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China attempts to help the global community to fight Covid 19

China to train Libyan doctors amid global coronavirus spread
Xinhua, March 24, 2020
The Health Ministry of Libya's UN-backed government said Monday that China has offered to train Libyan doctors to tackle any possible coronavirus infections.

"The Ministry of Health of the Government of National Accord, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has received an offer by its counterpart in China to hold an international training program to introduce experts in Libya to the protocols used by China in diagnosing and treating cases of the novel coronavirus," the Health Ministry said in a statement.

"The training program, which will be conducted using distance training techniques, offers introduction of the methods adopted by China in dealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, along with ways to deal with the obstruction of the respiratory passages (of patients) during the infection stage," said the statement.

A team of Chinese experts who have taken part in the epidemic fight in China will run the training program, which will also provide an introduction to acute cases, it said.

Libya's UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Serraj last week declared a state of emergency and mobilization against possible coronavirus infections in the country.

Noting no infections have been detected in Libya, Serraj said his country has allocated half a billion dinars (360 million U.S. dollars) to take protective measures against any possible infections.

On Monday, Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Siala told a press conference here that Libya has officially requested technical help from China against the virus.
News briefs: China donates medical supplies to help Costa Rica fight COVID-19

Alejandro Zúñiga
March 24, 2020

China donates test kits, medical supplies
China is donating a “significant amount” of test kits and medical supplies to Costa Rica, the Foreign Ministry announced.

The medical supplies include surgical masks and CPAP machines, while the COVID-19 kits will help Costa Rica achieve its goal of expanding its testing capabilities.

“The Strategic Alliance that Costa Rica and China promote has borne multiple fruits, and this cooperation represents a manifestation of the closeness that both peoples maintain,” said President Carlos Alvarado in a statement from the Foreign Ministry. “The excellent state of bilateral relations is manifested in the permanent exercise of the principles of equality, mutual trust, cooperation and mutual benefits.”

3 Million Face Masks, 86 Ventilators, Tests Arrive in Hungary from China
MTI-Hungary Today 2020.03.24.


A consignment of protective gear in connection with novel coronavirus has arrived from China, the prime minister said on Facebook on Tuesday.

The delivery contains 3 million face masks, 100,000 tests and 86 ventilators, Viktor Orbán said.

Consignments from China are being delivered to Hungary regularly, with around ten plane loads expected altogether in the upcoming period.

On Monday, an aircraft carrying 11 tonnes of protective gear arrived from Shanghai at Budapest’s international airport, and Budapest’s State Health Centre (ÁEEK) also received 20,000 face masks in a donation financed by the China Construction Bank.

4,000 COVID-19 test kits arrive from China, 10,000 more on the way to
Trinidad And Tobago



Government said 4,000 COVID-19 test kits have arrived from China, and 10,000 more are being ordered.

Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said that 4,000 COVID-19 test kits, which were gifted to the country by China, arrived Tuesday morning.

The test kits were sent by China as a kind gesture after private companies donated over 13,000 face masks to the country during the Wuhan epidemic.

National Security Minister Stuart Young said he was told to place orders for 10,000 more test kits on Monday.

“Yesterday the Prime Minister gave instructions, in addition to the 4,000 we received, for me to place an order for 10,000 kits. It’s not because we’re expecting anything…we just want to stay ahead.”

Additionally, Deyalsingh said there are 138 ventilators across the public health care system which he said they ‘don’t intend to touch’.

He said there were 12 ventilators at the Couva Hospital (with one currently in use), and 15 more arrived on March 19, while 10 more were scheduled to arrive on March 20.

Additionally, he said another 50 would arrive around mid-April and ‘foreign gifts’ of another 50-100 ventilators would be delivered later.

As of March 24, 2020, at 1.26 pm there were 53 positive cases of the virus - the latest case was said to be a primary contact of an imported case according to the Health Ministry.

Coronavirus: Greek air force plane to bring supplies from China
By George Psyllides
March 24, 202
A Greek air force transport plane will bring medical equipment from China to Cyprus next week, it was reported on Tuesday.

The Cyprus News Agency said a C-130 will fly to Chinal on Sunday to load medical equipment the Asian country is providing as part of the fight against the coronavirus.

The agency said it was material requested by the health ministry.

Last week, Chinese ambassador to Nicosia Huang Xingyuan said the first batch of medical supplies, including 1,000 FFP2 masks was on its way.

Indonesian Air Force plane carries 9 tons of medical aid from China
39 minutes ago

A truck carrying medical device assistance from Tsingshan Charity Foundation to contain COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia arrives at Pudong Airport in Shanghai, China, Saturday (March 21). (ANTARA/Istimewa)

The plane was sent to transport the assistance at the initiative of the Indonesian Defense Ministry
Jakarta (ANTARA) - An Indonesian Air Force Hercules C-130 plane left Pudong International Airport in Shanghai early Sunday, carrying 9 tons of medical assistance from different sides in China to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia.

