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China and India must cooperatenot fight each other

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Apr 21, 2010
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----Indian friend, I get the news that India's president will visit China, welcome to China ! As I know that India and China were amicable countries in the history, no one in China doesn't konw the famous affair which is "The Detail of Visiting India", about the Tang dynasty chiliast went to India to study the truth. India influenced China greatly in the history.
----Why Chinese and Indian are not friendly? Only because the greedy Englishmen invaded Indian and occupied the great civilized country.
----Why China and India has some boundary problems? Only because the greedy Englishmen's aggressive. When they conquered India, they tried to invade China's Tibet region, they didn't achieve their goal, which was occupy the whole Tibet, nevertheless, they got a part district of Tibet, which was the controversy area of China and India today.
----All the unhappy was because Englishmen's evil aggression about hunderd of years ago. All the Chinese and Indian have no guilty about this things. So we shouldn't fight against each other anymore.
----China and India must cooperate each other, we have many common behalf. I know that China exported some subway trains to India, and we import a large amount of softwares from India every year. Chinese hope to build a railway connect Tibet with Bombay, if this wish become true, it would be a bright epoch of Chinese and Indian.

----Cooperation and communion are the best way to solve all the problems between different nations and various cultures. Win and Win=Heaven; Win or loss=Terrorism;Loss or Loss= World war.
----Personally I think,as the most clever animal, human must know the true friendship is the most important things in the world. Friendship bring peace, booming economy, happy life and harmonious world.


:welcome: to :china:

It's important to note that neither country will back down on our respective claims. But this does not mean we cannot go forward in friendship.

Where is that picture from? Doesn't feel like Northern India/Southern China to me.
std::vector<std::string> GoodChinese;

for(int i=0;i<GoodChinese.length();i++)
std::cout<<"\n\t Good Chinese are: "<<GoodChinese;

g++ -o res GoodChinese.cpp


Good Chinese are: heavystorm

P.S we need more Good Chinese to be in this Vector container :) :D
whoes fighting????????

China-India are friends and partners
india china had good relations ..lately the indio china fiasco frenzy was created by our media...:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
std::vector<std::string> GoodChinese;

for(int i=0;i<GoodChinese.length();i++)
std::cout<<"\n\t Good Chinese are: "<<GoodChinese;

g++ -o res GoodChinese.cpp


Good Chinese are: heavystorm

P.S we need more Good Chinese to be in this Vector container :) :D

How Indian are good at software !
I understand this part of program, thank you !
Dalian is a new city in the northeast of China, the main industry of this city is software estate, this city is the software production central of China, but it's very smaller than India's.


Its important India-China go forward with this new found trust between them..good for both of them.
one thing about China always amazes me is their work culture and order.
bbc.co.uk / iplayer / console / b00s92p9

bbc.co.uk / iplayer / console / b00schhj

There are many take aways from here, but majorly my observations:

