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China BAD

Buck up and start your own industrial manufacturing sectors even if it is small and export to China so that we can reduce the trade deficit. It is Simple.

So what does China not being a democracy and PLA not being a nationalistic Army have to do with that?
OP is a disgruntled Pakistani Shia trying to damage Pakistan-China relationship with such Threads and Posts.

This is not the first and it follows a pattern of this kind of Garbage threads.

and why would a shia want that sir. how would he benefit??
Sir jee look around, the same has been written by many Pakistanis many times. Mostly in arguments with our Indian friends.


As you mentioned, the arguments in the OP are nothing new. We have been hearing them from Indians, Americans and even some Pakistanis.

And many of us have provided rebuttals on this very forum.
Many times over the years.

and why would a shia want that sir. how would he benefit??

Please don't feed the sectarian angle. It will only derail the thread.
There are alway contentious opinions in every society - regardless of the mode of governance

We cannot at the moment provide to Pakistanis a cover against the us drone attacks because as the OP un-intentionally leaked out, our acute internal problems are there, let alone the external pressures

If some factions in Pakistan have the viewpoint we are an untrusted friend then it is a pity and the biggest laughing stock

I wasn't expecting China to provide cover against the drones.

First, it was the Pakistani government that allowed these and some were in collaboration with Pak-Mil.

Second, China's support for Pakistan at the UN over issues like Balochistan and veto-rights are already enough support.
Third, China's assistance in military tech and sanction-proof supplies.
Fourth, continuing Sino-Pak cooperation in nuclear field.

China has already provided enough moral, diplomatic, military and economic support to Pakistan.

:pakistan: :china:
People in the indian and us camp will be delighted to see you break off from China that is why the indian round of cheerleading here!
No one is 'cheer-leading' here. It's just your imagination gone berserk - the inveterate 'India paranoia' that's hitting your brain cells with amazing regularity. Like it just did.
As you mentioned, the arguments in the OP are nothing new. We have been hearing them from Indians, Americans and even some Pakistanis.

And many of us have provided rebuttals on this very forum many times over the years.
Rebuttals to what? You still haven't answered my question in my earlier post. I'll repeat: What is it in the article that is not a fact? I don't find anything that is inaccurate.

So what exactly is there to 'rebut'? Can you please elucidate?
Rebuttals to what? You still haven't answered my question in my earlier post. I'll repeat: What is it in the article that is not a fact? I don't find anything that is inaccurate.

So what exactly is there to 'rebut'? Can you please elucidate?

Just read my post #42 on this thread.
I don't get what he is trying to say
Can someone explain
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