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China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine [weapons] biolabs

Yup, unrestrained power with no checks and balances combined with declining cognitive functions in an already pathological megalomaniac. The only hope for peace is a coup.
Putin is a psychopath. He brings death and destruction. The good side of the coin is now every country on earth wakes up to the new reality, every country will step up military spendings. Weak countries like Ukraine are subjected to aggression. Lots of psychopaths out there smell weakness.

The new German army can be readied by next year. Time for appeasement is over.
The US funded the biolab in Wuhan China too.
Do you think Wuhan was for biological weapons?

In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan

That's what you said right, so if Wuhan was inspected, shouldn't these labs be inspected too? Ft Derrick too matey

As Russia intensifies its assault on Ukraine, it is getting a helping hand from China in spreading inflammatory and unsubstantiated claims that the U.S. is financing biological weapons labs in Ukraine.

The U.S. has been quick to refute Russia’s conspiracy theory, and the United Nations has said it has received no information that would back up the claim, but that hasn’t stopped it from proliferating.

The partnership between the two authoritarian countries, which weeks ago said their ties had “no limits,” appears aimed at muddying the waters of the rationale for Russia’s invasion in what American officials have called an “information war” that some fear could lay the groundwork for a “false-flag” operation.

China’s Foreign Ministry has helped fuel the fire this week, repeating the Russian claim several times and calling for an investigation.

“This Russian military operation has uncovered the secret of the U.S. labs in Ukraine, and this is not something that can be dealt with in a perfunctory manner,” ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Thursday.

“It is not something they can muddle through by saying that China’s statement and Russia’s finding are disinformation, and are absurd and ridiculous.”

Indeed, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby called the Russian claim “a bunch of malarkey,” but in testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, CIA Director William Burns also noted grave concern that Russia might be laying the groundwork for a chemical or biological attack of its own, which it would then blame on the U.S. or Ukraine in a false flag operation.

“This is something, as all of you know very well, is very much a part of Russia’s playbook,” he said. “They’ve used these weapons against their own citizens, they’ve at least encouraged the use in Syria and elsewhere, so it’s something we take very seriously.”

Russia, China and the U.S. are all signatories to international conventions against the use of chemical or biological weapons, but the international community has assessed that Russia has used chemical weapons in carrying out assassination attempts against enemies of President Vladimir Putin. Russia also supports the Assad government in Syria, which has used chemical weapons against its people in a decade-long civil war.

Moscow initially claimed that its invading forces had found evidence of hasty attempts to conceal biological weapons research in Ukraine.

The head of the Russian military’s radiation, chemical and biological protection troops, Igor Kirillov, doubled down on Thursday, saying that U.S.-sponsored labs in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa were working on dangerous pathogens custom-designed to target Russians and other Slavs.

“We can say with a high probability that one of the goals of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents capable to selectively infect various ethnic groups,” Kirillov said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a similar claim Thursday, alleging that U.S.-directed labs in Ukraine were working to “develop ethnically targeted biological weapons.”

The U.N. Security Council scheduled a meeting Friday at Russia’s request to discuss Moscow’s claim. Olivia Dalton, spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to the U.N., said the American delegation would not let it become “a venue for promoting their disinformation.”

China has been actively promoting the claim, however, with headlines like “Russia reveals evidence of U.S.-funded bio-program in Ukraine” and “China urges U.S. to disclose more details about biolabs in Ukraine” on state-run China Global Television Network’s website. The Communist Party’s Global Times newspaper published a story Thursday with the headline “US tries to refute ‘rumors’ about its biolabs in Ukraine, but can we believe it?”

A nearly three-minute video of a Russian Defense Ministry news conference repeating the allegations has been viewed more than 10 million times on Sina Weibo, a popular Chinese social media platform akin to Twitter, and liked more than 90,000 times.

Following years of anti-U.S. rhetoric from Communist Party leaders and the state-controlled media, many Chinese are convinced the U.S. cannot be trusted and that the West is on the decline while seeking to contain China’s rise.

The claim has also picked up traction with far-right groups and media in the U.S.

China is broadly seen as taking Russia’s side in the conflict, most conspicuously in refusing to refer to it as a war or an invasion in keeping with Moscow’s usage. It has also toed Russia’s line on the root causes of the conflict, pointing to NATO’s eastward expansion and a failure to acknowledge Russia’s “legitimate security concerns.”