1. China has a lot of tangible infra, while India has a lot of intangible infra.
2. China has focused on primary & secondary education, while India has focused on higher education in line with Nehru's idea of Oxford/Cambridge.
3. China has 200 million poor living on less than $2 a day, which is more poor people than in India in the same earning bracket.
4. China has 800 million living in rural areas and as such prosperity has not begun to sink into the interior - a satellite picture of night time China reveals only east China along the coast has developed.
5. Just 30 years back India had better infra and they had same Income per Capita, but since then China has constructed some 30,000 miles of multi laned highways, and today per capita is 3x India's.
6. Chinese students don't ask qs in class, such is their culture! They are poor at abstract/logical thinking. Individualism is discouraged.
7. China wants the world to believe it is generous and has no expansionist policies in the string of pearls.
8. ZTE is an example of a Communist Party owned company that made merry in the telecom opportunity as it came up. The radio show host was driven around in a golf cart!
9. China believes this is pentagon inspired paranoia- string of pearls - a term coined by pentagon to create trouble in Asia.
10. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Srilanka- all peripheral states in the great battle stand to gain a lot from Indo China rivalry.
11. China contests India's assertion that Indian ocean is it's private back yard and talks of interdependence- being accustomed to each other- ie even as American and Indian navies reign supreme today in this region that may change with time. Indian Navy ships may take up responsibilities in sea of China.
12. The solution to the boundary question will come when both nations are powerful and mature enough to believe in give and take- rather than arousing passionate nationalistic sentiments in their people which is typical of growing nations.
13. India is only slightly behind China and by all indicators will close the gap. The listeners are implored into not believing what they outwardly see in China.
14. Government has zero accountability in China. People have no say in Government. Some Chinese professor though said he pities the Indian system of chaos where opposition opposes for the sake of opposing and has no financial stake in the protest.
15. Chinese elites are realizing that a lot of the prosperity has come through peace, and since it is a top down approach in China, the common man is somewhat alienated- fancy toys like maglevs dont appeal to him, he wants clean safe drinking water which is yet to reach many Chinese villages.
17. There are NIIT teachers teaching HTML to Chinese in China!
18. China's biggest mistake in 3 decades is the one child policy. They will run out of people to take care of their old. The Govt of China will give it a quiet burial as it cannot make a public admission of its mistake.
19. Chinese are pragmatic. They dont want to make enemies.
20. India and China are not pally, but they may not be as estranged as the media sometimes makes them out to be. Elites in both countries know the other possesses the capability for some serious damage infliction should things come to such a pass.
21. Chinese policy makers believe the west is ahead because of their infra, if you have caught up with their infra catching up with their economies shan't take too long.
22. In Nandigram India has shown it can be as brutal as China on its citizens when it comes to.
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How Indian are good at software !
I understand this part of program, thank you !
Dalian is a new city in the northeast of China, the main industry of this city is software estate, this city is the software production central of China, but it's very smaller than India's.



Many Indians are working in software companies in Dalian. That is a very good thing for China and India.
Hope there are many more joint ventures in the future.

A warming trend in relations between India and China was facilitated after Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi visit to China in Dec 1988, wherein it was decided to set up a Joint Working Group (JWG) on the boundary issue. Between Dec 1988 and Jun 1993, progress was made in reducing tensions on the border via Confidential Building Measures (CBMs), including mutual troop reductions, regular meetings of local military commanders and advance notifications of military exercises. Seven rounds of JWG talks were held during this period. During Shri Sharad Pawar's visit to Beijing in July 1992, the first ever by an Indian Defence Minister, it was agreed to develop academic, military, scientific and technological exchanges. A senior level Chinese military delegation aimed at fostering CBMs between the defence forces of the two countries made a six day goodwill visit to India in Dec 1993. The visit was reciprocated by Indian Army Chief Gen BC Joshi's visit to China in July 1994. Since then regular exchanges have been taking place at various levels.

Bilateral defence interaction has been growing. Peace and tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the border areas is being largely maintained by both sides in accordance with the agreements of 1993 and 1996. Recent highlights in defence relations are the visit by the then Defence Minister, Mr George Fernandes, to China in Apr 2003. The visit came after a gap of more than one decade and also helped ease the post Pokhran tensions. This was followed by a return visit by Chinese Defence Minister Gen Cao Gangchuan in Mar 2004. In Dec 2004, Gen NC Vij, the then COAS visited China, the first by an Indian COAS in a decade, and both the countries agreed to deepen defence cooperation. In May 2005, the Chinese CGS visited India, a further sign of warming relations between the two countries. The Indian Defence Minister visited India in May 2006 and signed the first ever MoU on Defence Exchanges between the Armed Forces of India and China. In May 2007 Gen JJ Singh, Chairman COSC and COAS visited China. This was the first time that Chairman COSC visited China and was hosted by the CGS of the PLA. In Nov 2008, the Chief of Air Staff of the IAF paid on official visit to China from 02 - 06 Nov 2008. Simultaneously, the Commander PLA Navy paid a visit to India from 02 to 05 Nov 2008. Chairman COSC and CNS, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, PVSM, AVSM, ADC visited China and participated in the International Fleet Review to mark the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of PLA Navy from 19 - 25 Apr 2009.

Embassy Of India, Beijing

BTW is this 2 ft Barbed wire fence the border b/n two of the biggest countries in the world..?? :cheesy:

This doesnt look like a bit of the border where a deadly war was fought 4 decades ago....U gotta be kidding me

The more they reduce this size the better for us both countries..:cheers:
China and India have signed a defence cooperation MoU, can some list out main points of it?
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