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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

In case China Vetoes then:

Just impose 200 percent duty on Chinese goods to India

Next time China will bring the resolution itself to ban this gentleman :coffee:
lol go ahead and see what happen with the indian companies who buy raw materials at cheap price from China .
Lol, calling someone a thief without any proof is meaningless.
I like how some Chinese here talk almost like they know everything about Masood Azhar. The guy was a Pakistani, arrested in India when he was trying to stop a fight between two terror organization. Terrorist civil war I guess.

His nice brother later Hijacked an Indian airlines flight to negotiate his and two other's release, they killed a passenger to set an example. After tons of pressure, the government of India released this pig in return for the passengers, they exchanged him in Kabul. Later he fled to Pakistan, and since then has become a state asset for them.

I know China is trying to protect Pakistan from international condemnation for protecting him. But we know what happens to the people who feed snakes in their back yard. Pakistan is getting it day in day out, in the form of TTP (Pakistan's own creation). I hope someday you get a nice shot of that medicine, and we'll laugh at your misery.:)
Look I appreciate, your opinions, and belive me most open minded nation on earth are Pakistanis if u look our history, with so many wars happening against us still never a religious party came to. Power in Pakistan because ppls of Pakistan are not dumb, but look at that kashmir and innocent kashmiris who been beaten on streets just because thy are kashmiris in all over India, what you expect we shouldn't support them morally cause that facsit Indian govt don't want ???

No you should support them morally and you must. I support them too. It may be a bit disorienting that coming from an Indian but I am trenchant critique of Indian state and society. And you will find my opinions sometimes even more severe than pakistanis. I also know a lot about how Indian society works. I hope to share the knowledge here and contribute positively to forum. I dont hate Indians as people but there are many aspects worthy of criticism . And I really think unless India reforms itself it must be broken in to several nationalities which are currently part of India.
The only difference is your interest is generally confined to Kashmiris as they are your brethren and you wont care about suffering of rest of Indians under the fascist Indian govt. Which is fine. I am interested in both Kashmiri freedom and also general dismantling of Indian state because that is in best interests of peoples living under Indian rule now.
Believe me India or Hindus are not as unified as they appear to be.
RSS was Founded in 1920s it only came to power (current BJP not vajapayees) after huge cases of corruption came to light in India, there was global recession and fuel prices were all time high. People were played lied and now cheated. Entire media judiciary and other key institututiims are now under attack so yes i have never seen this kind of India before you are right about a few things. But i have faith in democratic process at times its slow and painful bit i believe indian people will see things for as they are soon. And this hate mongering factory will stop. Hopefully things in pakistan also keep progressing as they are and a solution can come up at the right time.

A solution is there for India and Pakistan and it has been offered by Imran Khan but for India to recognize any solution there needs to be a conversation and that is against the policy of current Indian govt. So the only little hope is left in Indian democracy if it is able to adjust the direction of country towards peace.
Yes, they are...

India does not have a legal case in Kashmir.
It's just that they have a strong economic and diplomatic clout.
But still they failed to get this resolution passed from the UNSC.
The current episode (so far) has been a complete humiliation for India, militarily as well as diplomatically.
We are doing just fine alright.

You have no legal standing in Kashmir, UNSC resolution came to an end once we signed the shimla agreement.

We were almost certain that China was gonna keep asking for "more" evidence, it has more to do with posturing.

All the members excluding China supported the resolution. There are no humiliation for India, the only humiliation is when proxies from Pakistan keeps named and shamed in world bodies as terrorists.

You, of course, are entitled to your opinion. I believe no Kashmiri Muslim would agree with you.

I agree with the opinion of ICJ, here is what some experts on International Law have to say regarding the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters:

(The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is an international human rights non-governmental organization based in Geneva. The Commission itself is a standing group of 60 eminent jurists(including senior judges, attorneys and academics) dedicated to ensuring respect for international human rights standards through the law. Commissioners are known for their experience, knowledge and fundamental commitment to human rights.)