At the same time, it is also seeking to avoid fully casting its lot in with Russia as Belarus has, seeking to present itself as merely a concerned third party.

China has abstained on U.N. votes censuring Russia and has criticized economic sanctions against it. It has expressed its support for peace talks and offered its services as a mediator, despite having little experience in such a role and questions about its neutrality.

Chinese officials have also said Washington shouldn’t be able to complain about Russia’s actions because the U.S. invaded Iraq under false pretenses, maintaining it had evidence Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction though none was ever found.

China has also used the opportunity to repeat its claim that the U.S. created the virus that causes COVID-19 at a lab in Fort Detrick in Maryland, which it first floated in an apparent attempt to deflect American claims from then-U.S. President Donald Trump and other senior American officials that the coronavirus originated in a research laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Two extensive studies released last month point to an animal market in the city as the likely origin.

“The international community has long been highly concerned about the biological military activities of the United States,” Zhao said in response to a question about what evidence China had to back up Russia’s claims. “What did the U.S. do at the Fort Detrick base within its territory?”

It is not the first time Russia has spread disinformation about American biological weapons research.

During the Cold War in the 1980s, Russian intelligence spread the claim that the U.S. created HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, in a lab. More recently, Russian state media have promoted theories about dangerous research at labs in Ukraine and Georgia.

In this case, Russia has tried to counter the U.S. pushback by saying that it is Ukraine, not Russia, that could be preparing a false flag attack.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Wednesday that Ukrainian “nationalists” have stockpiled about 80 tons of ammonia in Zolochiv near Kharkiv in preparation for a possible “provocation with toxic agents to accuse Russia of chemical weapons use.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the accusation itself was ominous.

“That worries me very much because we have often been convinced that if you want to know Russia’s plans, they are what Russia accuses others of,” he said in his nightly address to the nation Thursday.

“I am a reasonable person. The president of a reasonable country and reasonable people. I am the father of two children,” he said. “And no chemical or any other weapon of mass destruction has been developed on my land. The whole world knows this.”

In his testimony to the Senate panel, Burns said the U.S. strategy in the current conflict of declassifying and publicly releasing what is known about false narratives and possible Russian false-flag operations has paid dividends so far.

“I think we have had a great deal of effect in disrupting their tactics and their calculations and demonstrating to the entire world that this is a premeditated and unprovoked aggression built on a body of lies and false narratives,” Burns said.

“This is one information war that I think Putin is losing.”


Quick Take​

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program has provided technical support to improve and protect Ukraine’s public health laboratories. Social media posts, however, falsely claim the program created “bioweapons labs” that are being targeted by Russian forces as part of the invasion of Ukraine.

Full Story​

When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, he claimed Moscow was seeking to overthrow a neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv and return the neighboring country to Russia’s protection. Never mind that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish and lost family members in the Holocaust.

The U.S., Ukraine and most of the international community rejected Putin’s claims and President Joe Biden branded him an “aggressor” engaged in a blatant, unjustified land grab.

After the invasion started, Moscow and its supporters stepped up a disinformation campaign that began long before Russian tanks crossed the border, and social media platforms took steps to shut down the disinformation.

Still, Facebook posts have blamed the U.S. in part for the invasion by pinpointing what they falsely claim are American germ warfare labs in Ukraine.

One post links to an article in the conservative website News Punch, which claims, “Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.”

A Facebook post, sharing a map that appeared in the News Punch article, says, “Exclusive US biolabs in Ukraine, and they are financed at the expense of the US Department of Defense.”

Another post claims, “All but one of the US bio-labs for biological weapons have been bombed in Ukraine.”

The posts misrepresent a 2005 pact under which the U.S. Department of Defense and Ukraine’s Ministry of Health agreed to work together to ensure that labs studying disease in Ukraine could not be used to develop biological weapons and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the Kyiv Post reported in May 2020.

The U.S. Biological Threat Reduction Program’s “priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats,” according to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

The arrangement grew out of the 1994 agreements under which Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons that remained in its possession after the breakup of the Soviet Union and which, at the time, made Ukraine the third largest nuclear power in the world.

