has this kind of law or not?

Wow hard to believe that even China is as corrupt as India. :undecided:

to be honest, we hate to be in the same pot as your country!
I am confused...
The article exposed a corrupt leader...:pop:??????
Soo i honestly like to know what chinese members here think about this...
Like do they believe this is a conspiracy and the leader is legit and true to his profession....
To be frank i dont know if he is good or bad???
Can some chinese member here shred some light on this matter?

Nothing to be confused about. Many Chinese members here work for the govt. Have you ever seen them criticizing their govt.? Even people from the most developed nations criticize their govt at times. Chinese--never!
I have been hoping our government would block New York Times for ages now.

Every article in that paper on china is negative, literally every article.
Same with Bloomberg.

It's about time china got tough on foreign media, we don't need foreign media trying to cause friction between the party and the people.
It's a subtle way to destabilise the political system thus hurting the Chinese economy and causing global investors to flee.

This is media warfare.

Already media is crushed down in china... If wish to crush furthur, media in china have to die...
Anyway its known in china, people have to read official newspapers, and they have to accept only that... Any human rights activist will be thrown to jail...
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