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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

I remember few Indian members lecturing us here that even China didnt support us during the Balakot attack.

This is how China helps. Big slap on Indian face. Now who is China with??

This humiliating chapter for India is not ending any time soon.

#indiahumiliatedonceagain #diplomaticvictorypakistan
All signs show that China's gonna veto it again, even this is the first time that US, UK , and France ganged up together to push it against us.

They are only supporting India as long as India let them milk itself. And as long as India stays their security guard against China. Once they achieve their objective, they will throw India in the garbage can.
We did a big mistake when traitors in our govt allowed some of our citizens to be on UN sanctions list and now it's hanuting us in FATF.

Thanks China. :rofl:
The resolution was combined & supported by France USA and UK....so it is well known now who is pushing India for escalation
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