The pact — and a similar one in the former Soviet republic of Georgia — has been the target of disinformation campaigns in the past, said Andrew Weber, a senior fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks and a board member of the nonpartisan Arms Control Association.

“There has been a Soviet-style disinformation campaign promoting such lies for over a decade,” Weber said in an email exchange with FactCheck.org. “It harkens back to the Soviet KGB ‘Operation Infection’ disinformation campaign to spread the total fabrication that HIV/AIDS originated in a U.S. military lab.”

Weber, a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs, said the Defense Department “has never had a biological laboratory in Ukraine.”

Rather, the Biological Threat Reduction Program “has provided technical support to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve public health laboratories whose mission is analogous to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Weber said. “These laboratories have recently played an important role in stopping the spread of COVID-19.”

In the spring of 2020, both the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and the Security Service of Ukraine issued statements calling out bogus reports of American biolabs operating in Ukraine.

“Recently, ‘fake news’ about the alleged activities of American military biological laboratories in Ukraine has been spread in the media and social networks,” the Security Service of Ukraine said in a statement reported by Interfax-Ukraine. “No foreign biological laboratories operate in Ukraine. Statements recently made by individual politicians are not true and are a deliberate distortion of the facts.”

The U.S. embassy statement said, “Our joint efforts help to ensure that dangerous pathogens do not fall into the wrong hands.”



Quick Take​

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program has provided technical support to improve and protect Ukraine’s public health laboratories. Social media posts, however, falsely claim the program created “bioweapons labs” that are being targeted by Russian forces as part of the invasion of Ukraine.

Full Story​

When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, he claimed Moscow was seeking to overthrow a neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv and return the neighboring country to Russia’s protection. Never mind that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish and lost family members in the Holocaust.

The U.S., Ukraine and most of the international community rejected Putin’s claims and President Joe Biden branded him an “aggressor” engaged in a blatant, unjustified land grab.

After the invasion started, Moscow and its supporters stepped up a disinformation campaign that began long before Russian tanks crossed the border, and social media platforms took steps to shut down the disinformation.

Still, Facebook posts have blamed the U.S. in part for the invasion by pinpointing what they falsely claim are American germ warfare labs in Ukraine.

One post links to an article in the conservative website News Punch, which claims, “Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.”

A Facebook post, sharing a map that appeared in the News Punch article, says, “Exclusive US biolabs in Ukraine, and they are financed at the expense of the US Department of Defense.”

Another post claims, “All but one of the US bio-labs for biological weapons have been bombed in Ukraine.”

The posts misrepresent a 2005 pact under which the U.S. Department of Defense and Ukraine’s Ministry of Health agreed to work together to ensure that labs studying disease in Ukraine could not be used to develop biological weapons and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, the Kyiv Post reported in May 2020.

The U.S. Biological Threat Reduction Program’s “priorities in Ukraine are to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats,” according to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

The arrangement grew out of the 1994 agreements under which Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons that remained in its possession after the breakup of the Soviet Union and which, at the time, made Ukraine the third largest nuclear power in the world.

The pact — and a similar one in the former Soviet republic of Georgia — has been the target of disinformation campaigns in the past, said Andrew Weber, a senior fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks and a board member of the nonpartisan Arms Control Association.

“There has been a Soviet-style disinformation campaign promoting such lies for over a decade,” Weber said in an email exchange with FactCheck.org. “It harkens back to the Soviet KGB ‘Operation Infection’ disinformation campaign to spread the total fabrication that HIV/AIDS originated in a U.S. military lab.”

Weber, a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs, said the Defense Department “has never had a biological laboratory in Ukraine.”

Rather, the Biological Threat Reduction Program “has provided technical support to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health since 2005 to improve public health laboratories whose mission is analogous to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” Weber said. “These laboratories have recently played an important role in stopping the spread of COVID-19.”

In the spring of 2020, both the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and the Security Service of Ukraine issued statements calling out bogus reports of American biolabs operating in Ukraine.

“Recently, ‘fake news’ about the alleged activities of American military biological laboratories in Ukraine has been spread in the media and social networks,” the Security Service of Ukraine said in a statement reported by Interfax-Ukraine. “No foreign biological laboratories operate in Ukraine. Statements recently made by individual politicians are not true and are a deliberate distortion of the facts.”

