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China Asks Pakistan to Mend Its Fences with Neighbours


May 5, 2010
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China Asks Pak to Mend Its Fences with Neighbours

The Chinese leadership has asked Islamabad to "mend its fences" with all its neighbours, including India, and expressed concern over terrorists still "flourishing" in centres on Pakistani soil, a media report today said.

The message from the Chinese leadership was conveyed during Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's visit to China that ended yesterday, The News daily quoted diplomatic sources as saying.

While expressing "unflinching support" for Pakistan's security, integrity and solidarity, the Chinese leadership "advised Pakistan to mend its fences with all of its neighbours and try to win international blessings for its national (and) international goals", the report said.

The Chinese leadership asked Islamabad to make efforts for the "removal of irritants with Washington and New Delhi", the diplomatic sources were quoted as saying.

The Chinese leadership expressed regret that "terrorists were flourishing in various centres and Pakistan had yet to take an effective action to remove such centres", the report said. It added that this was an "obvious reference (or) signal about madrassas".

Pakistan was also asked by the Chinese leadership to play a "more effective role in Afghanistan where the chances of peace are getting brighter", the report said.

Gilani's visit to China came at a time of fresh tensions in Pakistan-US ties following a raid by American commandos that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the garrison city of Abbottabad on May 2.

The Chinese leadership, the diplomatic sources told The News, had agreed in principle to help Pakistan to bridge its budget deficit and to provide a soft loan for rescuing its economy.

The leadership, however, "declined to oblige the desire expressed by Islamabad for fiscal assistance", the report said.

Beijing said that China, as part of its policy, does not "give hard cash as financial assistance to any country", the report said.

FILED ON: MAY 21, 2011

news.outlookindia.com | China Asks Pak to Med Its Fences with Neighbours
I guess that we already provided them with the hammer and nails by starting dialogue with Pakistan on Sir Creek
china declined to oblige the desire expressed by Islamabad for fiscal assistance.
china not allowing pakistan to sell jf-17.
china not letting pakistan to assemble jf-17 and now giving them in flyaway condition..

any idea ?
please give neutral sources thanks

It's from the Pakistani press - The News - China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security

BEIJING: The Chinese leadership has agreed in principle to help Pakistan in its difficulties for bridging the budget deficit and provide soft loan for rescuing its economy. The Chinese leadership has, however, declined to oblige the desire expressed by Islamabad for fiscal assistance. It has told the visiting guests from Pakistan that China, as part of its policy, doesn’t give hard cash as financial assistance to any country. Chinese President Hu Jintao has expressed his fullest support for Pakistan’s national endeavours. He will take the matter before the highest political institution and policy making institution, Politburo, to seek its approval for supply of soft loan to Pakistan.

Highly-placed diplomatic sources told The News upon conclusion of the four-day official visit of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to China that while expressing its unflinching support for Pakistan’s security, integrity and solidarity, the Chinese leadership has advised Pakistan to mend its fences with all of its neighbours and try to win the international blessings for its national as well as international goals. China said the world must know and appreciate Pakistan’s role for eradication of terrorism and extremism, so that the globe could become a peaceful place. The Chinese leadership also asked Islamabad to put efforts for removal of irritants with Washington and New Delhi, the sources said.

The Chinese leadership regretted that terrorists were flourishing in various centres and Pakistan had yet to take an effective action to remove such centres. It was an obvious reference/signal about Madrassas.

The Chinese leadership has also asked Pakistan to play more effective role in Afghanistan where the chances of peace are getting brighter after sometime.

China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security

OK, that is an interesting signal but let's wait and see what effect there is in practice.
please give neutral sources thanks

With Pleasure.:cheers:

China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security

BEIJING: The Chinese leadership has agreed in principle to help Pakistan in its difficulties for bridging the budget deficit and provide soft loan for rescuing its economy. The Chinese leadership has, however, declined to oblige the desire expressed by Islamabad for fiscal assistance.
It has told the visiting guests from Pakistan that China, as part of its policy, doesn�t give hard cash as financial assistance to any country. Chinese President Hu Jintao has expressed his fullest support for Pakistan�s national endeavours. He will take the matter before the highest political institution and policy making institution, Politburo, to seek its approval for supply of soft loan to Pakistan.

Highly-placed diplomatic sources told upon conclusion of the four-day official visit of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to China that while expressing its unflinching support for Pakistan�s security, integrity and solidarity, the Chinese leadership has advised Pakistan to mend its fences with all of its neighbours and try to win the international blessings for its national as well as international goals. China said the world must know and appreciate Pakistan�s role for eradication of terrorism and extremism, so that the globe could become a peaceful place. The Chinese leadership also asked Islamabad to put efforts for removal of irritants with Washington and New Delhi, the sources said.

