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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

LOL just like Abhinandan and Jadhav were named?

Stop kidding yourself.

It's almost like India is on the FATF grey list for financing terrorism. But you are, and we happily co sponsored it.:DThat's why your ministers are crying to FATF to remove India from the group that decides on them.

You have zero evidence. Kashmir is an indigenous struggle.
Yeah but nobody gives a flying F. Sob story 101
This is a pressure tactic from China to pressure India into participating in the Belt and Road initiative.

India has already achieved its tactical objective. The whole world knows Masood Azhar is a terrorist. Knew it way back in 1998 when terrorists hijacked an Indian airliner to free their boss. Designating him a terrorist is practically meaningless.

By vetoing this resolution, China is losing it's standing and respect in the world. When people all over the world read in the news how China is protecting a terrorist, then trust in China would be diminished. It's illogical, wasting political capital to protect a terrorist.
It's almost like India is on the FATF grey list of financing terrorism. But you are, and we happily co sponsored it.:DThat's why your ministers are crying to FATF to remove India from the group that decides on them.

What happened to the blacklist? LOL

Why is it taking India and the rest such a long time to put Pakistan on this list?

Listen up pal, your daddy is reluctant. We know the game they are playing, but it won’t have any effect.

China, Pakistan and Russia are a counter to US hegemony in this region. LOL it is over for daddy America.

Let me tell you that America has managed to drastically improve Pakistan Russia relations. This relationship was nonexistent. The credit goes to India and the US. That speaks volume that Pak and Russia can unite to counter the same threat.

This is a pressure tactic from China to pressure India into participating in the Belt and Road initiative.

India has already achieved its tactical objective. The whole world knows Masood Azhar is a terrorist. Knew it way back in 1998 when terrorists hijacked an Indian airliner to free their boss. Designating him a terrorist is practically meaningless.

By vetoing this resolution, China is losing it's standing and respect in the world. When people all over the world read in the news how China is protecting a terrorist, then trust in China would be diminished. It's illogical, wasting political capital to protect a terrorist.

Blah blah blah. In the Indian fantasy perhaps.

India can scream and shout all day long.

As long as India rapes and kills Kashmiris no peace is possible. At the core of this dispute is Kashmir. No matter how much you point fingers at individuals, it won’t make an iota of difference.
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Let's see. India has Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives in its corner in the region. Pak has iron brother China.

To be fair, China is the only allie that matters.
Worlds second largest economy, and projected super power. Pakistan is also a regional power that is fairly powerful in it's own right.
Now compared that to the basket case of countries you mentioned. The only one of those that is repetable is Iran and even Iran with it's sanctions is no real match. Also Iran and Pakistan consider themselves brotherly countires.

So while you want to make it sound like India is in a stronger position, what you are really saying is that India and a few basket case countires vs 2 nuclear powers (one of which is the world's 2nd largest ecconomy)
To be fair, China is the only allie that matters.
Worlds second largest economy, and projected super power. Pakistan is also a regional power that is fairly powerful in it's own right.
Now compared that to the basket case of countries you mentioned. The only one of those that is repetable is Iran and even Iran with it's sanctions is no real match. Also Iran and Pakistan consider themselves brotherly countires.

So while you want to make it sound like India is in a stronger position, what you are really saying is that India and a few basket case countires vs 2 nuclear powers (one of which is the world's 2nd largest ecconomy)

If India was truly in a stronger position it would have had its way long ago. It already has the support of the likes of UK, France and the US which ate by no means Bhutan or Bangladesh. Despite this support India is still unable to achieve its purpose.

The reason is simple. As long as India doesn’t resolve Kashmir it won’t find any peace. You cannot oppress a group of people and expect peace in return.
What happened to the blacklist? LOL
Now you are mocking us for not being able to put you on blacklist? :lol: Desperate much?