The U.S. embassy statement said, “Our joint efforts help to ensure that dangerous pathogens do not fall into the wrong hands.”


Looking at the sources, there is only American and Ukranian sources. You don't ask the accused to factcheck an allegation. Try harder.
Looking at the sources, there is only American and Ukranian sources. You don't ask the accused to factcheck an allegation. Try harder.

What do you mean by try harder? I did not quote Zelenskyy in this matter.

Fact-checking sources are largely independent efforts to expose disinformation flows in other sources. These sources expand on any topic with relevant documents and set-of-evidences to address misconceptions about it. These sources fact-check claims made by politicians as well. This is difficult and potentially risky job.

WE should not blanket-assume that every Western source is unreliable. Same benefit of doubt shall be extended to Russian and Chinese sources as well. I also quote Russian and Chinese sources in my arguments from time-to-time to make a point when I feel the need to.

Putin administration is attempting to justify its aggression in Ukraine with lame politically-motivated excuses - on the same level of absurd as was the WMD narrative of Bush junior administration for invading Iraq.
What do you mean by try harder? I did not quote Zelenskyy in this matter.

Fact-checking sources are largely independent efforts to expose disinformation flows in other sources. These sources expand on any topic with relevant documents and set-of-evidences to address misconceptions about it. These sources fact-check claims made by politicians as well. This is difficult and potentially risky job.

WE should not blanket-assume that every Western source is unreliable. Same benefit of doubt shall be extended to Russian and Chinese sources as well. I also quote Russian and Chinese sources in my arguments from time-to-time when I feel the need to.

Putin administration is attempting to justify its aggression in Ukraine with lame politically-motivated excuses - on the same level of absurd as was the WMD narrative of Bush junior administration for invading Iraq.
I want non western sources
I want non western sources

Non-western sources cannot tell much in this regard. This matter concerns Ukraine and USA - these two countries are in the best position to challenge Russian allegations.

The rumor originated from a misinterpretation of a 2005 agreement between the U.S. and Ukraine: “Concerning Cooperation in the Area of Prevention of Proliferation of Technology, Pathogens and Expertise that could be Used in the Development of Biological Weapons.” For years Russia has alleged that American involvement in securing labs in former Soviet states is part of a massive conspiracy to develop biological weapons, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention.

In an April 2020 statement, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine clarified the U.S.-Ukrainian partnership in an effort “to set the record straight regarding disinformation” on what is described as a “strong U.S.-Ukrainian partnership to reduce biological threats.” The statement explained that the U.S. Ukraine partnership is part of the Biological Threat Reduction Program, which “works with the Ukrainian Government to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern in Ukrainian government facilities, while allowing for peaceful research and vaccine development.”

China can move WHO to probe or clarify this matter, however:

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If you believe that Ukraine has developed any bioweapon, then disclose it. Let us see what type of virus it is.
Then,Why the hell does USA build and operate over 300 biolabs in so many 30 countries over the world if not for some hidden and evil purposes。
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That's a very lame explanation/excuse. You didn't even try to reason why DoD sponsors studies on SARS, how coronavirus was most effectively transmitted, Slavic DNA, etc. I guess that's your comfort zone -- keep yourself ignorant of the evil your government does.

I guess every country on the planet should shutdown their biolabs and skip having hospitals have a resource to test their strangely sick citizens for any serious disease outbreak or help isolate pathogens to make any vaccines.
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I guess every country on the planet should shutdown their biolabs and skip having hospitals have a resource to test their strangely sick citizens for any serious disease outbreak or help isolate pathogens to make any vaccines.

You're still deflecting on behalf of the bioweapon researches/development sponsored and operated by the Pentagon. If they're for peaceful humanitarian purposes, then why DoD and not DHS or CDC? Hello, anyone there?
Why are these labs secretly built in some poor, third-world countries? A few years ago a Bulgarian reporter pursued these questions in a Dept Public Health(?) session and the reporter was evicted. Why? What was so secret and classified about these 'projects' if they were for peaceful purposes?

You're not using your brain because you chose not to use. The article you brought here also has the same issue: The author is brain dead.
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