The Chinese leadership regretted that terrorists were flourishing in various centres and Pakistan had yet to take an effective action to remove such centres. It was an obvious reference/signal about Madrassas.

The Chinese leadership has also asked Pakistan to play more effective role in Afghanistan where the chances of peace are getting brighter after sometime.

The Chinese government did not agree with a proposal from Pakistan for selling JF-17 multi-purpose fighter planes produced by Pakistan and China jointly. Pakistan has received offers for the sale of the planes about four times more than what these planes cost Pakistan. The Chinese have asked Pakistan not to sell the planes before the expiry of 10 years of the production of the same.

The sources revealed that Pakistan�s satellite Pak-One Sat is undergoing lab test as the satellite has been manufactured by Pakistan but it would be launched by China through its rocket in the orbit. The satellite has spent 11 days for tests of various parameters in China and it is likely that it would take seven days further in labs before getting ready for launching, the sources said.

The satellite will be launched on 14th of August this year. Prime Minister Gilani, who visited the Chinese Space Research Academy here on Friday, had visited the site and he was impressed to see advancement of Chinese technology on space. The prime minister also inspected 13 Chinese satellites, which have been prepared in China through its most modern technology for various purposes.

In the meanwhile, Prime Minister Gilani and Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday agreed to strengthen their historic relationship and take their strategic partnership to new heights. The two leaders in a meeting held here at the Great Hall of the People held a detailed discussion on bilateral ties as well as other matters of mutual interest, including the regional situation. After the meeting, which continued for one hour, President Hu acknowledged Pakistan�s outstanding contribution in combating terrorism and said that the international community should respect its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. President Hu also called upon the international community to help Pakistan in its endeavours to combat extremism and terrorism. Hu said that Pakistan was an important country in the region and had a unique role in promoting reconciliation and development in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Gilani thanked the Chinese leader for his country�s support to Pakistan for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity after the Abbottabad incident. Congratulating Gilani on his successful visit to China, President Hu said it will open a new chapter of cooperation between the two friendly countries.

The two leaders also discussed ways and means to strengthen the relationship and cooperation between Pakistan and China in diverse fields, with the focus on financing of infrastructure, energy and agricultural projects in Pakistan.

President Hu noted that Prime Minister Gilani and Premier Wen Jiabao held �very productive� talks as the two sides also signed new cooperation documents. He said that Prime Minister Gilani�s visit was important as it coincided with the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Pakistan and China and also with the Pak-China Friendship Year. President Hu hoped that Gilani�s visit would boost the already existing close and warm relations.

He appreciated the contributions made by Prime Minister Gilani and his father over a period of several years in fortifying the Pak-China friendship. Prime Minister Gilani said it was always an honour and a moment of pride for the Pakistanis whenever they interacted with their Chinese brethren. He also thanked the Chinese government for the hospitality extended to him and his delegation.

The prime minister also congratulated the Chinese President on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Pak-China diplomatic ties and said the two sides were celebrating this momentous occasion with a renewed pledge to take their strategic partnership to new heights.

Meanwhile, a joint statement issued simultaneously from Islamabad and Beijing at the end of Prime Minister Gilani�s visit, stated: �China believes that Pakistan�s efforts for promoting peace and stability in South Asia need to be recognised and supported.�

The two countries noted that terrorism, separatism and extremism were posing serious threats to regional peace, stability and security and called for substantive cooperation. Both sides agreed to jointly fight these under bilateral and multilateral frameworks.

�The Chinese side recognised the tremendous efforts and the great sacrifice that Pakistan has made in fighting terrorism and reiterated its respect and support for the efforts of Pakistan to advance its counter-terrorism strategy and safeguard its security,� the joint statement mentioned.

Pakistan reiterated that it would never allow its territory to be used to attack any country and would continue to support international counter-terrorism cooperation. Both the countries agreed to strengthen communication and coordination in regional affairs, particularly on issues such as Afghanistan and regional cooperation. Pakistan also reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China policy and extended support for the cause of China�s unification.


Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

Important points highlighted...
I guess that we already provided them with the hammer and nails by starting dialogue with Pakistan on Sir Creek

You guys can't let go any event without making it into a point scoring thingy.

Anyway, the dialogue on Sir Creek issue is an ongoing thing and are planned much in advance. And this present dialogue is in continuation of the ones happened previously.
China, Pakistan in security pledge - China.org.cn Xinhua, May 20, 2011

China reiterated its respect and support for the efforts of Pakistan in advancing its counter-terrorism strategy and safeguarding its security, a joint statement said Friday.