Why is taking India and the rest such a long time to put Pakistan on this list?
You were supposed to be off, because you don't end support of financing terrorism, you were kept on list for longer. If you take action against these loonies and cut their funding it's a win win for us.:enjoy:
We don't care about what list you are in. We just want you to end support for the militancy in Kashmir.

Listen up pal, your daddy is reluctant. We know the game they are playing, but it won’t have any effect.

China, Pakistan and Russia are a counter to US hegemony in this region. LOL it is over for daddy America.

Russia voted to put Masood Azhar in global terror list and to put you in FATF grey list.
Now you are mocking us for not being able to put you on blacklist? :lol: Desperate much?

You were supposed to be off, because you don't end support of financing terrorism, you were kept on list for longer. If you take action against these loonies and cut their funding it's a win win for us.:enjoy:
We don't care about what list you are in. We just want you to end support for the militancy in Kashmir.


Russia voted to put Masood Azhar in global terror list and to put you in FATF grey list.

LOL yet here he is still begging everyone to put individuals on some irrelevant list and unable to do so. Keep trying because the world is a changed place.

Russia also participated last year in Islamabad spy talks...

Resolve Kashmir and there is no need to put anyone on any list. If you don’t resolve Kashmir? We will keep taking down your fighters and keep humiliating your nation in front of the world. Also we will shame you diplomatically.

Raping and killing Kashmiris won’t get you any victory.
Let's see. India has Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives in its corner in the region. Pak has iron brother China.

Do you really think Pakistan gives a R@ts A$$ to who India is Ally with.
Even if Pakistan was given instructions from China & Middle East not to escalate in response to your so called Turd Strike "hit and run".
But Pakistan Security doctrine is autonomous in taking actions.
we drill you hard and return Love Child as gesture of peace.

From 1965 to Kargil. Who ran to Uncle Sam to stop the beating
well you know the truth.
Do you really think Pakistan gives a R@ts A$$ to who India is Ally with.
Even if Pakistan was given instructions from China & Middle East not to escalate in response to your so called Turd Strike "hit and run".
But Pakistan Security doctrine is autonomous in taking actions.
we drill you hard and return Love Child as gesture of peace.

From 1965 to Kargil. Who ran to Uncle Sam to stop the beating
well you know the truth.

India is trying, but failing at every juncture.

First it tries its luck through fake surgical strikes and gets its ugly vegan a$$ handed to it. Now it is begging Uncle Sam and others on the diplomatic front. No luck.

These vegan bastards just cannot have it their way. Modi is fighting a lost battle. Almost got a full fledged war started for some cheap votes.

You tell me who is being disgraced every minute of the day... Modi got humiliated by his own opposition. Sane Indians are showing a middle finger to Modi.

As long as India doesn’t resolve Kashmir peace is impossible.
To be fair, China is the only allie that matters.
Worlds second largest economy, and projected super power. Pakistan is also a regional power that is fairly powerful in it's own right.
Now compared that to the basket case of countries you mentioned. The only one of those that is repetable is Iran and even Iran with it's sanctions is no real match. Also Iran and Pakistan consider themselves brotherly countires.

So while you want to make it sound like India is in a stronger position, what you are really saying is that India and a few basket case countires vs 2 nuclear powers (one of which is the world's 2nd largest ecconomy)

Pakistan is as much of a regional power as North Korea is. Having nukes while having a bankrupt economy begging every nation worth its salt for a bailout is not the signs of a regional power.

If India was truly in a stronger position it would have had its way long ago. It already has the support of the likes of UK, France and the US which ate by no means Bhutan or Bangladesh. Despite this support India is still unable to achieve its purpose.

The reason is simple. As long as India doesn’t resolve Kashmir it won’t find any peace. You cannot oppress a group of people and expect peace in return.

You tried to force India's hand when you were America's closest partner in Asia outside of Japan. China is small fry compared to the US at its zenith when India was in the Soviet camp. So Kashmir should be resolved and that resolution will be on India's terms.

