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China attempts to help the global community to fight Covid 19

Half million China donated face masks land in Belgium en route to Italy, with more to come

China to Aid Afghans in Coronavirus Fight
By Gulabuddin Ghubar TODAY - 8:44 PM - Edited: TODAY - 9:07 AM


After growing concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in Afghanistan, the Chinese embassy in Kabul on Friday told TOLOnews that China is ready to help Aghanistan.

The Chinese Embassy says it is ready to share its experiences with Afghanistan in addition to providing health aid.

The coronavirus first spread in Wuhan, China, and then spread to other countries.

So far, more than 3,000 people in China have lost their lives due to the virus, and more than 80,000 people have been infected, but now China claims to be controlling the spread.

After China, Italy, South Korea and Iran are among the countries with the highest number of deaths and infections.

Afghanistan, which is neighboring Iran, has recorded seven positive cases so far, according to Afghan health officials, who say the cases have come from Iran to Afghanistan.

The spread of the virus in Afghanistan has raised serious concerns.

A number of Kabul residents on Friday launched a volunteer campaign to combat the virus in Kabul.

These volunteers provide public awareness to the people regarding the virus and urge them to follow health guidelines.

Volunteers distribute masks, disinfectants and hygiene leaflets to people.

“We are spraying hotels and restaurants in our area, and most of our focus is on public awareness regarding the virus and preventing the spread of the virus,” said Attaullah, a volunteer.

“The leaflets have information about how to prevent coronavirus and we distribute it to people,” said Mohammad Halim, another volunteer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus a contagious global virus.

The virus has spread to more than a hundred countries around the world and has claimed the lives of more than 5,000 people and infected more than 100,000 others.

No medication has been developed to cure the disease so far, but doctors are advising people to increase their body resistance using Vitamin C and to wash their hands regularly.

“Fifty percent of people do not have access to health services and people are living in poverty,” said Nowroz Haqmal, professor of Medical Sciences in London.

The Afghan government has banned large gatherings and New Year's Eve celebration.

COVID-19: China Stuns World By Sending Help Teams
Mar 14, 2020
The first news of the novel and dangerous Coronavirus has come out from Wuhan, China where the authorities downplayed it for a month. But later, the outbreak turned into pandemic affecting more than a lakh people and killing thousands. However, implementing safety measures and strict instructions, China has started to contain the virus the number of new cases started coming down.

Despite the fact that China is the most affected, it looks like they have found ways to contain the virus by using masks, cleaning hands regularly and using certain medicines. And now, the dragon country is busy sending help teams ot other countries including the most affected Italy, Iran and South Korean. Other day, Chine has donated almost half-million face masks to Italy during this crisis as a plane took off from Shanghai other day to land at Belgium, enroute Italy.

Reports have that 20 Chinese medical teams along with tonnes of medical supplies have reached Italy and started helping the European nation to contain the epidemic. That's pretty great of China we must say when it comes to helping other nations in this crisis hour.

It's panic in Philippines as virus cases hit 140, China offers help
MANILA: The Philippines reported 29 new confirmed Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak cases and three new deaths on Sunday (March 15), bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 140 and death toll to 11.

Huang Xilian, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines, said on Sunday, China will do its best to help the Philippines arrest the fast spread of the Covid-19 cases in the country, adding that a first batch of free Covid-19 test kits for the Philippines is on the way.

So the Chinese government is using the experience that they gained combatting the Corona viral outbreak to make some new friends in their own region.
That is a good development, i think.

It's panic in Philippines as virus cases hit 140, China offers help
MANILA: The Philippines reported 29 new confirmed Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak cases and three new deaths on Sunday (March 15), bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 140 and death toll to 11.

Huang Xilian, Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines, said on Sunday, China will do its best to help the Philippines arrest the fast spread of the Covid-19 cases in the country, adding that a first batch of free Covid-19 test kits for the Philippines is on the way.

i don't know how good the health care system in the Philippines is, but from what i hear there are plenty of people there who have to make do with very little income.
in *my* opinion, it would be good if the Chinese can give assisting the Philippines a high priority, given their military expansion plans into the South China Sea, which i support.

due to airplane travel and cruise ships being popular among the middle and upper middle classes of the world,
i feel supporting those in need has become a high priority for *any* government in the world.
How they do that, however, is entirely up to the nations themselves.
Much like you have this set of bylaws in one city, and another set of bylaws in another city, within the same country, filtered by the national laws of that country.
China to send medical supplies, experts to Philippines amid COVID-19 threat

Published March 16, 2020 9:09am

The government of China will send help to the Philippines to combat the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), its Foreign Ministry said.

In a tweet on Sunday, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said State Councilor Wang Yi already talked to Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr.

State Councilor Wang Yi just called with Philippine FM Locsin. We feel the same as the Philippine people are going through difficult times. We will do our utmost to help. Medical supplies and experts will soon go to the Philippines.

We feel the same as the Philippine people are going through difficult times. We will do our utmost to help. Medical supplies and experts will soon go to the Philippines,” the spokesperson said.

Aside from the Philippines, China also vowed to help other countries hit by the COVID-19 including Italy and Spain.

State Councilor Wang Yi told Spanish FM Gonzales: China will provide medical supplies and facilitate imports of PPEs & medical devices. We'll arrange Experts' video conferences and are considering to send medical teams to Spain.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III earlier said that there is a global shortage of the supply chain for medical equipment needed to attend to COVID-19 transmission.

President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday said he will seek the assistance of China if the coronavirus outbreak in the country worsens.

