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China and US may jointly undertake Mars mission


Aug 9, 2008
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When did these human rights "abuses" every come into play with the space agency?

1. Many of these so called "abuses" are distorted and greatly exaggerated. This is proven by their sometimes inaccurate media and people living in China. Every time a tiny "abuse" occurs in China, they report it, leaving out all the positive things that also have occurred since. And yet when such things happen in the West, they leave it out.
2. They forget that China has improved greatly since decades ago and continues to do so.
3. One country does not have the right to force one type of government upon another. Democracy and authoritarianism has its respective advantages. Each country knows its situation best.
4. Many (if not all) of these abuse victims are separatists, violent people, or people who seed unrest. They knowingly break the law (knowing fully well the consequences), and cry like a baby when the consequences come. In every case, it's those people who started the whole thing. In the West, these people would be regarded criminals, according to their law.

Anyways, enough of the ranting.

White House: China is potential partner in future Mars exploration | MNN - Mother Nature Network

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama views China as a potential partner for an eventual human mission to Mars that would be difficult for any single nation to undertake, a senior White House official told lawmakers.

Testifying May 4 before the House Appropriations commerce, justice, science subcommittee, White House science adviser John Holdren said near-term engagement with China in civil space will help lay the groundwork for any such future endeavor. He prefaced his remarks with the assertion that human exploration of Mars is a long-term proposition and that any discussion of cooperating with Beijing on such an effort is speculative. [Photos: China's First Space Station]

"[What] the president has deemed worth discussing with the Chinese and others is that when the time comes for humans to visit Mars, it's going to be an extremely expensive proposition and the question is whether it will really make sense — at the time that we're ready to do that — to do it as one nation rather than to do it in concert," Holdren said in response to a question from Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), a staunch China critic who chairs the powerful subcommittee that oversees NASA spending.

Holdren, who said NASA could also benefit from cooperating with China on detection and tracking of orbital debris, stressed that any U.S. collaboration with Beijing in manned spaceflight would depend on future Sino-U.S. relations. [Gallery: Future Visions of Human Spaceflight]

"But many of us, including the president, including myself, including [NASA Administrator Charles] Bolden believe that it's not too soon to have preliminary conversations about what involving China in that sort of cooperation might entail," Holdren said. "If China is going to be, by 2030, the biggest economy in the world … it could certainly be to our benefit to share the costs of such an expensive venture with them and with others."

Wolf, who characterizes China's government as "fundamentally evil," said it is outrageous that the Obama administration would have close ties with Beijing's space program, which is believed to be run primarily by the People's Liberation Army, or PLA.

"When you say you want to work in concert, it's almost like you're talking about Norway or England or something like that," an irate Wolf told Holdren, repeatedly pounding a hand against the table top in front of him. "As long as I have breath in me, we will talk about this, we will deal with this issue, whether it be a Republican administration or a Democrat administration, it is fundamentally immoral."

Holdren said he admired Wolf's leadership in calling attention to China's human-rights record, but noted that even when then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan referred to the former Soviet Union as "the evil empire" in the late 1980s, he continued to cooperate with the communist bloc in science and technology if doing so was deemed in the U.S. national interest.

"The efforts we are undertaking to do things together with China in science and technology are very carefully crafted to be efforts that are in our own national interest," Holdren said. "That does not mean that we admire the Chinese government; that does not mean we are blind to the human rights abuses."

Holdren said that as White House science adviser, his capacity to influence the president's diplomatic approach to Beijing is limited.

"I am not the person who's going to be whispering in the president's ear on what our stance toward China should be, government to government, except in the domain where I have the responsibility for helping the president judge whether particular activities in science and technology are in our national interest or not," Holdren said.

Recently enacted legislation prohibits U.S. government collaboration with the Chinese in areas funded by Wolf's subcommittee, whose jurisdiction also includes the U.S. Commerce and Justice departments, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

When asked how he interpreted the new law, part of a continuing resolution approved in April that funds federal agencies through Sept. 30, Holdren said the administration will live within the terms of the prohibition.

