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China appears to criticize U.S.-South Korean military exercise

Acting responsibly doesn't mean "act according to the wishes of the US, even if it means jeopardizing your own safety". North Korea is right on China's border, so it is understandable if China doesn't want to do any drastic moves that could bring the border to chaos.

The US is friendly with Saudi Arabia, yes? Why? Because the US also depends on Saudi Arabia for its oil. Yet the US doesn't criticize Saudi Arabia for their human rights records, because of the critical oil. Then, according to your terms, the US isn't acting "like the Great Power", is it?

Saudi women sue male guardians who stop marriage - Yahoo! News

Kurashi - News From Japan: Okinawa Election Results

Monday, November 29, 2010
Okinawa Election Results

The results of the election on Sunday in Okinawa are as follows, according to Ryukyu Shimpo, the local newspaper. NHK also notes that the LDP-backed candidate, Nakaima, 71 years old has won.

335708 仲井真弘多 Nakaima Hirokazu
297082 伊波 洋一 Iha Yoichi

Both said they want Futenma, the US military base, moved out of Okinawa. Peace activists, however, doubt that Nakaima Hirokazu will follow up on this pledge. To NHK (video) he notes on Sunday night that the US military bases are not there just for the sake of Okinawa, but for the sake of the entire country. He also says, again, that the base should be relocated outside of the prefecture of Okinawa.


While Iha Yoichi unequivocally opposes a new base in Okinawa, there has been some confusion by incumbent governor Nakaima's expression of his intent to call for relocation of MCAS Futenma "outside of Okinawa." However, throughout the campaign, he has avoided the question of whether he really opposed the government's plan to build a new base in Henoko. "It appears that Nakaima wants to gain Okinawans' support but wants to avoid confrontation with the Japanese government at the same time," the newspaper's editorial suspects. Iha, on the contrary, "will not accept any negotiation based on the current US-Japan plan and challenge the both governments to give up the plan."

Quote and translation by Peace Philosophy Centre: To stop the Henoko base plan, IHA must win. 沖縄に基地を作らせないためには伊波候補が勝たなければいけない
China is not being a responsible "mentor" of the DPRK. If China would act like the Great Power it aspires to be, the USA wouldn't send the USS George Washington into the Yellow Sea. China's messy and dangerous client is totally China's creation.

Leaked US cables reveal sensitive diplomacy - Yahoo! News

In a statement released Sunday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said, "The cables show the U.S. spying on its allies and the U.N.; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in 'client states'; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries and lobbying for U.S. corporations."

Their release — the first in a series of planned releases over the next few months — "reveals the contradictions between the U.S.'s public persona and what it says behind closed doors," Assange said.

Truthseeker <--- whinny lying basterd
China is not being a responsible "mentor" of the DPRK. If China would act like the Great Power it aspires to be, the USA wouldn't send the USS George Washington into the Yellow Sea. China's messy and dangerous client is totally China's creation.

Rather, USA is not a responsible master of SK this time. SK first fired into the disputed area:
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Ask to the global opinions that who is the biggest human right abuser in the history, i think the majority would tell you it is the good ole USA!

I have to agree. Invading Iraq for its oil is already enough; killing 100k Iraqi civilians is crime against humanity.
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