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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

I wish I could tell you to learn from someone but I can't think of anyone significant to have emerged from your land.


And these are the ones reported. If it happened to you in childhood, you have my condolences. But that doesn't give you a license to prey on little kids. Or goats.

Again a TYPICAL Indian Rant i never said Rape doesn't happen in Pakistan and i will remind you once again INDIA I mean "TERROR MAATA" is far far worse in any field of social evil you can bring up. so stop this non sense I KNOW You had a troubled Childhood and you are destroying the childhood of many of your fellow indian children and DOGS yes Indians don't even spare dogs. So go on and Enjoy Your Humiliation in UNSC and recently by PAF when we shot down your Mig 21 and Captured your Wing Commander.

You just talk nonsense. your ethos are rotten that blinds you to see how disgusting you Indians really are

I have reported the troll i hope moderators will soon take action against him he is going on and on and on on off topic rants just a typical INDIAN suffering from SUPA DUPAH POWAH superiority complex

Stupid Correspondent, saying China has a quid-pro-quo arrangement with these groups that you do what you want we will just protect you as long as you don't do anything to us.

On top of that, he says China has arrangement with TTP of similar kind, What the hell did I just watch!!!! They don't even know what is TTP and the fact that US just blocked their leader from getting designated yesterday.

Third class analysis. Unbelievable level of mis-reporting. PDF should start it's own news agency and we will all contribute and we would do a better job than these morons.
Again a TYPICAL Indian Rant i never said Rape doesn't happen in Pakistan and i will remind you once again INDIA I mean "TERROR MAATA" is far far worse in any field of social evil you can bring up. so stop this non sense I KNOW You had a troubled Childhood and you are destroying the childhood of many of your fellow indian children and DOGS yes Indians don't even spare dogs. So go on and Enjoy Your Humiliation in UNSC and recently by PAF when we shot down your Mig 21 and Captured your Wing Commander.

I have reported the troll i hope moderators will soon take action against him he is going on and on and on on off topic rants just a typical INDIAN suffering from SUPA DUPAH POWAH superiority complex
Now go Google every social indicator. Women rights. Education. Minority rights. You lag in every sphere. But maybe your local maulvi didn't tell you that. Either way, after being bajoaed in your country, and dutifully serving chai to the pilot who downed your F16 all you can do is moan. Just don't take it out on the goats.

You just talk nonsense. your ethos are rotten that blinds you to see how disgusting you Indians really are
Says someone whose country has to keep asking for medical visas to come to a country you hate so much. No ghairat whatsoever.
Now go Google every social indicator. Women rights. Education. Minority rights. You lag in every sphere. But maybe your local maulvi didn't tell you that. Either way, after being bajoaed in your country, and dutifully serving chai to the pilot who downed your F16 all you can do is moan. Just don't take it out on the goats.

Says someone whose country has to keep asking for medical visas to come to a country you hate so much. No ghairat whatsoever.

Yaar tu chup karja bas.

Either get involved in serious discussion or stop commenting like a 5 year old.
india is so F***** obsessed after this much humiliation they are not feeling any insult. hate is making india so much desperate when will 1.3 billion people produce sensible leadership.
i am Proud to have friend like China who slap india many times even when india is threatning to stop importing goods from china :) ....
wish we had active valcanos instead of shamless india beside us.
Says someone whose country has to keep asking for medical visas to come to a country you hate so much. No ghairat whatsoever.

This proves how humane you are towards humans.
Your pilot was shot down, we gave him tea and returned you. ( Humanitarian Ground )
Our Prisoner who was mentally abnormal was killed in your country jail ( Returned Dead Body without his heart & brain )

Pakistan was under no pressure , Pakistan should have kept him just like Kalboshan Jhadav.
Geneva convention not applicable unless war is declared hence he was not POW.

We kick your Pilots A$$ on air and you have no shame to make lullabies of F-16 to make you sleep better.
App Janab Ghairat ki Baat ,,,, AHAHAHAHA
Now go Google every social indicator. Women rights. Education. Minority rights. You lag in every sphere. But maybe your local maulvi didn't tell you that. Either way, after being bajoaed in your country, and dutifully serving chai to the pilot who downed your F16 all you can do is moan. Just don't take it out on the goats.

Says someone whose country has to keep asking for medical visas to come to a country you hate so much. No ghairat whatsoever.

F-16 Downed by INDIA ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Just Like 350+ So Called JeM Terrorists killed by India HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Show me any Google result verifying your comments Maybe your SANSKAARI RSS ARMY Shot down F-16 LOL your Surgical strike 2.0 was just as fake as your sir jee kall strike 1.0.

This isn't your Bollywood This is real life get over with your FANTASIES your Media is feeding you International media has already refuted all Indian claims, PDF is full of proofs against your claims your fellow indians have been humiliated so many times on so many occasions but still you are ranting about indian claims of F-16 and surgical strike you cannot shot down a Pakistani F-16 neither have you killed 350+ terrorists.

As far as i know India ranks above Pakistan when it comes to atrocities committed against women and minorities and RAPE.

Yaar tu chup karja bas.

Either get involved in serious discussion or stop commenting like a 5 year old.

Typical Indian he is just ranting typical indian BS and he still believes INDIANS SHOT down F-16 LOL HAHAHAHAHA he is true "DESH BAKHAT" of "TERROR MAATA INDIA"
This proves how humane you are towards humans.
Your pilot was shot down, we gave him tea and returned you. ( Humanitarian Ground )
Our Prisoner who was mentally abnormal was killed in your country jail ( Returned Dead Body without his heart & brain )

Pakistan was under no pressure , Pakistan should have kept him just like Kalboshan Jhadav.
Geneva convention not applicable unless war is declared hence he was not POW.