"I am instructed, after consultation with counsel, who in turn consulted with appropriate people in the Department of Justice, that that language should not be read as prohibiting actions that are part of the president's constitutional authority to conduct negotiations," Holdren said. "At the same time there are obviously a variety of aspects of that prohibition that very much apply and we'll be looking at that on a case by case basis in [the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy] to be sure we are compliant."

Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), who joined Wolf last fall in opposing an official visit to Beijing by Bolden, accused Holdren and the White House of plotting to circumvent the law.

"It's not ambiguous, it's not confusing, but you just stated to the chairman of this committee that you and the administration have already embarked on a policy to evade and avoid this very specific and unambiguous requirement of law if in your opinion it is in furtherance of negotiation of a treaty," Culberson said. "That's exactly what you just said. I don't want to hear about you not being a lawyer."

Holdren said a variety of opinions and legal documents indicate the president has exclusive constitutional authority to determine the time, scope and objectives of international negotiations and discussions, as well as the authority to determine the preferred agents who will represent the United States in those exchanges. [The Best (and Worst) Mars Landings]

Culberson reminded Holdren that the administration's civil research and development funding flows through Wolf's subcommittee, and that funding could be choked off if the White House fails to comply with the law.

"Your office cannot participate, nor can NASA, in any way, in any type of policy, program, order or contract of any kind with China or any Chinese-owned company," Culberson said. "If you or anyone in your office, or anyone at NASA participates, collaborates or coordinates in any way with China or a Chinese-owned company … you're in violation of this statute, and frankly you're endangering your funding. You've got a huge problem on your hands. Huge."​

So we will raise the abuse to a whole new level and take it elsewhere by jointly spying on Mars - Infringing Martian rights and its sovereignty? :lol:
Don't need to cooperate with Americans. Most likely a trap designed to impede China's process. I rather trust a group of Gypsies to keep my wallet safe than Americans helping Chinese with technology.
Considering that US & China have done little in form of technology on earth, Mars seems a good place to start .
There are still alot of technology details china can learn from US.
IMO the era of learning/buying from russia is almost over and now PRC has shifted focus to US.
With the current economic conditions yuan might be becoming valuable.
Don't need to cooperate with Americans. Most likely a trap designed to impede China's process. I rather trust a group of Gypsies to keep my wallet safe than Americans helping Chinese with technology.

It doesn't hurt to cooperate. So long it isn't lobsided and one doesn't get abused then it is ok.

There will always be things to learn from one another and it is obsolete cold war mindset to block off progress and new challenges.
It will be good for mankind to have the technological powerhouse work together with the fastest growing economy.

I personally see this as a business proposal and another step to scientific evolution which both sides can gain on.
There are still alot of technology details china can learn from US.
IMO the era of learning/buying from russia is almost over and now PRC has shifted focus to US.
With the current economic conditions yuan might be becoming valuable.

Actually the US has used technology as a tool to destroy Chinese industry. Name 1 high tech transfer from US to China, you can't. I can name several from Japan and Germany, yes even hated Japan transferred tech to us while the US didn't.

The US is the most paranoid and mentally unstable country in the world, worse than North Korea. It used McDonnel Douglas planes to crush our Y-10, used J-8 upgrades to delay our J-10 program, used Monsanto to try and destroy our agriculture... the US cannot be trusted, they will never reveal their actual technology. Instead, we should funnel USD into buying Japanese and German technology we do not current possess and natural resources.
Good move.

Go and colonize the Mars so that other people can move later on with relative comfort :D
Actually the US has used technology as a tool to destroy Chinese industry. Name 1 high tech transfer from US to China, you can't. I can name several from Japan and Germany, yes even hated Japan transferred tech to us while the US didn't.

