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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

Hahahha. We saw the fiasco of claiming 2 or 3 Indians by the Pak chap. And then he claimed one was in hospital. You have been deluded and fooled by your armed forces everytime. Keep believing your narrative. Deep down you know you got plastered.

Your country is known for terrorism, illiteracy, begging for loans and bachabazi. Now instead of raping little children if you had any brains, you would have done something about your country. But you didn't and you won't. Because a pig enjoys the mud. And you are no different. You will always remain there.

If that helps you sleep at night.

Now now, did your Indian boss make you clean the toilets at the gas station? Why the angst? I am sure you will get a tip.
heh, low IQ indian.
Knows he's been humiliated so goes back to lame exusese that are not even funny.
You got bombed. Your F16 was shot down while being chased out. And the pilot who shot down your F16 was returned after you served him fantastic tea. Your PM kept calling and India kept refusing to answer.

Winners catch pilots and score kills. What are you celebrating at? some concocted bollywood level story!

Your country is known for terrorism, illiteracy, begging for loans and bachabazi. Now instead of raping little children if you had any brains, you would have done something about your country. But you didn't and you won't. Because a pig enjoys the mud. And you are no different. You will always remain there.

Disgusting comment.
heh, low IQ indian.
Knows he's been humiliated so goes back to lame exusese that are not even funny.
Were you frothing at your mouth when you misspelled "excuses"? Lol. Don't worry - keep working had and who knows, you will get a heftier tip.

Winners catch pilots and score kills. What are you celebrating at? some concocted bollywood level story!

Disgusting comment.
Hahahha. So it seems the local madrassa teaches that RAF pilots caught by Germans over German land made Germany a winner. Great going.
Pakistan is as much of a regional power as North Korea is. Having nukes while having a bankrupt economy begging every nation worth its salt for a bailout is not the signs of a regional power.

You tried to force India's hand when you were America's closest partner in Asia outside of Japan. China is small fry compared to the US at its zenith when India was in the Soviet camp. So Kashmir should be resolved and that resolution will be on India's terms.

Hahahahha. I doubt even you believe that.

You got bombed. Your F16 was shot down while being chased out. And the pilot who shot down your F16 was returned after you served him fantastic tea. Your PM kept calling and India kept refusing to answer.

Feel free to Google videos of Bhutto begging in the UN in 65 asking India to stop comparing India to Germany and Pakistan to tiny Denmark. In Kargil, your PM ran to Clinton asking for an exit. After your FM was thrown out of the meeting in India. But do pass the number of your dealer. I would love to get as high as you have.
As being chutiya a national sports or what?
Hahahha. We saw the fiasco of claiming 2 or 3 Indians by the Pak chap. And then he claimed one was in hospital. You have been deluded and fooled by your armed forces everytime. Keep believing your narrative. Deep down you know you got plastered.

Your country is known for terrorism, illiteracy, begging for loans and bachabazi. Now instead of raping little children if you had any brains, you would have done something about your country. But you didn't and you won't. Because a pig enjoys the mud. And you are no different. You will always remain there.

If that helps you sleep at night.

Now now, did your Indian boss make you clean the toilets at the gas station? Why the angst? I am sure you will get a tip.

Your Country is the real "TERROR MAATA" you exported terrorism when terrorism was not main stream you sent terrorists to east Pakistan in the form of Mukthi Bani you sent terrorist to Srilanka Tamil Tigers you want to jeopardize a small country like Maldives with your Terrorist ambitions.

And remember when it comes to rape you guys are NUMBER ONE in the list you have the RAPE CAPITAL in the world NEW DELHI RAPISTAN you rape new born children in hospitals your own media reports such events you have raped even DOGS so stop using the rape card against Pakistan rape crime is not as great in Pakistan as it is in India.

They are more
illiterate, poor and hungry people in India than in Pakistan more than 3 times the total population of Pakistan. So stop your SUPAH DUPAH POWAH Superiority complex and get over with it you are far worse than Pakistan in every evil thing you can imagine against Pakistan.
As being chutiya a national sports or what?
Whatever suits you. You really don't need my permission to choose your national sport.