"The Chinese side recognized the tremendous efforts and the great sacrifice that Pakistan has made in fighting terrorism," said the joint statement issued during Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's visit to China.

The statement said the two sides shared the view that terrorism, separatism and extremism pose serious threats to regional peace, stability and security, reaffirming their resolve to undertake "substantive cooperation" under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and jointly fight the three forces.

Pakistan reiterated that it would never allow its territory to be used to attack any country and will continue to support international counter-terrorism cooperation, the statement said.

According to the statement, China said it is "firm on the policy of pursuing friendly ties with Pakistan" and Pakistan stressed that pursuing friendship with China is the "bedrock of Pakistan's foreign policy and enjoys national consensus."

The Chinese side expressed appreciation for the longstanding, firm support of Pakistan on issues that concern China's core interests. The Pakistani side appreciated the strong support and selfless assistance of the Chinese government and people for its economic and social development.

"The Chinese side reiterated that it believes Pakistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity should be respected and its efforts for promoting peace and stability in South Asia should be recognized and supported," the statement said.

The Pakistani side reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China policy and support for China's reunification, it said.

The statement said the two sides will prioritize intensifying cooperation in infrastructure, energy and agriculture.

Noting the recent progress in mutually-beneficial cooperation in the financial and banking sectors, the statement said the two sides are negotiating a currency swap agreement and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) will soon open branches in Pakistan.

During Gilani's visit to China, the two sides signed three agreements and memoranda of understanding on cooperation in economic assistance, finance and mining.

The two sides reiterated they will continue to enhance mutual trust and cooperation in military and security for peace, security and stability of the two countries and the region.

The two sides also agreed to give further impetus to exchanges and cooperation in maritime security, the statement said.

Gilani arrived in Shanghai for an official visit on Tuesday night and concluded his trip Friday evening.

During the visit, President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and top political advisor Jia Qinglin, respectively, met and held talks with him.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan and is also known as a "China-Pakistan Friendship Year."

Amazing reporting from some reporters comparing to the original official join statement.
Tough love from China and a good thing, too.

These idiot politicians need to stop roaming the globe with a begging bowl and start fixing Pakistan's economy. That means tough choices on taxation and fiscal responsibility which are long overdue.

As for mending fences, that's diplomatic speak for 'try and play the game a bit more smartly'.
You guys can't let go any event without making it into a point scoring thingy.

Anyway, the dialogue on Sir Creek issue is an ongoing thing and are planned much in advance. And this present dialogue is in continuation of the ones happened previously.

TaimiKhan, I agree. But that is the case with members from Pakistan, India and China not in any specific order.:cheers:
Tough love from China and a good thing, too.

These idiot politicians need to stop roaming the globe with a begging bowl and start fixing Pakistan's economy. That means tough choices on taxation and fiscal responsibility which are long overdue.

As for mending fences, that's diplomatic speak for 'try and play the game a bit more smartly'.
It's like giving cocaine to a drug addict.Unless we learn to be self sufficient we will not succeed in this game.I am sure Chinese Leadership is smart enough to not bankroll these corrupt Politicians.In fact GOP should ask China to invest more in our industry rather then giving handout.
With Pleasure.:cheers:

China backs Pak moves to safeguard its security

BEIJING: The Chinese leadership has agreed in principle to help Pakistan in its difficulties for bridging the budget deficit and provide soft loan for rescuing its economy. The Chinese leadership has, however, declined to oblige the desire expressed by Islamabad for fiscal assistance.
It has told the visiting guests from Pakistan that China, as part of its policy, doesn�t give hard cash as financial assistance to any country. Chinese President Hu Jintao has expressed his fullest support for Pakistan�s national endeavours. He will take the matter before the highest political institution and policy making institution, Politburo, to seek its approval for supply of soft loan to Pakistan.

Highly-placed diplomatic sources told upon conclusion of the four-day official visit of Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to China that while expressing its unflinching support for Pakistan�s security, integrity and solidarity, the Chinese leadership has advised Pakistan to mend its fences with all of its neighbours and try to win the international blessings for its national as well as international goals. China said the world must know and appreciate Pakistan�s role for eradication of terrorism and extremism, so that the globe could become a peaceful place. The Chinese leadership also asked Islamabad to put efforts for removal of irritants with Washington and New Delhi, the sources said.

The Chinese leadership regretted that terrorists were flourishing in various centres and Pakistan had yet to take an effective action to remove such centres. It was an obvious reference/signal about Madrassas.