Do you really think Pakistan gives a R@ts A$$ to who India is Ally with.
Even if Pakistan was given instructions from China & Middle East not to escalate in response to your so called Turd Strike "hit and run".
But Pakistan Security doctrine is autonomous in taking actions.
we drill you hard and return Love Child as gesture of peace.

From 1965 to Kargil. Who ran to Uncle Sam to stop the beating
well you know the truth.
Hahahahha. I doubt even you believe that.

You got bombed. Your F16 was shot down while being chased out. And the pilot who shot down your F16 was returned after you served him fantastic tea. Your PM kept calling and India kept refusing to answer.

Feel free to Google videos of Bhutto begging in the UN in 65 asking India to stop comparing India to Germany and Pakistan to tiny Denmark. In Kargil, your PM ran to Clinton asking for an exit. After your FM was thrown out of the meeting in India. But do pass the number of your dealer. I would love to get as high as you have.
Pakistan is as much of a regional power as North Korea is. Having nukes while having a bankrupt economy begging every nation worth its salt for a bailout is not the signs of a regional power.

You tried to force India's hand when you were America's closest partner in Asia outside of Japan. China is small fry compared to the US at its zenith when India was in the Soviet camp. So Kashmir should be resolved and that resolution will be on India's terms.

You are living in Modi’s fantasy world. Get out of rape fantasies.

Pak economy is picking up massively and we are receiving billions of dollars in investment from quite a few countries since the new government took over. Expect more and more investment to trickle in.

Our economy suffered due to terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. India took full advantage and sponsored terror in Pak soil. Of course we returned the favor when daddy America turned a blind eye to Indian role in opiumland. The result is visible after almost 18 years. Zero achievements in Afghanistan apart from one Indian library LOL

Your Afghan buddies worship Pakistan. They come in the millions to our nation and don’t want to leave. They brag about India yet don’t want to go this nation LOL So much for that bragging.

How can Pakistan be North Korea when so many countries are investing in it? Don’t you on a daily basis preach Pakistan about the dangers of Chinese loans and investments? LOL You need a reality check because otherwise India wouldn’t be begging for Pak land access to Afghanistan LOL

We know what our strengths and limitations are. We don’t brag like hundreds of millions of Indian beggars who put Africa to shame. Just take care of rape and poverty in your own slum huts.
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Pakistan is as much of a regional power as North Korea is. Having nukes while having a bankrupt economy begging every nation worth its salt for a bailout is not the signs of a regional power.

You tried to force India's hand when you were America's closest partner in Asia outside of Japan. China is small fry compared to the US at its zenith when India was in the Soviet camp. So Kashmir should be resolved and that resolution will be on India's terms.

Hahahahha. I doubt even you believe that.

You got bombed. Your F16 was shot down while being chased out. And the pilot who shot down your F16 was returned after you served him fantastic tea. Your PM kept calling and India kept refusing to answer.

Feel free to Google videos of Bhutto begging in the UN in 65 asking India to stop comparing India to Germany and Pakistan to tiny Denmark. In Kargil, your PM ran to Clinton asking for an exit. After your FM was thrown out of the meeting in India. But do pass the number of your dealer. I would love to get as high as you have.

Then I guess North Korea just humiliated you people a few weeks ago :azn:

You are living in Modi’s fantasy world. Get out of rape fantasies.

Pak economy is picking up massively and we are receiving billions of dollars in investment from quite a few countries since the new government took over. Expect more and more investment to trickle in.

Our economy suffered due to terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. India took full advantage and sponsored terror in Pak soil. Of course we returned the favor when daddy America turned a blind eye to Indian role in opiumland. The result is visible after almost 18 years. Zero achievements in Afghanistan apart from one Indian library LOL

How can Pakistan be North Korea when so many countries are investing in it? Don’t you in a daily basis preach Pakistan about the dangers of Chinese loans and investments? LOL You need a reality check because otherwise India wouldn’t be begging for Pak land access to Afghanistan LOL

We know what our SWOT are. We don’t brag like hundreds of millions of Indian beggars who put Africa to shame.
leave it bro.
Can't reason with these deluded people.
They think they are Sharuk Khan in real life but in actuality they are that guy shittting in the streets of Delhi.

