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China: Al-Qaeda urges holy war to defend Muslims

see post no 24 and post no 28(i have put above ny aimarraul)..

if all ppl are treated equally than why they dont have the right to be a part of CCP... (this is not meant to troll.... it is just a genuine concern shared by many in the world regarding freedom or religion in China...)

a genuine concern my a**.


It's like saying a guy living in the street of Congo Republic has a "genuine cencern" over dire proverty issue in NYC.

Get lost!
a genuine concern my a**.


It's like saying a guy living in the street of Congo Republic has a "genuine cencern" over dire proverty issue in NYC.

Get lost!

look dear why dont u answer.. dont u think ppl of all races/religions living in China should have equal rights..??

Please answer this and the post above... it would indeed be helpful to get an insight into it or the reasons behind this disparity... China is not a country like Pakistan which is a declared Muslim country.

China being such a important country in this world... it should take a lead in promoting equality of human beings irrespective of colour or race or religion.

Also it is a very decent forum.. please maintain its sanctity...if u have to oppose than give proper logical answers in a decent manner...
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if all ppl are treated equally than why they dont have the right to be a part of CCP...??
secondly who is allowed to be a part of CCP... what is the criterion for it... can a muslim become part of CCP if he fulfills that criterio or he can never be a part just because of his or her religion....??[/B]

Mgmech, your curiosity is perhaps understandable. Your lack of knowledge in this area is leading you to mix up terms such as "Han" with "Muslims", which are far from mutually exclusive.

What is the common term for the tens of millions of essentially "Han Muslims" (with caveats)? Google will teach you.

The CCP, or the "Communist Party of any place" isn't a caste/"sons-of-the-soil"/ethnicity-based "sena'. It is, however, a semi-religious organization. Its religion is "manifested" atheism.

So how can a devout Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, or Protestant of any ethnicity become a member of the "Atheist Party"? Can a practicing Hindu priest become the secretariat of Communist Party of India - with or without the "M"?

Now it's quite evident that the CCP today has veered more into a pursuit of a soft, somewhat de-racialized version of "National Socialism" rather than carrying on the mantle of doctrinaire "Communism". Nevertheless, the leopard has not washed off some of its most prominent spots ...

Ethnicity is not a requirement in gaining membership in the CCP. Who is Nur Bekri? I am far from stating that he is a swell fella because of his place in the Party.

One reason I disdain the CCP myself is because I am not an atheist. However, even atheists, not unlike the pagan Kings of the Assyrians of old, are no less "tools of the Sovereign" ...

Digressions into religion is against forum policies and I will halt.

Increasingly, necessarily with time, I suspect the CCP may become to the "faithful" what the US military is to the non-heterosexual - you don't tell, and they won't ask.

Just don't forget to charge mgmeg for copyright and rewards mony, as after half-digesting through your reply with the help of encyclopedia, he might just copy/paste it to run for annual Literature Prize in India. :agree:
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