Addressing the nation from Malacañang, Duterte said he received a letter from Chinese President Xi Jinping assuring him of China’s readiness to help the Philippines’ fight against COVID-19.

“All we have to do is to ask. Ako ang tingin ko, maybe there will be a time, if things deteriorate, that I have to call on China to help," Duterte said, adding Xi related how his government tackled the health emergency.

"To the Chinese government, to the people, especially to President Xi Jinping, thank you for the consoling words and maybe, I hope that it would not reach to that point but maybe we will need your help.”

As of Sunday night, the Philippines' death toll due to COVID-19 rose to 12.

Fortunately the Philippines are a very stubborn and proud bunch of people,
much like the rest of Asian cultures and sub-cultures,
so this development (and the entire South China Sea project of the Chinese government) won't be a problem on the global stage of international diplomacy.
China to help Spain fight Covid-19 epidemic
Monday, 16 Mar 2020
BEIJING (Xinhua): Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday (March 15) that China will take a series of actions to help Spain in fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.

Wang made the remarks when holding a phone conversation with Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Arancha Gonzalez Laya at the latter's request.

He said China has decided to urgently provide a batch of medical supplies assistance based on the needs of Spain, and open commercial channels for Spain to import urgently needed personal protective equipment and medical materials.

China will also encourage Spain's sister cities in China and Chinese enterprises to offer help, and stands ready to enhance experience sharing, coordinate and arrange medical experts from the two sides to hold video conferences, and consider sending medical expert groups at an appropriate time, Wang added.

China has made important progress in fighting the epidemic and the victory of eventually defeating the disease is in sight, Wang said, adding that the epidemic has no border and the world is seeing the outbreaks with multi sources and in multi points.

Noting the rapid growth of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease in Spain, he expressed once again sympathy to the Spanish people.

At the beginning of the epidemic, China, in an open and transparent manner, has been committed to international cooperation on the Covid-19 battle, and acts responsibly for the health and security of both the Chinese people as well as people all over the world, he said.

China is consolidating its progress in the battle, and at the same time, it is willing to provide necessary help based on other countries' needs, he added.

As humanity is one community with a shared future, the fight of the Covid-19 epidemic is a common responsibility of all countries, Wang said, noting that countries should pool their efforts together and hold on to fight the epidemic to the end, as long as there is one country still under the threat of the disease.

Gonzalez spoke highly of the positive progress China has gained in the fight with the disease. She, on behalf of the Spanish government, also expressed gratitude for China's support to and sympathy for its efforts in the battle.

The Spanish government is taking strong measures to contain the spread of the disease, while the country is facing some difficulties such as the shortage of medical supplies, Gonzalez said.

She hoped the Chinese side could provide support including medical supplies, saying that her country is willing to hold video meetings for the two countries' medical specialists with China and is ready to learn China's experience in overcoming the disease.

Spain opposes any acts to stigmatise the virus, and highly values the contribution made by overseas Chinese in Spain to the country's development as well as prevention and control of the epidemic, she said, adding that Spain will provide adequate medical care and social services to ensure their health and safety.

Wang said China and Spain have maintained a long-term friendship and the two sides always understand and support each other, adding that China will not forget Spain's valuable understanding and support for China's fight against the epidemic.

Wang said he believes that in the joint fight against the epidemic, the traditional friendship between the Chinese people and the Spanish people will be further deepened and the two countries' pragmatic cooperation in various fields will be further strengthened.

The Chinese side will continue to make every effort to protect the health and safety of Spanish nationals in China, said Wang, expressing his hope that the Spanish government will attach great importance to the health and safety of all Chinese citizens in Spain and provide them with necessary medical care.

Wang said he wishes that Spain, with joint efforts from all circles, will overcome the epidemic at an early date. - Xinhua
well, you *are* building a trainroad all the way into Spain, which i'm grateful for.. :)
China, however, DOES need to contain it's expansion plans a bit.
You're over-extending yourself, as they say in the martial-arts circles.
You're trying to take too much in the diplomatic arenas of this Earth at the moment.
Just rely on your ability to produce high quality goods, and DO NOT GO IRANIAN STYLE WITH YOUR FOREIGN POLICIES, Chinese!
2,000 fast test kits donated by China arrive in Manila

Published March 16, 2020, 1:51 PM
By Gabriela Baron

The first batch of 2000 fast test kits for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) donated by the Chinese Embassy and the China Mammoth Foundation has arrived at Manila in a bid to help the Philippines fight the virus.

Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian assured that China is ready to provide more test kits in the coming days.

“(This) virus (knows) no boundary and humanity knows no nationality. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, China and the Philippines have been supporting and helping each other, demonstrating a profound friendship between close neighbors, friends, and brothers,” the Embassy said in a statement.

Widely-used in China, the China BGI Group-developed high-tech fast test kits have the capability to issue results in three hours.

The kits have also been exported to over 50 countries including Japan, Thailand, Brunei, Egypt, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates.

The Embassy added that President Xi Jinping and President Duterte have exchanged letters, expressing strong solidarity.

China also sent medical supplies, including masks and respirators to Italy and Spain to help the European countries deal with their growing coronavirus crisis. Italy is now the worst-affected nation in the world after China with at least 24,747 cases and over 1,800 deaths.

Spain reported on Sunday about 2,000 new coronavirus cases and more than 100 deaths over the last 24 hours, raising its number of COVID-19 infections to 7,753 and its death toll to 288.

China willing to offer more donations to Lebanon for fighting COVID-19: ambassador

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