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China and India each deploy 3,000 troops Border face-off

As far as I know that nothing is demarcated between India and China and such events keep happening between the two countries but mostly those are not violent rather funny and hilarious...but this time it turned into violence and serious escalation. So someone has lost his cool. But really I don't know the details because Bhuttan is also involve...
So now dials should be turned down to reduce the heat since things can escalate and that won't be good for the region. I'm not incriminating anyone here.
Screw all that. Incase of war who is Pakistan supporting ?
Good that you agree... that all those missiles are nothing bu painted sewer pipes.. Well regarding the weapons India has... Chinese leadership would need to trigger a war to know how potent they are ...
No,no,no ,guy,the leader dare not fight because of there are no high quality weapons.you have powerful weapons but we dont.you indians are richer than the Chinese, even if you don't have to work,because your india is real superpower.
3000 is not a big number to start a war. phada laina hay to sahi tarah lo bayghairto. deploy at least 300000 troops so that the world may enjoy some quality stuff.
on a serious note. nothing will happen. soon it will be over . may be in a week or two. both china and india are fast growing economies and neither can afford a war or a border skirmish of large extent. indian army will see lot many resignations if this stand off prolongs. their soldiers are already mentally stressed due to so many factors like continuous oppression in their units by officers, their own terrorist activities which they do in kashmir haunt them in dreams and above all the fear of attacks by freedom fighters that can occur at any time . another hot zone and "sir je main ja raha mulk ap ka hawalay" .
china also cant afford to have hot border with india. they tensions in south china sea and korean peninsula are sufficient to keep them busy.

It has become a habit for these chinese to encroach others seas, territories. They need to be roughen up for their actions.
then go ahead. take initiative.:lol::haha::china:

instead of direct border skirmishes with india china should arm the freedom fighters and separatists in north east of india. make them bleed slowly.
No,no,no ,guy,the leader dare not fight because of there are no high quality weapons.you have powerful weapons but we dont.you indians are richer than the Chinese, even if you don't have to work,because your india is real superpower.
Good that you agree here as well...

Its good to read a Chinese trying to troll so hard.. trying to play sarcastic... Nice try.
Situation in the area is critical. I think both armies must stay away from each other. No communication between the two armies and both wants to hold their positions. Please don't involve Pakistan here.we did nothing.we have nothing to do with this new tension. All parties must refrain.war is not the solution. India must use diplomatic channels and communicate.China will never listen until withdrawal of Indian forces and I think situation is very critical.
lolz man pakistanis seems real scared by the situation, on the other hand we indians are having real fun showing china their place.
China thought they can bully little bhutan and get out without anyone noticing. India will not allow china to bully bhutan, and expose their face in front of the world by embarassing them even more. Not their minister is pleading that please leave indian troops and discuss the matter on troops.
India message is clear we dont war but we will not allow you bully our friend bhutan. China should have some shame bullying the country with highest happines index and which is without any military.
i think china didn't expect India to take its pact with Bhutan seriously
Here is the official Indian statement.
Seems China started the s..t with some unknown intentions and it HAS turned serious.
Recent Developments in Doklam Area
June 30, 2017

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a statement on 26 June 2017 alleging that Indian border troops crossed the boundary line in the Sikkim sector of the China-India boundary and entered Chinese territory. This has been reiterated since then in other Chinese official briefings.

  • The facts of the matter are as follows:
    i.On 16 June, a PLA construction party entered the Doklam area and attempted to construct a road. It is our understanding that a Royal Bhutan Army patrol attempted to dissuade them from this unilateral activity. The Ambassador of the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) has publicly stated that it lodged a protest with the Chinese Government through their Embassy in New Delhi on 20 June.

    ii.Yesterday, the Foreign Ministry of Bhutan has also issued a statement underlining that the construction of the road inside Bhutanese territory is a direct violation of the 1988 and 1998 agreements between Bhutan and China and affects the process of demarcating the boundary between these two countries. They have urged a return to the status quo as before 16 June 2017.

    iii.In keeping with their tradition of maintaining close consultation on matters of mutual interest, RGOB and the Government of India have been in continuous contact through the unfolding of these developments.

    iv.In coordination with the RGOB, Indian personnel, who were present at general area Doka La, approached the Chinese construction party and urged them to desist from changing the status quo. These efforts continue.

    v.The matter has been under discussion between India and China at the diplomatic level in the Foreign Ministries since then, both in New Delhi and Beijing. It was also the subject of a Border Personnel Meeting at Nathu La on 20 June.

  • India is deeply concerned at the recent Chinese actions and has conveyed to the Chinese Government that such construction would represent a significant change of status quo with serious security implications for India.
  • In this context, the Indian side has underlined that the two Governments had in 2012 reached agreement that the tri-junction boundary points between India, China and third countries will be finalized in consultation with the concerned countries. Any attempt, therefore, to unilaterally determine tri-junction points is in violation of this understanding.
  • Where the boundary in the Sikkim sector is concerned, India and China had reached an understanding also in 2012 reconfirming their mutual agreement on the "basis of the alignment”. Further discussions regarding finalization of the boundary have been taking place under the Special Representatives framework.
  • It is essential that all parties concerned display utmost restraint and abide by their respective bilateral understandings not to change the status quo unilaterally. It is also important that the consensus reached between India and China through the Special Representatives process is scrupulously respected by both sides.
  • India has consistently taken a positive approach to the settlement of its own boundary with China, along with the associated issue of the tri-junctions.
  • India cherishes peace and tranquillity in the India-China border areas. It has not come easily. Both sides have worked hard to establish institutional framework to discuss all issues to ensure peace and tranquillity in the India-China border areas. India is committed to working with China to find peaceful resolution of all issues in the border areas through dialogue.

New Delhi
30 June 2017
This is why we elected Modi & BJP.

Rightly India has called Chinese bluff and as predicted China is doing predictable crying and nothing more.

Fantastic move. Let China escalate and see their businesses in India destroyed by common Indians.
I know a few WhatsApp groups all over India waiting for China to escalate this issue. That say day, a lot of Chinese businesses will realize what Indian mob really means.

The trade deficit it has, will go down by half in a week.

Your move, China, we the people of India, not our military, not our politicians..we the people dare you.
Mirage2000? Really? LOL
Our experience and even pakistans experience is that even dated western technology is better than current Soviet technology , on which most of Chinese weaponry is based.
Eg Pakistan still prefers f16s -52 , which are just upgraded 70s platforms , to anything that China can supply.
You can confirm from your pals.
Our experience and even pakistans experience is that even dated western technology is better than current Soviet technology , on which most of Chinese weaponry is based.
Eg Pakistan still prefers f16s -52 , which are just upgraded 70s platforms , to anything that China can supply.
You can confirm from your pals.
Sure sure, normally people who can't make planes will say that. Notice how you didn't mention LCA at all. LOL
This world doesn't need another war, hope sane minds prevail and Modis deluded sense of invincibility after visiting Washington is called out to him by someone in the government before irreparable damage is done.
What about the humsaya mulk ??

What humsaya? that has been trying to destroy us since our independence? Killing our people in Kashmir? Try everything in its power to damage us on diplomatic front? Trying to destroy our economy by sabotaging CPEC, IWT and stopping our water? Sponsoring terrorism directly and indirectly in Baluchistan and elsewhere? Conspiring against our integrity... ?

While China which does not share the same culture, language, religion or history with us as you do, has been our friend...the best friend. It supports Pakistan on all fronts...even if it has to take on with the self proclaimed sole superpower :)
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