Just make fun of them and move on.
You got bombed. Your F16 was shot down while being chased out. And the pilot who shot down your F16 was returned after you served him fantastic tea. Your PM kept calling and India kept refusing to answer.

Proof of F16, by your Air Chief was piece of AIM-120 amraam in his hands to show to media , like some Bus Chooran seller. LOL . The #Serial belonged Taiwan.Later Photoshop by your media.
Start deluding yourself with Bollywood Plot , IAF got busted and disgusted. In the end you trying to save the prestige in between the nose bleed.
Blah blah blah. In the Indian fantasy perhaps.

India can scream and shout all day long.

As long as India rapes and kills Kashmiris no peace is possible. At the core of this dispute is Kashmir. No matter how much you point fingers at individuals, it won’t make an iota of difference.
India wants to solve the Kashmir problem. There is an urgent need to create more jobs and increase overall prosperity in the region. Only then can we choke militancy.

I have seen this in Maharashtra. In places where people are well to do and prosperous, there is no naxal problem. But in drought-hit poor regions, Naxals have a foothold.

There is no military solution in Kashmir, only a political and economic solution. If article 370 is a roadblock in creating more jobs, then it will have to be diluted. Kashmir will have to integrate with the rest of the Indian economy.

We will defeat terrorism one way or the other.
Proof of F16, by your Air Chief was piece of AIM-120 amraam in his hands to show to media , like some Bus Chooran seller. LOL . The #Serial belonged Taiwan.Later Photoshop by your media.
Start deluding yourself with Bollywood Plot , IAF got busted and disgusted. In the end you trying to save the prestige in between the nose bleed.
Hahahha. We saw the fiasco of claiming 2 or 3 Indians by the Pak chap. And then he claimed one was in hospital. You have been deluded and fooled by your armed forces everytime. Keep believing your narrative. Deep down you know you got plastered.

You are living in Modi’s fantasy world. Get out of rape fantasies.

Pak economy is picking up massively and we are receiving billions of dollars in investment from quite a few countries since the new government took over. Expect more and more investment to trickle in.

Our economy suffered due to terrorism emanating from Afghanistan. India took full advantage and sponsored terror in Pak soil. Of course we returned the favor when daddy America turned a blind eye to Indian role in opiumland. The result is visible after almost 18 years. Zero achievements in Afghanistan apart from one Indian library LOL

Your Afghan buddies worship Pakistan. They come in the millions to our nation and don’t want to leave. They brag about India yet don’t want to go this nation LOL So much for that bragging.

How can Pakistan be North Korea when so many countries are investing in it? Don’t you on a daily basis preach Pakistan about the dangers of Chinese loans and investments? LOL You need a reality check because otherwise India wouldn’t be begging for Pak land access to Afghanistan LOL

We know what our strengths and limitations are. We don’t brag like hundreds of millions of Indian beggars who put Africa to shame. Just take care of rape and poverty in your own slum huts.

Your country is known for terrorism, illiteracy, begging for loans and bachabazi. Now instead of raping little children if you had any brains, you would have done something about your country. But you didn't and you won't. Because a pig enjoys the mud. And you are no different. You will always remain there.

Then I guess North Korea just humiliated you people a few weeks ago :azn:

leave it bro.
Can't reason with these deluded people.
They think they are Sharuk Khan in real life but in actuality they are that guy shittting in the streets of Delhi.

Just make fun of them and move on.
If that helps you sleep at night.

Now now, did your Indian boss make you clean the toilets at the gas station? Why the angst? I am sure you will get a tip.

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