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China blocks NY Times as Wen Jiabao $2.7 billion fortune is reported

Yes. The first step toward eliminating a problem is to acknowledge that it exists. Corruption charges have proved to be the political Waterloo of many Indian politicians - Bangaru Laxman, Rajiv Gandhi (Bofors), Ashok Chavan (Adarsh scam), Kalmadi (Commonwealth games - was in jail); Raja and Kanimozi - in jail too - and from the looks of it now Nitin Gadkari. Of course there are politicians get away with scams. The point is that there is a mechanism in place
and there is a vocal opposition and a free press. There is also a very verbose population.

These are high profile figures who have profited from corruption. But these are representative of the corruption in Indian and Chinese society. These are symptoms of the state of the government, not the cause. The need to give bribes and have patronage for advancement in many sectors of society is a big problem in both India and China that can't be fixed simply by free press alone.

It really requires a multi-generational shift in the attitude towards corruption. There's no quick fix.

And of course, you get the problems of the elite political dynasties powerful enough to withstand any accusations of corruption like the Chinese 'princelings' and of course, the Gandhis and their allies.
$2.7 billion? that´s a lot. Can I have a million pls? I am too poor.

why are you asking money from people that dont like you, why not ask your viet leaders they are just as corrupt:argh:

Right. So the 2.7 billion charge is fabricated?

yes you are not so smart are you is it pure fabrication untill you can come up with the proof :smitten:
Yes. But why do we have them? Because we want them there. Do you see a single Chinese poster here posting - "Let an investigative agency verify whether these claims are correct or false." ?? No. Firstly, they don't have the freedom to criticize their own leaders. Secondly, they enjoy being ruled.

what retard to think a few chinese members here representt majority views of chinese in china:no:
I think we all know the reasons chinese do not criticize or freely talk about their leaders and the party on the forum. We must not make fun of that.

OTOH the others who are defending the dictatorship are just paid agents doing their job, so we do not have to take them seriously.
Bush also became extra ordinary rich by comission from weapon industry for waging GW1 & 2. Regan and Clinton became rich by waging Afghan-Soviet war. Bush Jr Became rich by waging GW2 and WOT.
I think we all know the reasons chinese do not criticize or freely talk about their leaders and the party on the forum. We must not make fun of that.

OTOH the others who are defending the dictatorship are just paid agents doing their job, so we do not have to take them seriously.

wrong we do criticize our leaders but for indians to letture us on coruption is just a joke right, yes we shouldnt take indians seriously
Yes. But why do we have them? Because we want them there. Do you see a single Chinese poster here posting - "Let an investigative agency verify whether these claims are correct or false." ?? No. Firstly, they don't have the freedom to criticize their own leaders. Secondly, they enjoy being ruled.

sorry wrong again chinese dont enjoy being rule as much as india no one ever colonised us for more than 200 years;)
Grandpa Wens corruption is already known, he puts on a nice charade about being a liberal.
Are you living in a cage didnt you know your country blocking this site not so long ago,

Really? My country blocked NY Times? LOL - when? Or was that printed in some communist mouthpiece in China?

why are you asking money from people that dont like you, why not ask your viet leaders they are just as corrupt:argh:

yes you are not so smart are you is it pure fabrication untill you can come up with the proof :smitten:

In civilized countries, when charges of this magnitude are leveled against public officials - the onus on proving them lies with investigative agencies in that country - not on the foreign press. LOL - but I bet you did not know that.
why are you asking money from people that dont like you, why not ask your viet leaders they are just as corrupt:argh:

yes you are not so smart are you is it pure fabrication untill you can come up with the proof :smitten:

This thread is about China. Don´t derail the topic.

I don´t mind taking money from people they hate me. I am sure that money was earned through hard working...assuming after 5.000 years saving with interests, so since China exists.

what retard to think a few chinese members here representt majority views of chinese in china:no:

"what to retard to think" - lol! Then you are saying that you represent the minority view and most Chinese know that they reside in an oppressive nation with no rights. Well, thank you.

sorry wrong again chinese dont enjoy being rule as much as india no one ever colonised us for more than 200 years;)

LOL - really? When did the average Chinese citizen ever have the right to choose own leaders? NEVER! Hahahaha - 200 years of colonization vs 5000 years of being a serf nation.
This thread is about China. Don´t derail the topic.

I don´t mind taking money from people they hate me. I am sure that money was earned through hard working...assuming after 5.000 years saving with interests, so since China exists.


See, the problem is that the Chinese people are simple minded peasants. They make the ideal worker to be exploited. Why do you think the Foxconn factory is in China and not sub-Saharan Africa? Because the Africans would not take exploitation lying down. The Chinese have never known life expect one of servitude. Give them a bowl of rice and they will sew Nikes for 20 hours non-stop. Till they develop a sense of self-respect - we will merely come across as patronizing. They are the ones who need to stand up.
Indian is always spiritual superior. Any way,grandpa wen will step down soon.:wave:

See, the problem is that the Chinese people are simple minded peasants. They make the ideal worker to be exploited. Why do you think the Foxconn factory is in China and not sub-Saharan Africa? Because the Africans would not take exploitation lying down. The Chinese have never known life expect one of servitude. Give them a bowl of rice and they will sew Nikes for 20 hours non-stop. Till they develop a sense of self-respect - we will merely come across as patronizing. They are the ones who need to stand up.
you get that in your dreams , I fired my boss in my last job because he fail to fulfill my requirement for 15000RMB salary per month.
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