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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

Still doesn't make sense. Try once more.
Still doesn't make sense. Try once more.
OH sure my dear Desi Kala frangi lord, test me more, while whole world is laughing non stop of ur, stupid photoshoped and self made video clips of so called terrorists accepting that so many died in Balakot dam BBC just can find only a crow and few trees destroyed?
And then we had tht sorma called Abhinandan falling from skies, whole world is laughing
I'm not crying, the only ones are when they see getting grey or black listed by international organizations and claims it's unfair but the whole world knows you sponsor terrorist. Most countries in the region Iran, Afghanistan, India are victims of terror emanating from Pakistan and almost all of them have called you out on it.:enjoy: Probably China is afraid of you, who knows, given you're good at blackmailing.

Boo boo.
OH sure my dear Desi Kala frangi lord, test me more, while whole world is laughing non stop of ur, stupid photoshoped and self made video clips of so called terrorists accepting that so many died in Balakot dam BBC just can find only a crow and few trees destroyed?
And then we had tht sorma called Abhinandan falling from skies, whole world is laughing
Brave effort. Still gibberish. Learn of King Bruce and the spider. And try again.
Sir he was captured wrong. He was a joirnilists reporting truthfully over Kashmir which was against Indian wishes and India captured him to suppress freedom of expression. If some of his reader hijacked plane to get him free dont means he was involved in the hijack. How can someone in captivity be also a hijacker? My friend India fabricates many things in IOK because that is an occupied land with no freedom of speech there.
Exactly..thus its called plausible deniability ..

Lol. Clearly madrassa education is horrible.
You do have to return a PoW irrespective of whether war is declared or not. You gave him tea - good - goes to show you make decent tea - nothing else. In all postmortems, organs are generally removed. If you had medical facilities, you would know. In Kargil, you showed what you are like when you killed the pilot Ajay Ahuja. Or Sarabjeet Singh. And Jadhav's execution has been stayed by ICJ for a reason.

Awww, reality bites. By the way is the second Indian pilot still in hospital? Lol. Liars got caught and then backed out when they realized you lost an F16.
Madarssa education has affected wastington post, Reuters, guardian and al jazeera too
Exactly..thus its called plausible deniability ..

Madarssa education has affected wastington post, Reuters, guardian and al jazeera too
Yawn. Which of these said that Abhinandan is not protected under Geneva conventions? Or that post morten does not involve removal of organs?
One of the biggest mystery is the cockiness of indians like jacdaws. What makes them so cocky especially when the country is so rubbish. And why such contempt to madrassahs ? madrassahs may not teach some critical skills but I would prefer madrassah anyday over a brahmin school. A madrassah will never teach to treat their own people as untouchables, enccourage them to exploit their own people using caste.

Abhinandan is not a PoW because neither India nor Pakistan made a declaration of war. It is the largeheartedness of pakistan that they released him unmolested. They could have done anything and no international law would come in the way. While entire world appreciated Pakistan stance these chanakya loving brahmin indians see it as victory to india.
One country's criminal is another country's hero, remember Dalai Lama?

Yes, a peace Nobel price winer is your criminal and an internationally designeted terrorist is your hero. This shows how morally bankrupt you and your country are.
Yes, a peace Nobel price winer is your criminal and an internationally designeted terrorist is your hero. This shows how morally bankrupt you and your country are.
Nobel peace prize is a joke, more often than not it is being awarded to the worst slaughterers in the world. Dalai Lama was on CIA payroll and did CIA bidding for decades and during the period he was the mastermind of many results and insurgencies which resulted in thousands of deaths.
Why you Indians cry foul? What if China harbored the most wanted separatist of India and hosted their so called exile government in China for 6 decades, what'll you feel, what just get what you surely deserved!
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Nobel peace prize is a joke, more often than not it is being awarded to the worst slaughterers in the world. Dalai Lama was on CIA payroll and did CIA bidding for decades and during the period he was the mastermind of many results and insurgencies which resulted in thousands of deaths.
Why you Indians cry foul? What if China harbored the most wanted separatist of India and hosted their so called exile government in China for 6 decades, what'll you feel, what just get what you surely deserved!

You guys are joke more than anything else. Your occupant forces will have to vaccate your occupied territory. We will neutralize your beloved Masood Azhar no matter how much you protect him. Your country is totally isolated on the issue in the world. Our economic measures shall follow. Last year, out trade deficit with China reduced by 14 bn USD. It will further reduce this year. Your country will pay heavy price for supporring Terrorist's.

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