The US is the most paranoid and mentally unstable country in the world, worse than North Korea. It used McDonnel Douglas planes to crush our Y-10, used J-8 upgrades to delay our J-10 program, used Monsanto to try and destroy our agriculture... the US cannot be trusted, they will never reveal their actual technology. Instead, we should funnel USD into buying Japanese and German technology we do not current possess and natural resources.

True, but it takes two to tangle. The PRC could have said no. If US transfer tech to china and kills off chinese tech, it is because china cannot back then reverse engineering US tech. Whereas if US withhold tech it gets blames too.

I don't think US products kills chinese products because china wants to be lazy and rely on US products. The fact is back then even if US withhold product from China it will still take just as long for china to come up with her own stuff simply because of the amount that she has to catch up.
I think ..it is a gr8 idea...instead of spending billions of dollars by a single country..it will be beneficial if they share the cost...i always believe space exploration should be jointly done by all space faring nations...
True, but it takes two to tangle. The PRC could have said no. If US transfer tech to china and kills off chinese tech, it is because china cannot back then reverse engineering US tech. Whereas if US withhold tech it gets blames too.

I don't think US products kills chinese products because china wants to be lazy and rely on US products. The fact is back then even if US withhold product from China it will still take just as long for china to come up with her own stuff simply because of the amount that she has to catch up.

This happens when you have hardcore traitors like Deng in power. Even corrupt Jiang was better. He was corrupt, but to protect his personal interests, he wanted to make China strong. Deng was a dictator that actively sold the country out.

Remember this: no one rioted in 1959, 1998, or 2008, but only on 1989. PhD scientists came back in 1959, PhD scientists left in 1989.

Deng also stole the honorable President Hua Guofeng's credit for economic reforms.

Look at the contrast. Jiang also bought US tech, but he funneled "civilian" transfers into the military program and didn't cancel anything. That's why the US started hating China in the 90's but loved China in the 80's. As soon as Deng got hold of US technology, he dumped Chinese technology into sh@t and didn't even attempt to improve on them.
Hua's economic and political programs involved the restoration of Soviet-style industrial planning and party control similar to that followed by China before the Great Leap Forward. However, this model was rejected by supporters of Deng Xiaoping, who argued for a more market-based economic system. This argument was decisively resolved in Deng's favor in late 1978, which is generally taken as the start of the era of Chinese economic reform.
This happens when you have hardcore traitors like Deng in power. Even corrupt Jiang was better. He was corrupt, but to protect his personal interests, he wanted to make China strong. Deng was a dictator that actively sold the country out.

Remember this: no one rioted in 1959, 1998, or 2008, but only on 1989. PhD scientists came back in 1959, PhD scientists left in 1989.

Deng also stole the honorable President Hua Guofeng's credit for economic reforms.

Look at the contrast. Jiang also bought US tech, but he funneled "civilian" transfers into the military program and didn't cancel anything. That's why the US started hating China in the 90's but loved China in the 80's. As soon as Deng got hold of US technology, he dumped Chinese technology into sh@t and didn't even attempt to improve on them.

I thought Deng is person given the most credit for the modern China. The hard core Chinese patriot adore Deng above anyone else. This is the first criticism of Deng among all the flattering praises. Is Deng still your hero?
Republicans will block any efforts at US-China space cooperation. Obama has made international space cooperation a priority since he cut back on US manned space budget. I find it interesting he's now started to talk about working with China. Perhaps his effort to rope in the europeans, russians, and japanese on an American Mars mission has fallen through? It's just like the film 2012. For all the complaining they do about China's political system, when it counts, the one country you can depend on to pull a project through to completion is China.
The article is hilarious. Americans see China as "fundamentally evil" and "abuse human rights", then US jets bomb Baghdad, special forces raid Afghan homes, kidnap cab drivers from the streets of Kabul, waterboard, electrocute, beat and torture prisoners and they call themselves the "good guys"
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