The Chinese leadership has also asked Pakistan to play more effective role in Afghanistan where the chances of peace are getting brighter after sometime.

The Chinese government did not agree with a proposal from Pakistan for selling JF-17 multi-purpose fighter planes produced by Pakistan and China jointly. Pakistan has received offers for the sale of the planes about four times more than what these planes cost Pakistan. The Chinese have asked Pakistan not to sell the planes before the expiry of 10 years of the production of the same.

The sources revealed that Pakistan�s satellite Pak-One Sat is undergoing lab test as the satellite has been manufactured by Pakistan but it would be launched by China through its rocket in the orbit. The satellite has spent 11 days for tests of various parameters in China and it is likely that it would take seven days further in labs before getting ready for launching, the sources said.

The satellite will be launched on 14th of August this year. Prime Minister Gilani, who visited the Chinese Space Research Academy here on Friday, had visited the site and he was impressed to see advancement of Chinese technology on space. The prime minister also inspected 13 Chinese satellites, which have been prepared in China through its most modern technology for various purposes.

In the meanwhile, Prime Minister Gilani and Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday agreed to strengthen their historic relationship and take their strategic partnership to new heights. The two leaders in a meeting held here at the Great Hall of the People held a detailed discussion on bilateral ties as well as other matters of mutual interest, including the regional situation. After the meeting, which continued for one hour, President Hu acknowledged Pakistan�s outstanding contribution in combating terrorism and said that the international community should respect its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. President Hu also called upon the international community to help Pakistan in its endeavours to combat extremism and terrorism. Hu said that Pakistan was an important country in the region and had a unique role in promoting reconciliation and development in Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Gilani thanked the Chinese leader for his country�s support to Pakistan for its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity after the Abbottabad incident. Congratulating Gilani on his successful visit to China, President Hu said it will open a new chapter of cooperation between the two friendly countries.

The two leaders also discussed ways and means to strengthen the relationship and cooperation between Pakistan and China in diverse fields, with the focus on financing of infrastructure, energy and agricultural projects in Pakistan.

President Hu noted that Prime Minister Gilani and Premier Wen Jiabao held �very productive� talks as the two sides also signed new cooperation documents. He said that Prime Minister Gilani�s visit was important as it coincided with the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Pakistan and China and also with the Pak-China Friendship Year. President Hu hoped that Gilani�s visit would boost the already existing close and warm relations.

He appreciated the contributions made by Prime Minister Gilani and his father over a period of several years in fortifying the Pak-China friendship. Prime Minister Gilani said it was always an honour and a moment of pride for the Pakistanis whenever they interacted with their Chinese brethren. He also thanked the Chinese government for the hospitality extended to him and his delegation.

The prime minister also congratulated the Chinese President on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Pak-China diplomatic ties and said the two sides were celebrating this momentous occasion with a renewed pledge to take their strategic partnership to new heights.

Meanwhile, a joint statement issued simultaneously from Islamabad and Beijing at the end of Prime Minister Gilani�s visit, stated: �China believes that Pakistan�s efforts for promoting peace and stability in South Asia need to be recognised and supported.�

The two countries noted that terrorism, separatism and extremism were posing serious threats to regional peace, stability and security and called for substantive cooperation. Both sides agreed to jointly fight these under bilateral and multilateral frameworks.

�The Chinese side recognised the tremendous efforts and the great sacrifice that Pakistan has made in fighting terrorism and reiterated its respect and support for the efforts of Pakistan to advance its counter-terrorism strategy and safeguard its security,� the joint statement mentioned.

Pakistan reiterated that it would never allow its territory to be used to attack any country and would continue to support international counter-terrorism cooperation. Both the countries agreed to strengthen communication and coordination in regional affairs, particularly on issues such as Afghanistan and regional cooperation. Pakistan also reiterated its firm commitment to the one-China policy and extended support for the cause of China�s unification.


Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

Important points highlighted...

i think this time pakiastan media woun't give it a pass and won't let it go....
It's like giving cocaine to a drug addict.Unless we learn to be self sufficient we will not succeed in this game.I am sure Chinese Leadership is smart enough to not bankroll these corrupt Politicians.In fact GOP should ask China to invest more in our industry rather then giving handout.

The West and the Saudis keep bankrolling these thieves because they don't give a damn about the Pakistani people and only want to keep their lackeys in power. China should not give a single cent to the government.

Why should people in other countries see their tax dollars going to the pockets of Pakistani thief politicians who don't pay taxes themselves.
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