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China and India must cooperatenot fight each other

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how can we have friendship with some one who doesnt like us??????

you are correct on this one, you (specifically you) probably will never get along with other indians. but thankfully that doesn't seem to stop our governments from forging steps towards friendly relations. our leaders and quite a few of us (chinese and indian people) are prudent enough to know what to make of the media frenzy.
all i want to say is yr media is telling the things the people of yr nation want to see or hear, china bashing will help tv rating and sell newspapers, in economic terms dis is call supply and demand yr country hatred for china is well know , how can we have friendship with some one who doesnt like us??????

Dude at t=1 sec you want to be friend and at t=5 sec you say even Prostitute in Thailand doesn't want to sit with an Indian....Wat the F*ck you want?? Go away!! You 3-4 Chinese trollers on this thread are like black mole on otherwise friendly Chinese people!!
Seeing your past comments you were trolling as usual. Take out the hate or get out of this India Defense thread!! do all this in China Defense and make it dirty.

lol as usual when u telling the truth indians will call it trolling and when they r bashing china they call it constructive lol. nevermind truth always hurt, i forgive u.

Dude at t=1 sec you want to be friend and at t=5 sec you say even Prostitute in Thailand doesn't want to sit with an Indian....Wat the F*ck you want?? Go away!! You 3-4 Chinese trollers on this thread are like black mole on otherwise friendly Chinese people!!

lol calm down calm down , u need to swears to bring yr point across???
you are correct on this one, you (specifically you) probably will never get along with other indians. but thankfully that doesn't seem to stop our governments from forging steps towards friendly relations. our leaders and quite a few of us (chinese and indian people) are prudent enough to know what to make of the media frenzy.

u didnt answer my point, u think the way yr media keep on bashing china , chinese would want a friendship with u??????
u didnt answer my point, u think the way yr media keep on bashing china , chinese would want a friendship with u??????

i'll try to make it clearer this time. I meant to say that most people (and china & india's governments) are intelligent enough to separate media frenzy from facts. most of us (such as below_freezing) understand and agree that it is in our mutual benefit to stand together and forge cordial relations. as for those who believe everything in the media, well the rest of us can simply sit back and smile.
does that help?
i'll try to make it clearer this time. I meant to say that most people (and china & india's governments) are intelligent enough to separate media frenzy from facts. most of us (such as below_freezing) understand and agree that it is in our mutual benefit to stand together and forge cordial relations. as for those who believe everything in the media, well the rest of us can simply sit back and smile.
does that help?

here is my another point to u , yr defintion of friendship is abt $$$$$$, i m sorry to disappoint u , we chinese definitetion of freindship is completely de oppsite of yrs. oh btw how much $$$$ u make out of yr many so called chinese friends today?????
here is my another point to u , yr defintion of friendship is abt $$$$$$, i m sorry to disappoint u , we chinese definitetion of freindship is completely de oppsite of yrs. oh btw how much $$$$ u make out of yr many so called chinese friends today?????

lmao you are quite amusing :cheers:. I maintain, when it comes to nation states, there are no permanent friends. there are only (temporary) political, economic and business allies ( i may be missing other paradigms , but ideological friendships are no longer feasible/fruitful). My personal values are quite different than state diplomacy and hence of no consequence in a defense forum, but if it helps I'm engaged to a Taiwanese girl so if anything, I personally have a soft spot for Chinese people.
Dude, u talk about India master-slave, the biggest slaves are you people of United States, the day US stops the imports from China your industry will fall like deck of cards.

Have you ever seen working conditions of Chinese laborers? Just Youtube it, they have to work 7 days a week whole year, some have not even taken a day off from their work in years? You are jumping on excitement on the working conditions of these people at least IT people in India are living in 1000 times better working conditions. Also how much they earn is $100 per month. Shame on your 60$ billion industry when those who are working are not getting benefits.

Now it's common these chinese trollers will bring toilets and poverty issue but who cares??

typical indian mentality. give me the proof that there are people that take 0 days off for the whole year. anyone that knows anything about china knows that there's no company that can survive in china if it gives no days off. don't give me more indian bullsh* lol, proof would be nice.

our worst and lowest tech industry beats your best, we're not even mentioning our good industries, what a shame for india. why don't indians just invite britain to manage them again, i'm sure under british management india would once again reclaim its place as the jewel in her majesty's crown. less people starved under the british raj than under current goi!
no offense but i couldn't stop myself lol


look how Indian Army man is standing :rofl:

PS: again no offense, just wanted to enjoy the pic lol
typical indian mentality. give me the proof that there are people that take 0 days off for the whole year. anyone that knows anything about china knows that there's no company that can survive in china if it gives no days off. don't give me more indian bullsh* lol, proof would be nice.

our worst and lowest tech industry beats your best, we're not even mentioning our good industries, what a shame for india. why don't indians just invite britain to manage them again, i'm sure under british management india would once again reclaim its place as the jewel in her majesty's crown. less people starved under the british raj than under current goi!

Suicides rise as Chinese workers feel the pressure - Feature

Beijing - A spate of suicides at the world's largest electronics factory in China has shed light on the harsh working conditions behind some of the West's favorite consumer goods.

