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China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine [weapons] biolabs

Putin is a psychopath. He brings death and destruction. The good side of the coin is now every country on earth wakes up to the new reality, every country will step up military spendings. Weak countries like Ukraine are subjected to aggression. Lots of psychopaths out there smell weakness.

The new German army can be readied by next year. Time for appeasement is over.
The most barbaric people who committed the worst crimes in human history still run in their blood. Before they are released from confinement, the Germans and Japs should be locked up forever until they are properly reformed in the jail ! And until now, these two peoples don't want to and they are not properly reformed.
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No one remembers that Truth is the first causality of War ? logic is insane that Russia/China says something = Propaganda, West says anything = God's revelation (can't be a lie)...
No one remembers that??? like seriously ?
anyone remember her ? and what she lied about ? and on who's order she lied ? I guess the world is full of morons and blind idiots who despite being blatantly lied upon still wants to believe the same people, god forbade if it was a Arab or Brownie that once lied then his entire life no testimony or source would be acceptable from him.
Belarus is about to join the war. Chinese will follow suit, they just seek a reason to enter the war. Soon Xi Jingping will accuse Ukraine commit genocide on chinese tourists in Donbas.

Belarus too?

What a weak country Russia is!
Belarus is about to join the war. Chinese will follow suit, they just seek a reason to enter the war. Soon Xi Jingping will accuse Ukraine commit genocide on chinese tourists in Donbas.
You typical Viets as usual like to spread false and malicious stories about China and Chinese. By the way, do you Viets have brains, I mean in a rational and reasonable way ?
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Belarus too?

What a weak country Russia is!
Yes it’s Belarus it’s the second best friend of Russia. The problem is Putin avoids to send conscripts to Ukraine so he needs more professional soldiers. Russia has deployed 190,000 to Ukraine but to occupy Ukraine he needs more, lots more. Lukaschenko can offer 45,000 men of Belarus army.
Historically, Americans have generously given free blankets that smallpox patients had slept in to Indians who did not have antibodies to the smallpox virus.
I have a deep suspicion that COVID19 is actually a virus war waged by the United States against China. The United States developed the COVID19 virus to carry out precise strikes against China. America thinks it can control the virus and they have a vaccine.
I remember that in February 2020, a pharmaceutical company in the United States applied for a patent for a COVID19 virus vaccine. How could a vaccine be developed so quickly?
I guess every country on the planet should shutdown their biolabs and skip having hospitals have a resource to test their strangely sick citizens for any serious disease outbreak or help isolate pathogens to make any vaccines.

You mean they need 26 biolabs to test their 40 million population? Even Kiyv, a city of 2 million gets 5 biolabs just to test sick citizens?
Bio-viral research labs funded and run by DOD are for humanitarian purposes?

At the request of concerned scientists, the US government passed a law making certain types of biological research illegal. This is why the US DoD carries out a large amount of biological rsearch abroad.
The idea is to 'enhance' diseases. Make mild deiseases dangerous, and make diseases that aren't attacking humans adjusted so they can.

Nuland said categorically that there were 26 such labs in the Ukraine. I believe that just two of them had a $100 million spent on them.

The US is concerned that the Russians will obtain these 'harmless' pathogens! If they are harmless, why the fear? :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
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