Your Country is the real "TERROR MAATA" you exported terrorism when terrorism was not main stream you sent terrorists to east Pakistan in the form of Mukthi Bani you sent terrorist to Srilanka Tamil Tigers you want to jeopardize a small country like Maldives with your Terrorist ambitions.

And remember when it comes to rape you guys are NUMBER ONE in the list you have the RAPE CAPITAL in the world NEW DELHI RAPISTAN you rape new born children in hospitals your own media reports such events you have raped even DOGS so stop using the rape card against Pakistan rape crime is not as great in Pakistan as it is in India.

They are more
illiterate, poor and hungry people in India than in Pakistan more than 3 times the total population of Pakistan. So stop your SUPAH DUPAH POWAH Superiority complex and get over with it you are far worse than Pakistan in every evil thing you can imagine against Pakistan.
All I can be thankful for is the little children safe from your bachabazi while you vomit your vile lies here.

Could anyone of you guys open up a thread about this issue. It seems to be very much worthy of a separate sticky thread about it. The right of insurgency of the Kashmiris under international law etc.

I'd do it, and I do apologise for not, but I don't really know much about it.

Thank yiu.


That seems like a good idea, but not for me to pursue.
Whatever suits you. You really don't need my permission to choose your national sport.

All I can be thankful for is the little children safe from your bachabazi while you vomit your vile lies here.

Don't compare you childhood with others. "A PIG WAS STANDING A ROOM FULL OF MIRRORS AND ALL HE SAW WAS PIGS", this shows your mentality.

Again Mind your Language and get over your superiority complex your country is far worse than Pakistan in every EVIL field. "TERROR MAATA" is angry :devil::devil::devil:
Don't compare you childhood with others. "A PIG WAS STANDING A ROOM FULL OF MIRRORS AND ALL HE SAW WAS PIGS", this shows your mentality.

Again Mind your Language and get over your superiority complex your country is far worse than Pakistan in every EVIL field. "TERROR MAATA" is angry :devil::devil::devil:

As far as the kids in the neighborhood are safe, you can continue to keep at it here. Just spare them, that's all.
As far as the kids in the neighborhood are safe, you can continue to keep at it here. Just spare them, that's all.

Yes the KIDS are safe I don't think whatever happened to you in your childhood must happen to others as well, this is not how the world works your Imagination cannot be a part of reality. By the time i was writing this comment to reply to your BS around 5 to 10 rapes must have occurred in your "TERROR MAATA" and i can tell this by the rate of rape in India oh i mean "TERROR MAATA"


More Humiliation for you after UNSC vote Haan ???
As far as the kids in the neighborhood are safe, you can continue to keep at it here. Just spare them, that's all.

Stop beating around the bush.
Go Learn from your Gandhi Ji ,who slept naked with two girls and did it with minors.
How come you can talk of us. When your own founder was child molester.

Go Get a Gun and kill yourself with all that Gandhi Geeri
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Stop beating around the bush.
Go Learn from you Gandhi Ji ,who slept naked with two-girls and-did it with minors.

I wish I could tell you to learn from someone but I can't think of anyone significant to have emerged from your land.

Yes the KIDS are safe I don't think whatever happened to you in your childhood must happen to others as well, this is not how the world works your Imagination cannot be a part of reality. By the time i was writing this comment to reply to your BS around 5 to 10 rapes must have occurred in your "TERROR MAATA" and i can tell this by the rate of rape in India oh i mean "TERROR MAATA"


More Humiliation for you after UNSC vote Haan ???

And these are the ones reported. If it happened to you in childhood, you have my condolences. But that doesn't give you a license to prey on little kids. Or goats.
I wish I could tell you to learn from someone but I can't think of anyone significant to have emerged from your land.

Your EX PM Manmohan Sing is From our Land. Dillip Kumar Shah Rukh Khan just to name a few and the list goes on and on. You are an IGNORANT PIECE you Know that ??

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