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China angry over Japanese ministers' visit to Yasukuni Shrine


Oct 11, 2012
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China angry over Japanese ministers' visit to Yasukuni Shrine
POLITICS OCT. 19, 2012 - 05:38AM JST ( 15 )BEIJING —
China condemned a visit by two Japanese ministers to a controversial shrine for war dead on Thursday, further straining already tense relations between Asia’s two largest economies.

Sino-Japanese relations have soured sharply in the past month when a row over disputed islands led to violent anti-Japanese protests across China and badly hurt trade.

The ministers’ pilgrimage to the Yasukuni Shrine, seen by many in the region as a symbol of Japan’s war-time militarism, came a day after a visit to the site by Japan’s main opposition party leader and possible next prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

Land minister Yuichiro Hata and postal service privatization minister Mikio Shimoji were among a group of non-partisan lawmakers visiting the shrine during the autumn festival.

Fourteen Japanese wartime leaders convicted as war criminals by an Allied tribunal are honored at the shrine along with other war dead.

Hata told reporters his visit was private. “I visited as a secretary general of the People’s New Party. It won’t be a big diplomatic problem,” said Shimoji, whose party is a small coalition partner of the ruling Democratic Party.

China’s Foreign Ministry disagreed.

“The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual pillar used by Japanese militarism for its overseas aggression. It still enshrines Class A war criminals who owe victimised people heavy bloody debts,” spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing.

“We urge the Japanese side to face squarely and reflect upon history and strictly abide by its solemn statements and pledges regarding historical issues, and face the international community in a responsible manner.”

Ties have been shadowed for years by what Beijing says has been Tokyo’s refusal to admit to wartime atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers in the country between 1931 and 1945.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012.
China angry over Japanese ministers' visit to Yasukuni Shrine ? Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Why China make a big deal about Japanese Minister visit Yasukuni Shrine. Japan Minister have his right to visit any place in his own country. Why no Chinese question Mao when he murder, persecuted so many Chinese during Mao's Cultural Revolution, instead Mao is like Chinese God.
See what South Korea said, Anti-Fascist War WWII is not same as other war
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - China, Korea Criticize Japanese Ministers' War Shrine Visit
China, Korea Criticize Japanese Ministers' War Shrine Visit China and Korea are criticizing the latest visits to a controversial Tokyo war shrine by members of the Japanese cabinet.

The Thursday visits by two Japanese cabinet ministers, former prime minister Yoshiro Mori and more than 60 other lawmakers from various parties to the Yasukuni Shrine prompted quick criticism in other Asian countries.

Yasukuni, where the souls of Class-A war criminals are enshrined, is viewed as a symbol of Japan's early 20th century militarism.

The Japanese officials say their visit was timed to an autumn festival.

Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Tai-young calls the act by the Japanese politicians irresponsible, ignoring the sentiments of the victims of Japan's past imperialism in neighboring countries.

Cho says the government of the Republic of Korea wants Japanese political leaders to be responsible and humbly confront history.

In Beijing, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei also called on the Japanese to reflect on history to better get along with their neighbors.

Hong says the shrine is a spiritual pillar of Japan's overseas aggression.

One of the cabinet members making the pilgrimage to the shrine, Postal Privatization Minister Mikio Shimoji says he made the visit in his official capacity as the secretary general of the People's New Party, an ally of the governing Democratic Party of Japan.

Shimoji says he hopes the visit by him and other politicians will not become a major diplomatic issue.

Transport minister Yuichiro Hata says his visit was in a private capacity.

Hata says he does not know whether the visit will have an effect on relations with China, but he hopes it does not.

The politicians appeared at the shrine one day after the leader of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party, Shinzo Abe, offered prayers there.

China's Xinhua news agency remarked that Abe's visit has dealt another blow to already fragile Sino-Japanese relations.

Abe, a hawkish former prime minister, is the leading candidate to return to his old job should the opposition prevail in the next general election.

Current Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of the DPJ, has refrained from visiting Yasukuni and had asked that members of his cabinet also not visit, a request also not heeded previously.
VOA News / Oct. 19, 2012 08:13 KST
In Beijing, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei also called on the Japanese to reflect on history to better get along with their neighbors
More like Chinese needed to get along her neighbors than Japanese. It just dirty excuse China use on Japan.
Remember China economy become what it is today are due to Japan help, so don't bite the hands that feeds you over 30 years.
I just don't understand how anyone from the Pacific region can support the Japanese elites worship their war criminals. What a freaking joke this is!

And look at that stupid comment by the OP and the off topic trolling by the others.

Because of economic ties with Japan I can understand some former victim nations in this area do not want to raise the issue for fear of retaliations. But then they should and probably are thankful to China and Korea' strong protests. If all the countries are doing what the forumers are doing here, cheering on their warships of their war criminals, you're embolden them to think what they did in WWII was right, and thus, might encourage them to do it again.