ICJ sent a fact finding mission to Kashmir in 1995. The final report published not only challenged the accession of Kashmir to India, it went on to say "If as the ICJ mission has concluded , the people of Kashmir have a right for self determination, it follows that their insurgency is legitimate " ... (p.84-98)



I read the entire Appendix 1 with great interest, and not just the quoted sentence above. There is far more to the situation in view of that report, methinks, specially its Conclusions and Recommendations, all ten of them.

Yes, there is.... This report is neutral as it does not entirely agree with the Pakistani official position either.

Did you read the part that completely destroys the Indian narrative of Simla Agreement superseding the UN resolutions. ?...

Yes, I did, and all the preceding and following arguments. The ten Conclusions and Recommendations of the report are quite telling, aren't they?

Could anyone of you guys open up a thread about this issue. It seems to be very much worthy of a separate sticky thread about it. The right of insurgency of the Kashmiris under international law etc.

I'd do it, and I do apologise for not, but I don't really know much about it.

Thank yiu.

The only difference is your interest is generally confined to Kashmiris as they are your brethren and you wont care about suffering of rest of Indians under the fascist Indian govt. Which is fine. I am interested in both Kashmiri freedom and also general dismantling of Indian state because that is in best interests of peoples living under Indian rule now.
Believe me India or Hindus are not as unified as they appear to be.
Tell me, how's my government a fascist one? :what:

When you start with this Hindoo union stuff, it pretty much give away you identity. Try to blend in next time :enjoy:

No you should support them morally and you must. I support them too. It may be a bit disorienting that coming from an Indian but I am trenchant critique of Indian state and society. And you will find my opinions sometimes even more severe than pakistanis. I also know a lot about how Indian society works. I hope to share the knowledge here and contribute positively to forum. I dont hate Indians as people but there are many aspects worthy of criticism . And I really think unless India reforms itself it must be broken in to several nationalities which are currently part of India.
The only difference is your interest is generally confined to Kashmiris as they are your brethren and you wont care about suffering of rest of Indians under the fascist Indian govt. Which is fine. I am interested in both Kashmiri freedom and also general dismantling of Indian state because that is in best interests of peoples living under Indian rule now.
Believe me India or Hindus are not as unified as they appear to be.

Interesting point of view. I assumed that most of the lower casts are fine with their situation as it is religion based. Given the population of brahims is apparently a 60-70 million in total. The lower casts make up nearly 70%. The dalits nearly 300million.

Could you shed some some light on this? Or maybe open up a new thread since this seems like an interesting subject and it may get lost in this thread.

I like how some Chinese here talk almost like they know everything about Masood Azhar. The guy was a Pakistani, arrested in India when he was trying to stop a fight between two terror organization. Terrorist civil war I guess.

His nice brother later Hijacked an Indian airlines flight to negotiate his and two other's release, they killed a passenger to set an example. After tons of pressure, the government of India released this pig in return for the passengers, they exchanged him in Kabul. Later he fled to Pakistan, and since then has become a state asset for them.

I know China is trying to protect Pakistan from international condemnation for protecting him. But we know what happens to the people who feed snakes in their back yard. Pakistan is getting it day in day out, in the form of TTP (Pakistan's own creation). I hope someday you get a nice shot of that medicine, and we'll laugh at your misery.:)

Boo hoo, keep crying little injun, here's the world's smallest violin playing the blues for you.

Interesting point of view. I assumed that most of the lower casts are fine with their situation as it is religion based. Given the population of brahims is apparently a 60-70 million in total. The lower casts make up nearly 70%. The dalits nearly 300million.

Could you shed some some light on this? Or maybe open up a new thread since this seems like an interesting subject and it may get lost in this thread.


Historically Hinduism also known as brahminism always held non-brahmins in contempt. Everybody other than brahmins were given lower grades - grade 2 is kshatriya like rajputs, grade 3 is baniyas and grade 4 is sudras such as jats,yadavs, kurmis,nairs, reddies etc. And in addition they are dalits such as chamars etc who were seen as untouchables they were ungraded and lived outside villages.