We kick your Pilots A$$ on air and you have no shame to make lullabies of F-16 to make you sleep better.
App Janab Ghairat ki Baat ,,,, AHAHAHAHA
Lol. Clearly madrassa education is horrible.
You do have to return a PoW irrespective of whether war is declared or not. You gave him tea - good - goes to show you make decent tea - nothing else. In all postmortems, organs are generally removed. If you had medical facilities, you would know. In Kargil, you showed what you are like when you killed the pilot Ajay Ahuja. Or Sarabjeet Singh. And Jadhav's execution has been stayed by ICJ for a reason.

F-16 Downed by INDIA ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Just Like 350+ So Called JeM Terrorists killed by India HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Show me any Google result verifying your comments Maybe your SANSKAARI RSS ARMY Shot down F-16 LOL your Surgical strike 2.0 was just as fake as your sir jee kall strike 1.0.

This isn't your Bollywood This is real life get over with your FANTASIES your Media is feeding you International media has already refuted all Indian claims, PDF is full of proofs against your claims your fellow indians have been humiliated so many times on so many occasions but still you are ranting about indian claims of F-16 and surgical strike you cannot shot down a Pakistani F-16 neither have you killed 350+ terrorists.

As far as i know India ranks above Pakistan when it comes to atrocities committed against women and minorities and RAPE.

Typical Indian he is just ranting typical indian BS and he still believes INDIANS SHOT down F-16 LOL HAHAHAHAHA he is true "DESH BAKHAT" of "TERROR MAATA INDIA"
Awww, reality bites. By the way is the second Indian pilot still in hospital? Lol. Liars got caught and then backed out when they realized you lost an F16.
No you should support them morally and you must. I support them too. It may be a bit disorienting that coming from an Indian but I am trenchant critique of Indian state and society. And you will find my opinions sometimes even more severe than pakistanis. I also know a lot about how Indian society works. I hope to share the knowledge here and contribute positively to forum. I dont hate Indians as people but there are many aspects worthy of criticism . And I really think unless India reforms itself it must be broken in to several nationalities which are currently part of India.
The only difference is your interest is generally confined to Kashmiris as they are your brethren and you wont care about suffering of rest of Indians under the fascist Indian govt. Which is fine. I am interested in both Kashmiri freedom and also general dismantling of Indian state because that is in best interests of peoples living under Indian rule now.
Believe me India or Hindus are not as unified as they appear to be.
Thanks for supporting the kashmir cause, and the violent activities of the Indian forces there, I personally nevr ever had any gruge against any hindu, sikh or any other religious ppls I live in open world and belive me even in Pakistan, common ppls nevrr think against any religion, I welcome your opinion and I wish that more great hindu ppls stand up and deny tht extermist rule in India, I'm sure if there is strong will kashmir issue can be solved easily and belive me pakistan not wanted to take kashmir with so many economic problems rooming on our heads maybe it's better to let kashmiris have their own country which shouldn't be hostile to both India and Pakistan?
And may have a common peace force from UN Station there, for some time of years

F-16 Downed by INDIA ??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Just Like 350+ So Called JeM Terrorists killed by India HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Show me any Google result verifying your comments Maybe your SANSKAARI RSS ARMY Shot down F-16 LOL your Surgical strike 2.0 was just as fake as your sir jee kall strike 1.0.

This isn't your Bollywood This is real life get over with your FANTASIES your Media is feeding you International media has already refuted all Indian claims, PDF is full of proofs against your claims your fellow indians have been humiliated so many times on so many occasions but still you are ranting about indian claims of F-16 and surgical strike you cannot shot down a Pakistani F-16 neither have you killed 350+ terrorists.

As far as i know India ranks above Pakistan when it comes to atrocities committed against women and minorities and RAPE.

Typical Indian he is just ranting typical indian BS and he still believes INDIANS SHOT down F-16 LOL HAHAHAHAHA he is true "DESH BAKHAT" of "TERROR MAATA INDIA"
Hey again a dead one walking back, where u were?

Lol. Clearly madrassa education is horrible.
You do have to return a PoW irrespective of whether war is declared or not. You gave him tea - good - goes to show you make decent tea - nothing else. In all postmortems, organs are generally removed. If you had medical facilities, you would know. In Kargil, you showed what you are like when you killed the pilot Ajay Ahuja. Or Sarabjeet Singh. And Jadhav's execution has been stayed by ICJ for a reason.

Awww, reality bites. By the way is the second Indian pilot still in hospital? Lol. Liars got caught and then backed out when they realized you lost an F16.
Stop watching ABB TAK news, by that india has already occupied pakistan??? But look at reality whole world is laughing at u?????
Thanks for supporting the kashmir cause, and the violent activities of the Indian forces there, I personally nevr ever had any gruge against any hindu, sikh or any other religious ppls I live in open world and belive me even in Pakistan, common ppls nevrr think against any religion, I welcome your opinion and I wish that more great hindu ppls stand up and deny tht extermist rule in India, I'm sure if there is strong will kashmir issue can be solved easily and belive me pakistan not wanted to take kashmir with so many economic problems rooming on our heads maybe it's better to let kashmiris have their own country which shouldn't be hostile to both India and Pakistan?
And may have a common peace force from UN Station there, for some time of years

Hey again a dead one walking back, where u were?

Stop watching ABB TAK news, by that india has already occupied pakistan??? But look at reality whole world is laughing at u?????
I don't speak gibberish. When you can type in comprehensible English, I shall definitely consider replying.

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