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China and India: Contest of the century

The root problem is that once corruption has already set it, it would not help to change from a democratic government to an autocratic one, infact it will just make things worse.

China in it's founding days is pretty 'clean'. Even with that corruption sets in so now you still need periodic clean up from the central government, which managed to remain largely unaffected. But suppose china has started off with democratic government when it was still unstable, then corruption sets in at the high levels it is beyond salvage.

So the question of how to address corruption here is more than just a comparison of democratic vs autocratic government system. A corrupt autocratic government absolutely won't help things. Autocracies have polarising effects, they make good more efficient and bad more horrible.
So the question of how to address corruption here is more than just a comparison of democratic vs autocratic government system. A corrupt autocratic government absolutely won't help things. Autocracies have polarising effects, they make good more efficient and bad more horrible.

You're right.

Corruption tends to be a very serious problem in the developing world. Having a Democratic or Autocratic government is not really the issue here.
The issue of corruption is not something that could be, as some naively believe, could be eliminated by swapping political systems. The creation of an honest government takes time since time and the experience that comes with it are needed to advance the laws of a nation. Look at the United States during the 19th century and early 20th century. You get crooks from the Tammany Hall and politicians who are so used to bribery that when President Garfield tried to stop them, he got assassinated by an office seeker. As time went on, however, the flexible constitution allowed the Americans, whose middle class also expanded dramatically in the mean time, to eliminate much of the corruption plaguing the governmental bureacracy.
The issue of corruption is not something that could be, as some naively believe, could be eliminated by swapping political systems. The creation of an honest government takes time since time and the experience that comes with it are needed to advance the laws of a nation. Look at the United States during the 19th century and early 20th century. You get crooks from the Tammany Hall and politicians who are so used to bribery that when President Garfield tried to stop them, he got assassinated by an office seeker. As time went on, however, the flexible constitution allowed the Americans, whose middle class also expanded dramatically in the mean time, to eliminate much of the corruption plaguing the governmental bureacracy.

Actually the 19th century of the USA was considered most corrupt, afterall that was the time when the robber barons took over.

If you look at history the USA, the USA has always been corrupt except at one point during the world wars and cold war phases.

The politicians in the USA may be corrupt but the minute that they feel threathened by an outside force they can kick the country back up to full efficiency.

India is corrupt because certain groups have basically banded together to elect leaders that will siphon off money back to the group in other words politicians pretty much buy votes while the USA on the other hand uses the media to pretty much blackout any candidate who isn't a democrat or a republican along with any other politician they feel won't be a corporate shill.

The PRC wasn't corrupt when they only recruited people by ideological basis, the only started getting corrupt after they started letting every joe dick and harry join the communist party. But the problem with only recruiting people of a certain ideology is that regime is incapable of adapting
You must be out of your mind to compare China and India.

Just search up China's Tech and Civi infrastructure.

Then compare with India.

You will know what i mean.
Russia is just as diverse as India with Russians and Hindus being both 80%

They are doing fine with an autocratic system

The USSR was even more diverse than Russia today, Russians only made up 50% of USSR.

They also used a autocratic system.

Just saying that India is 80% hindu will not solve India's problem. There is so much cultural deferences between Hindus of all over India. Tamil,Telugu,Kerala,Malayali,Bengali,Punjabi,Oriya,Gujrati, etc all are different from each other culturally . Neither any ethnicity nor any language speaking community is in absolute majority in India. However You can say In china there are 56 different ethnic people live but Hans are 96% of China. So you people are more homogeneous than us so don't expect same type of government.
Maybe this might be the source if India's problems?

yes definitely it is....our politicians are as crooked as crooked can be.

And I dont need to mention the common Govt officials and even the Elite IAS.

Corruption runs neck deep in our country.

we need young,educated leaders and not illiterates with murder and rape charges against them.But wat to do..our educated people dont come out to vote during the election day and just are fine with watching TV on that "national Holiday".

Russia is just as diverse as India with Russians and Hindus being both 80%

They are doing fine with an autocratic system

The USSR was even more diverse than Russia today, Russians only made up 50% of USSR.

They also used a autocratic system.

Do you even know what are u talking about.?? China is fine with an autocratic system because it is more or less an homogenous society with > 90% Hans.

Similar is the case of Russia where except the Caucus regions (where most of them are autonomous) they are more or less an homogenous society.
Just saying that India is 80% hindu will not solve India's problem. There is so much cultural deferences between Hindus of all over India. Tamil,Telugu,Kerala,Malayali,Bengali,Punjabi,Oriya,Gujrati, etc all are different from each other culturally . Neither any ethnicity nor any language speaking community is in absolute majority in India. However You can say In china there are 56 different ethnic people live but Hans are 96% of China. So you people are more homogeneous than us so don't expect same type of government.

Han is just like Hindu

There are many subgroups of Han

Demographics of Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Han Chinese, Hokkien
Han Chinese, Hakka
Han Chinese, Cantonese
Han Chinese, Teochew
Han Chinese, Mandarin
Han Chinese, Hainanese
Han Chinese, Min Bei
Han Chinese, Min Dong
Indian races are more compicated than Chinese races, the southern Indians in Tamil and the northern Indians with Aryan bloods are almost totally different in everything from height, skin color, culture, language, food, their common ground is their nationality and national language (Hindi and English).

While Chinese of many provinces are ethnic Hans that speaks different dialet.

Also India has so many political parties and state governments, it is actually hampered by the democratic system since you need the majority to agreed before you can put a law into action.

They probably have thousands of different local dialets
Indian people admires chinese infrastructure,growth and speed we are trying to combine above with our democratic system.
China will certainly reach 1st tier super power status much like USSR.Not so sure about India but India will most likely reach the current chinese status in 2-3 decades.I think Indian Core Mentality have to be changed if they want to be super power.Indians care too much about what West thinks them unlike China which is why i think West will put down India's achievement unless Indians become more self confident.
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China will certainly reach 1st tier super power status much like USSR.Not so sure about India but India will most likely reach the current chinese status in 2-3 decades.I think Indian Core Mentality have to be changed if they want to be super power.
what??? with even a growth rate of 6-7 % we will reach to US current position in next 2 decade. do your calculation properly
their common ground is their nationality and national language (Hindi and English)

Correction: English and Hindi are not national languages of India, they're official languages ie languages in which government stuff is done.

India doesn't have any national languages but around 22 recognized languages
Correction: English and Hindi are not national languages of India, they're official languages ie languages in which government stuff is done.

India doesn't have any national languages but around 22 recognized languages

Which, admittedly, could make communications amongst the various states/provinces a bit difficult. Perhaps India should try to promote her own version of the Chinese Mandarin (a native Indian language, not English)?
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