The workers who make Apple Inc's iPhones or Sony Corp's Playstations for Foxconn Technology in Shenzhen, south-eastern China, live isolated in factory cities, far from their families.

But hardest thing to live with is the lack of future prospects, social scientists and activists say.

Nine employees at the factory have died in apparent suicides this year after falls from the factory roof. Two others fell or jumped from the roof but survived, news reports said.

The suicides have drawn attention to the operations of the Taiwan-owned manufacturer, whose staff live and work within the confines of sprawling factory cities.

The controversy over their working conditions has damaged the reputations of global brands such as Apple, Sony, Dell Inc, and Hewlett-Packard Co, all clients of Foxconn.

No other country produces and exports as much as China, earning it the moniker "workshop of the world." More than 100 million migrant workers supply its factories with a constantly replenishing stream of labour.

Reacting to the suicides, nine Chinese social scientists have published an open letter about the plight of the workers, particularly the younger ones.

Young men from rural areas have few options other than to move to the cities to look for jobs, often poorly paid and with few if any future prospects, the letter said.

"The moment they realize there is little possibility of building a home in the city through hard work, the very meaning of their work collapses," the letter added. "The path ahead is blocked, and the road to retreat is closed.

"Trapped in this situation, the new generation of migrant workers faces serious identity crisis and, in effect, this magnifies psychological and emotional problems," the scientists warned.

They recognized that China's development strategy for the past 30 years has accomplished an economic miracle, but stressed it has also "deepened regional inequalities, prolonged stagnation of wages, and deprived migrant workers' citizenship and human rights."

Activists put the blame for the Foxconn suicides above all on the harsh working conditions. "The company must initiate a thoroughgoing analysis of life on its production lines," the New York-based organization China Labor Watch (CLW) said in an online report.

"We are extremely tired, with tremendous pressure," workers from one of the computer assembly lines were quoted as saying. They have seven seconds to complete each step, and often finish 4,000 computers per day, all the while standing up.

Seventeen of the 25 workers interviewed by the non-profit organization said the suicides were due to the high work pressure.

Working days are officially between eight and 10 hours, with two one-hour breaks. Overtime is typically one or two hours per day, the CLW report said.

They have one day off per week, and time spent attending compulsory staff meetings at the start and end of each day is unpaid.

Workers receive the minimum monthly wage of 900 yuan (132 dollars), 7.8 yuan per hour for overtime on weekdays, 10.34 yuan per hour at the weekend.

CLW executive director Li Qiang sees several possible factors behind the suicides, such as "Foxconn's military-style administration and harsh working conditions, Taiwan administrators' disrespect for mainland workers, and management strategies aimed at the creation of only short-term jobs," the report said.

A video released in August of black-clad supervision personnel beating workers at Foxconn's Beijing factory caused widespread outrage.

Taiwan media have called for a code of behaviour to prevent exploitation of mainland workers by Taiwan employers, who suffer from a poor reputation in China.

Foxconn staff also complained of a lack of personal relationsbetween the employees, who mostly live in accommodation blocks on the factory premises.

These miniature cities boast supermarkets, restaurants, bookshops and internet cafes. The Shenzhen plant, site of the recent suicides, is home to over 300,000 workers, who live there completely isolated, without any social networks, hardly knowing each other.

"We spend our free time mostly sleeping and surfing the net," one female worker was quoted by the China Daily as saying. "We don't go out much."
typical indian mentality. give me the proof that there are people that take 0 days off for the whole year. anyone that knows anything about china knows that there's no company that can survive in china if it gives no days off. don't give me more indian bullsh* lol, proof would be nice.

our worst and lowest tech industry beats your best, we're not even mentioning our good industries, what a shame for india. why don't indians just invite britain to manage them again, i'm sure under british management india would once again reclaim its place as the jewel in her majesty's crown. less people starved under the british raj than under current goi!

You trollers have dirtiest and more imperialistic mindsets than Brits!! you below_freezing are always showing China as superior which just shows your superiority complex.

checkout how walmart sells stuff at lower prices

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lmao you are quite amusing :cheers:. I maintain, when it comes to nation states, there are no permanent friends. there are only (temporary) political, economic and business allies ( i may be missing other paradigms , but ideological friendships are no longer feasible/fruitful). My personal values are quite different than state diplomacy and hence of no consequence in a defense forum, but if it helps I'm engaged to a Taiwanese girl so if anything, I personally have a soft spot for Chinese people.

china pak relationship still as strong as ever after almost 50 years, wht more do i have to prove to u ????? but i must admit u r de kind of indian we chinese can get along with, but sadly u r just a minority
china pak relationship still as strong as ever after almost 50 years, wht more do i have to prove to u ????? but i must admit u r de kind of indian we chinese can get along with, but sadly u r just a minority

hehe trust me dude, i'm certainly not a minority in global terms. maybe just on pdf :)
let the kids here bicker and fight, our nations are bound to become allies (note I didn't say friends, I only mean allies). chinese and indians will get along just fine, may be just not on pdf. :D
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