The military cargo plane arrived at Pudong Airport at 10.20 p.m. on Saturday and left the airport at 00.40 a,m on Sunday. The plane made a transit stop at Sanya Airport in Hainan Province before continuing its flight to Indonesia..

"The plane was sent to transport the assistance at the initiative of the Indonesian Defense Ministry," Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun told ANTARA.

All sorts of Chinese assistance for Indonesia will be transported from Shanghai and Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.

"Beijing currently comes under attention. All sorts of assistance will be flown from Shanghai and Guangzhou," he said.

In line with the rising number of COIVD-19 cases outside China through Beijing, the Chinese authorities have decided to allow planes carrying foreign nationals and international cargo planes to land at airports in the cities of Tianjin, Hohhot and Taiyua.

Vice Chief of the Indonesian Mission in Beijing Dino Kusnadi said the medical assistance in the form of masks, goggles, protective clothing and COVID-19 test kits come from different sides including .Inacham and Tsingshan Charity Foundation

The medical assistance is the first phase of aid. China is expected to extend another 20 tons of medical aid for Indonesia

Thank You China for the Aid :agree:
China sends doctors and masks overseas as domestic coronavirus infections drop

As countries struggle to respond to the pandemic, China portrays itself as a global benefactor

Lily Kuo in Shanghai

Medics pose for a photo prior to departure from Wuhan International Airport now that the epidemic outbreak in the hard-hit province has been subdued. Photograph: Chine Nouvelle/SIPA/REX/Shutterstock
In the last few weeks, China has donated coronavirus testing kits to Cambodia, sent planeloads of ventilators, masks and medics to Italy and France, pledged to help the Philippines, Spain and other countries, and deployed medics to Iran and Iraq.

The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, has offered comforting words, telling the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, that “sunshine comes after the storm”, and adding that the two countries should step up cooperation and exchanges after the outbreak.

As the coronavirus outbreak spreads and countries struggle to respond, China has positioned itself as a leader and benefactor in public health, building the kind of soft power Beijing needs at a time of intensifying US-China rivalry and scrutiny of Chinese influence around the world.

The coronavirus first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December and threw the country into a state of emergency as more than 80,000 people were infected and more than 3,000 died. Public anger and criticism over the government’s initial suppression of information and slow response, enabling the virus to spread, posed one of the most serious threats to the Chinese leadership in decades.

But as the number of new infections has dropped dramatically after stringent quarantine measures and social distancing by the public, China’s messaging has shifted. In recent weeks, Beijing has claimed almost-victory over the virus and state media have hailed China’s support for other countries facing the outbreak.

“Now we see Chinese officials and state media claiming that China bought the world time to prepare for this pandemic,” said Natasha Kassam, a research fellow at the Lowy Institute in Sydney and a former Australian diplomat.

“We know the propaganda machine within China is able to rewrite history but now we are seeing that replicated overseas,” said Kassam. “China’s victory over Covid-19 has already been written and authorities are trying very hard for that message to be received overseas.”

Medical staff from Yunnan Province wave goodbye on the plane at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport. Photograph: Chine Nouvelle/SIPA/REX/ShutterstockAdvertisement
Experts say that, while these humanitarian efforts are real, they have political ends that deserve attention. In a phone call with the Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, this week, Xi said he hoped to establish a “health silk road” as part of China’s global One belt, One Road initiative, which has come under criticism from countries wary of expanding Chinese leverage and influence.

“There is nothing wrong with China helping European and other countries, especially now that it has gained the upper hand in containing the coronavirus at home. But it is also clear that [Beijing] sees its aid as a propaganda tool,” said Noah Barkin, senior visiting fellow at the German Marshall Fund.

According to Barkin, by offering support to countries like Italy, Beijing highlights the struggles European countries have had in helping each other and draws a favourable contrast between itself and the US. “While Trump is hitting Europe with a travel ban, China is the generous, selfless friend,” Barkin said.

The effort appears to be working. Last week, Italy’s foreign minister Luigi Di Maio posted a video of himself on Facebook watching live footage of a plane of supplies and medics from China, noting that China was the first to send aid. Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić said in a press conference this week that he believes in his “brother and friend Xi Jinping”. He said: “The only country that can help us is China.”

The campaign is aimed at domestic audiences as much as it is directed at the international community. Recent state media headlines describe Chinese medics arriving in Italy in response to the country’s “cries for help”.

“It sends a message to the domestic audience that China has overcome the crisis at home and is now able to help others. This helps fuel the Chinese communist party’s feel-good narrative, shifting attention away from its early failures to tackle the crisis,” said Barkin.

But witnesses and critics of China’s early response are unlikely to forget the recent history. And in some cases, the messaging has gone too far. A recent graphic published by the People’s Daily showing the number of new infections around the world had surpassed those within China included a gleeful headline hailing the “reverse” in fortunes.

One user commented: “The water pipes in your home broke and you flooded other people’s homes. Is this the golden age you wished for?”

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