Cheer on! Your wishes just might come one day.
If the German leaders went to pay their "respect" to Nazi officers, there would be a political storm in Europe. These shrines contain Class A war criminals, convicted by an international tribunal. Also, Japan's so called "help" was in the form of loans, which meant we paid them back with interest. In addition, it was China that gave Japan the cultural basis of civilization in Tang dynasty.

Go home and take whatever medication you're on for your retardation. I didn't know they let retards use the computer at the mental institution.

Dumbass statement of the century, even for a retard like yourself.

First of all you're off topic,
If China feel that they needed to convict Japanese war crime then should take the to international court long time ago not only when China have confrontation with Japan.

If the last emperor Puyi of Qing Dynasty can't protect their citizen and country for being attack by a small little country like Japan, Chinese should question their last emperor and CPC first, then Japan.
First of all you're off topic,
If China feel that they needed to convict Japanese war crime then should take the to international court long time ago not only when China have confrontation with Japan.

If the last emperor Puyi of Qing Dynasty can't protect their citizen and country for being attack by a small little country like Japan, Chinese should question their last emperor and CPC first, then Japan.

Is China now talking about conviction?

If Vietnam was easily conquered by France and Japan, should Vietnamese question their leader?

You are now talking bullsh!t and off topic as well. China is condemning Japan for worshiping war criminals. Nothing wrong with that but what are you valid reasons that China shouldn't be complaining about the shrine visit?
First of all you're off topic,
If China feel that they needed to convict Japanese war crime then should take the to international court long time ago not only when China have confrontation with Japan.

If the last emperor Puyi of Qing Dynasty can't protect their citizen and country for being attack by a small little country like Japan, Chinese should question their last emperor and CPC first, then Japan.
These are Class-A war criminals convicted by the International Far East Tribunal, with judges from U.S, Australia, Britain, China, Philippines, Russia, Netherlands, France and India. If German leaders today visit a shrine dedicated to RAdolf Hitler, Hermann Goring and Rudolf Hess, there will be a political storm of epic proportions. I understand you never studied beyond elementary school level, so leave the history discussion to others that are more educated.

According to your logic, it was Viet monkeys' fault for not being able to protect yourselfs from being ruled by us for a thousand years. It's your own fault for being slaves to the French since you could not protect yourself. And you should blame only yourself for being sprayed full of Agent Orange by Americans. Let's face it, you should question all your ancestors for failing your race so miserably.
First of all you're off topic,
If China feel that they needed to convict Japanese war crime then should take the to international court long time ago not only when China have confrontation with Japan.

If the last emperor Puyi of Qing Dynasty can't protect their citizen and country for being attack by a small little country like Japan, Chinese should question their last emperor and CPC first, then Japan.

how big was Germany when it invaded Europe and the USSR?
You have lost your argument and lost your senses.
South Korea also condemns the the japanese war crime and their visits to the shrine!
how big was Germany when it invaded Europe and the USSR?
You have lost your argument and lost your senses.
South Korea also condemns the the japanese war crime and their visits to the shrine!
I think almost all of the countries condemn Japanese war crimes.

We all know what they did and how far they went.
These are Class-A war criminals convicted by the International Far East Tribunal, with judges from U.S, Australia, Britain, China, Philippines, Russia, Netherlands, France and India. If German leaders today visit a shrine dedicated to RAdolf Hitler, Hermann Goring and Rudolf Hess, there will be a political storm of epic proportions. I understand you never studied beyond elementary school level, so leave the history discussion to others that are more educated.

According to your logic, it was Viet monkeys' fault for not being able to protect yourselfs from being ruled by us for a thousand years. It's your own fault for being slaves to the French since you could not protect yourself. And you should blame only yourself for being sprayed full of Agent Orange by Americans. Let's face it, you should question all your ancestors for failing your race so miserably.
Off topic this regard China and Japan, not Germany, vietnam, or any other country.
What Japan and German Nazi did was wrong no question there, but Does China have to bring it up now when tension already at a high level?
Off topic this regard China and Japan, not Germany, vietnam, or any other country.
You brought this off topic by your retarded "blame the victim" logic.

What Japan and German Nazi did was wrong no question there, but Does China have to bring it up now when tension already at a high level?
Maybe high level Japanese politicians shouldn't go around worshipping Class-A war criminals when tension is high. Do you have a reverse logic for everything? Or are you just that stupid?
What Japan and German Nazi did was wrong no question there, but Does China have to bring it up now when tension already at a high level?

every one knows that you are a Japanese behind the flag US and VN, Minjitta is a Japanese name, you jump up and down.......everyone knows why
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