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China and US may jointly undertake Mars mission

There are congressmen who are against this joint efforts.


...legislators in Washington were approving a budget that prohibited NASA, which is keen to cooperate, from conducting any joint programs with China:

SEC. 1340. (a) None of the funds made available by this division may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or the Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China or any Chinese-owned company unless such activities are specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of enactment of this division. (b) The limitation in subsection (a) shall also apply to any funds used to effectuate the hosting of official Chinese visitors at facilities belonging to or utilized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


Chinese Space Leader Calls for Cooperation as Congress Says No | Parabolic Arc

But let economy go with this momentum for a few decades, US congressmen would probably start to lick China's boots....
I thought Deng is person given the most credit for the modern China. The hard core Chinese patriot adore Deng above anyone else. This is the first criticism of Deng among all the flattering praises. Is Deng still your hero?

What credit does he deserve? Under his management the economy crashed in the 80's. Not until 1992 did the economy start expanding.

In 1979 Shanghai and Taiwan had the same GDP/capita: 1100 USD.
In 1990 Shanghai still had 1100 USD. Taiwan had 8000 USD.
What credit does he deserve? Under his management the economy crashed in the 80's. Not until 1992 did the economy start expanding.

In 1979 Shanghai and Taiwan had the same GDP/capita: 1100 USD.
In 1990 Shanghai still had 1100 USD. Taiwan had 8000 USD.

Lol, the Chinese economy began expanding over 9% annum since 1980, just 2 years after free-market reforms began.

Under Mao, growth was 7% one year and 5% retraction the next. Lowly educated but heavily indoctrined farmers are chararacteristic of Chinese emporers; these empires eventually buckle to foreign invasion due to incompetent domestic governance. China would have had a USSR style collapse if it weren't for profiteers like Deng who governs by what he sees as the true nature of humans.
Lol, the Chinese economy began expanding over 9% annum since 1980, just 2 years after free-market reforms began.

Under Mao, growth was 7% one year and 5% retraction the next. Lowly educated but heavily indoctrined farmers are chararacteristic of Chinese emporers; these empires eventually buckle to foreign invasion due to incompetent domestic governance. China would have had a USSR style collapse if it weren't for profiteers like Deng who governs by what he sees as the true nature of humans.

The "growth" was completely destroyed by Deng's devaluation policy that basically subsidized foreign enterprises. It was a foolish policy that wouldn't have made any difference in foreign investment, but he gave an extra push to foreign invested enterprises. I also said nothing about Mao. Mao was an incompetent dictator in economics but has good points, such as maintaining political independence and smartly bargaining with the Russians for real technology. And despite his incompetence, there were only 5 years of contraction. However, Deng was a traitor+dictator at everything. The first 10 years of "growth" were for show.

Jiang was the first non-dictator president we had, and even as much as I hate him for corruption, at least he avoided suicidal devaluation in 1998.
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