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China against setting artificial time limit for UN Security Council reform

india in the security council?

dont make me laugh.

permanent member of the security council is given to powerful nations with global influence, what influence does india have on the global stage?

india is not that much ahead of pakistan, sri lanka and bangladesh in terms of influence and social development.

indians thinking they are some kind of challenge to china is beyond hilarious.
thats why china dont care indian opinions, because china knows india is not a challenge to china. so china dont waste time on mickey mouse countries like india.

First point you have really big mouth speaking so much ill about india.

I also used to think in same way that china does not worry about india.
But recent news articles in Chinese newspaper show a definite worried face of china.
If It does not worry about india, then why it is creating blocks for security council reforms?

The funniest part is he even degrades pakistanis, bangladeshis and all south asian nations, still pakistanis like to be friend of china.
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