Basically hinduism is a system of exploitation which pretends to be a religion. Almost all productive work is done by Sudras or Dalits and all leisurely professions like priests, administration and trade was confined to grades 1 to 3. The jat or nair or reddy will till the land in brutal indian summer, the yadav will tame the indian buffalo and produce milk, the smith caste will melt iron ore and do metal work. If there were rains they lived or the died on hunger. But the brahmin was granted a temple and lived a liesurely life (relatively liesurely for olden days) though he is free to chose any profession like trading if he desires. Hindu religion mandates free donations to brahmins such as alms, cows, land etc.

The bania will trade the product that sudras produce and make a killing and donate to brahmins and temples after hoarding his own profits. The rajput will extract a share of the produce of sudras as tax and donate some to brahmins after his own lavishness. The brahmin feeds on everything(while producing nothing of value) and burns even more in the name of rituals where ghee and food is wasted and burnt.

Now after centuries of Muslim occupation and british occupations the brahmins realized their moral inferiority. Instead of genuine reform they started a game of obfuscation and tried to preserve their privilege as much as they can. the result is modern Indian state. It tries to hide its moral bankruptcy under a western christian constitution but almost all of its elite come from predominantly brahmin or bania. it also co-opts some sudra castes and plays one against the other . The objective is to stretch their unearned privilege as much as they can.

Take Ajit Doval who presents himself as hindu james bond to Indian people despite the fact he is completely useless and under his administration Kashmir recorded an increase in deaths of Indian soldier. He is a brahmin and his son runs a hedge fund whose partners are pakistani and saudi. he takes for granted all freedoms to increase their wealth - his son can partner with anything but if indian muslim eats beef which is his own property his govt will be cheering his lynching. But his govt will severely police the behaviour of kashmiris and other non-brahmin indians.
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No evidence against Masood Azhar. No evidence JeM was involved in Pulwama attack. Yet without any chrge or investigation, Indian and USA begin to move UN to designate Masood Azhar a terrorist.

The way USA hurries to India's moves is quite fascinating. Getting Masood Azhar on terror list will put pressure on Pakistan. It will give the world, read USA, licence to prosecute Pakistan on fake terror charges in future.

The argument would be that Pakistan must move to ban these organizations. They are already banned. Even without them being involved, India wants to name Pakistan for every 'terror' incident. This is a calculated move, and Pakistan must proactively work to get out of this trap. Pakistan has itself walked into it by appeasing, giving statements in reaction and in defence. This has weakened Pakistan case. New strategy is needed.
No evidence against Masood Azhar. No evidence JeM was involved in Pulwama attack. Yet without any chrge or investigation, Indian and USA begin to move UN to designate Masood Azhar a terrorist.

The way USA hurries to India's moves is quite fascinating. Getting Masood Azhar on terror list will put pressure on Pakistan. It will give the world, read USA, licence to prosecute Pakistan on fake terror charges in future.

The argument would be that Pakistan must move to ban these organizations. They are already banned. Even without them being involved, India wants to name Pakistan for every 'terror' incident. This is a calculated move, and Pakistan must proactively work to get out of this trap. Pakistan has itself walked into it by appeasing, giving statements in reaction and in defence. This has weakened Pakistan case. New strategy is needed.

The resistence in Kashmir is never a terror incident. It is their freedom struggle. I do feel bad for indian soldiers who died many of whom comes from lower castes and are brainwashed in to seeing Kashmiris as enemies.
The only terror in valley is from Indian state which highly militarized(the worlds most ?) a beautiful state (described as heaven on earth) and brutalized a beautiful people known for a gentle culture .
India gave the dossier which is not even evidence. It gave that piece of sh*t document after attacking across the border.

So it wanted to establish a 'new normal' of attacking first and communicating later. It has been taught all lesson by Israel. But Israel forgot to tell India that Pakistan is not Gaza.
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