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China bans men it sees as 'not masculine enough' from TV


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
China’s government banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters Thursday to promote “revolutionary culture,” broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality.
President Xi Jinping has called for a “national rejuvenation,” with tighter Communist Party control of business, education, culture and religion. Companies and the public are under increasing pressure to align with its vision for a more powerful China and healthier society.

The party has reduced children’s access to online games and is trying to discourage what it sees as unhealthy attention to celebrities.
Broadcasters must “resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal esthetics,” the National Radio and TV Administration said, using an insulting slang term for effeminate men — “niang pao,” or literally, “girlie guns.”

That reflects official concern that Chinese pop stars, influenced by the sleek, fashionable look of some South Korean and Japanese singers and actors, are failing to encourage China’s young men to be masculine enough.
Broadcasters should avoid promoting “vulgar internet celebrities” and admiration of wealth and celebrity, the regulator said. Instead, programs should “vigorously promote excellent Chinese traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.”

Xi’s government also is tightening control over Chinese internet industries.

It has launched anti-monopoly, data security and other enforcement actions at companies including games and social media provider Tencent Holding and e-commerce giant Alibaba Group that the ruling party worries are too big and independent.

Rules that took effect Wednesday limit anyone under 18 to three hours per week of online games and prohibit play on school days.
Game developers already were required to submit new titles for government approval before they could be released. Officials have called on them to add nationalistic themes.
The party also is tightening control over celebrities.

Broadcasters should avoid performers who “violate public order” or have “lost morality,” the regulator said. Programs about the children of celebrities also are banned.
On Saturday, microblog platform Weibo Corp. suspended thousands of accounts for fan clubs and entertainment news.

A popular actress, Zhao Wei, has disappeared from streaming platforms without explanation. Her name has been removed from credits of movies and TV programmes.
Thursday’s order told broadcasters to limit pay for performers and to avoid contract terms that might help them evade taxes.

Another actress, Zheng Shuang, was fined 299 million yuan ($46 million) last week on tax evasion charges in a warning to celebrities to be positive role models.


Bravo China. Recently China has made some moves for the betterment of it's own society which should be commended. It is working hard to prevent it's society from being perverted by Western Agendas. This LGBQT, feminism, liberal nonsense is being peddled everywhere in the west, apart from in private schools where the children of the elite go.

Meanwhile libtards in our society are cheer leading for wastes of oxygen like this guy.

Holy based.
Xi Jinping is going all out, but I fear too much changes will create big backlash.
It is said after WW2, US intentionally promted girly culture in its colony Japan to erode their martial spirit.
This is because you wronged the Americans. There is a fascination with the sickness of young girls in Japanese culture.
It is always dangerous for manly actors to thrive in China. Being manly means to be truthful, just and brave, which make them often politically incorrect. Those who survive must tread the CCP's party line carefully.
Traditional Japanese culture had two faces. Extremely masculine for men and extremely feminine for women. Women even had their own writing system.
Traditional Japanese culture had two faces. Extremely masculine for men and extremely feminine for women. Women even had their own writing system.
This kinda explains the designs of some of their anime and video game characters. Glad the american haven't snuff that flame out.
But I do hope this new chinese laws destroy the gay xianxia novels in China.
I expect Hollywood to defag their China releases from now on
Another twisted story from the west and of cos from the well known anti China dawn website.
This kinda explains the designs of some of their anime and video game characters. Glad the american haven't snuff that flame out.
But I do hope this new chinese laws destroy the gay xianxia novels in China.
I found Japanese overall are childish. No matter how old they are. In the deep soul they are just like butch of curious children. Full of kids imaginations. This is the reason why Japanese are so good at animes.

Childishness shaped Japan as it is. Childishness has good side and bad side. Good side is kid curiosity and submissiveness help their economy development. Bad side is Japan can not be pioneer in any field and lacks of strategy.
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I found Japanese overall are childish. No matter how old they are. In the deep soul they are just like butch of curious children. Full of kids imaginations. This is the reason why Japanese are so good at animes.
That is good. They worship the eternal present and perfection, unlike chinese and vietnamese who worship the future and improvement.
But I think we will surpass the japanese which prompts the japs to improve themselves further, as long as the americans don't get in the way.
Competition in this field is good. Vietnamese animation is still very weak, but our video game industry is making baby steps.
I found Japanese overall are childish. No matter how old they are. In the deep soul they are just like butch of curious children. Full of kids imaginations. This is the reason why Japanese are so good at animes.

Childishness shaped Japan as it is. Childishness has good side and bad side. Good side is kid curiosity and submissiveness help their economy development. Bad side is Japan can not be pioneer in any field and lacks of strategy.
I disagree. Japanese are no more childish than Chinese. Some of them may exhibit obsessed fetish in young girls. It is more likely caused by elaborate social norms/rituals that they have to comply. Everywhere there is a suppression on men's desire, you will find strange relief vent, like young boys favored by some celibate catholic priests.
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