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Children as young as 4 will be taught abt LGBT

Cardiff University sex education talk cancelled after concerns
  • 8 hours ago

Image copyrightPA
Image captionUnder the current Welsh curriculum, sex and relationships education must be taught in secondary schools, but is optional in primary schools
An event involving a psychologist who has claimed sex and relationship education could cause children "harm" has been cancelled by a university.

Dr Kate Godfrey-Faussett is being investigated by the British Psychological Society after saying the lessons were part of an effort of "queering" of the Muslim community.

But she was invited to speak on the lessons by the Muslim Council of Wales.

Cardiff University said the event had not followed its booking procedure.

The Muslim Council of Wales' Eventbrite page for the event describes Dr Godfrey-Faussett's seminar as "eye-opening."

The British Psychological Society expressed "concerns" about her comments. She has previously said Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) lessons were part of a concerted effort of "queering the Muslim community" and called being transgender a "mass delusion".

She has claimed that RSE could lead to "psychological damage, spiritual damage and also physical harm" to children.

Image captionDr Kate Godfrey-Faussett spoke about her Stop RSE campaign earlier this year
Dr Godfrey-Faussett told the 5Pillars website she has been misrepresented by the media and that Muslim and non-Muslim parents are "increasingly concerned that Relationship and Sex Education is promoting LGBT lifestyles to children as young as four".

RSE lessons have been controversial in England after protests by parents in England spread around the country.

The Welsh Government have recently completed consultations on curriculum reform in which they have mooted the possibility of ending the right of parents to withdraw children from religious education and RSE classes.

They are also planning to introduce age appropriate RSE lessons in state primary schools.

The Muslim Council of Wales defended their decision to invite Dr Godfrey-Faussett to speak at the event which they said was to provide "information and guidance" on the proposed changes.

It said it was "reassured that she is committed to respectful and accurate dialogue on the sensitive topic of sex education in schools".

"There should be no question that LGBT communities in Wales should be free to live and love whom they wish, without fear of attack, censure, or abuse."


Image captionJenny Rathbone expressed concerns that the event would be "contrary to community cohesion".
But Shavanah Taj, president of the Wales TUC and equalities campaigner, criticised the choice of speaker.

"What will the right wing make of this? If Muslims are seen to be supporting bigotry by default that's not a good thing," she said. "There's no hierarchy with minority rights."

It is unclear whether MCW intends to go ahead with the event at a different venue now that Cardiff University has cancelled.

'Unwarranted distress'
The retiring Chair of Pride Cymru, Lu Thomas, has written to the MCW urging them to call it off.

She said: "We are concerned that hosting such a controversial figure in Wales may cause unwarranted distress and concern within our diverse and inclusive communities in Wales, and are increasingly mindful that we do not wish to see a spread of the deeply divisive and damaging protests as seen most recently in Birmingham, coming to Wales especially as it would be promoted by MCW."

The Cardiff Central assembly member, Jenny Rathbone, had written to the vice-chancellor of Cardiff University expressing concern that hosting an event with Kate Godfrey-Faussett would cause "unnecessary anxiety" and "be contrary to community cohesion".

Cardiff University's LGBT+ Society committee welcomed the cancellation. Her comments, it said, "contribute nothing of value to the discourse on the topics at hand and serve only to damage the children who she claims to be protecting".

The university said that, while the event was not organised by them, "differing and often controversial views can be brought forward, listened to and challenged at universities".

But it said due diligence procedures had not been followed during the booking process and the university would not allow the event to go ahead.


Nice move.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Hermaphrodites and trans. Also the Asexuals, gender neutrals, gender fluids, binaries, traps, intersex, androgynes and others as well.
Muslims saving the Europeans from the Globo Homo agenda.
For muslims living in the UK & the west, LGBT teaching is coming to a primary school near you - unless people wake up and rattle their elected MP.

Sex education: Parents' right to withdraw children could go
By Paul MartinReporter, BBC Wales Live
  • 3 hours ago

Image captionUnder the new curriculum, all primary school pupils will get sex education classes
Parents' right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons could be scrapped under reform plans.

The idea is being considered by the Welsh Government as part of its curriculum changes.

New Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is being introduced in primary and secondary schools.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams said she was considering whether allowing parents to remove pupils from the lessons was "still appropriate".

The consultation paper said arrangements had been unchanged for decades and it was "keen to explore potential approaches to modernise".

Ms Williams told Wales Live: "We don't give parents the right to withdraw from specific parts of the curriculum - maths or maybe science if somebody is concerned they don't believe the science around climate change - we don't give parents the right to withdraw children from those lessons.

"So it's about checking in to see if these rights are still appropriate as we move forward with our curriculum reform.

"We will do this sensitively and we will be listening to views and we're not charging ahead in a gung-ho fashion because we realise these are complex but highly important issues and that's why we're listening seriously to people's views."


Image captionKirsty Williams said the changes would not be done in a gung-ho fashion
Currently, Sex and Relationships Education must be taught in secondary schools, but is optional in primary schools - under the new curriculum RSE will also be taught in primary schools.

Government guidance said it should be "developmentally appropriate" and recognise the importance of "diversity and difference across a range of identities related to relationships, sex, gender, sexuality".

There have been protests by parents at a school in Birmingham as they feel classes about LGBT rights were age-inappropriate and incompatible with Islam.

Under the new curriculum, schools would be legally obliged to teach RSE, but the guidance on which areas schools should focus on would be advisory.

However, the Welsh Government said it "fully expects schools to be teaching RSE that is inclusive of LGBTQI+ learners".

Some religious groups, including the Christian Institute and the Catholic Education Service, are opposed to the right of withdrawal being removed.

The National Association of Head Teachers said the decision "must continue to sit with parents and carers" although key elements relating to safeguarding must continue for all children.

But the Church in Wales and the National Secular Society have backed the idea.

The Church in Wales said RSE helped young people "develop an understanding of tolerance and diversity" making it "fundamental to the core purposes of the new curriculum".

The consultation closed on Monday and the government will analyse responses before making a decision.


Under new laws, children as young as 4 will be taught about gender orientation...(RSE). It’s pretty messed up...this is in fact indoctrination from an early age.

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Stupid people digging their grave yard.
worst Idea ever.
I have met many homeschooled kids and they lack any social skills and are just werid.

I have also never met a successful homeschooed person ever.

So it means an illiterate person who never attended school would be shy and would not have any social skills but i have seen a lot of men who can't even read their own name are very outgoing and social
and highly educated men who can't comfortably speak in front of few people
So it means an illiterate person who never attended school would be shy and would not have any social skills but i have seen a lot of men who can't even read their own name are very outgoing and social
and highly educated men who can't comfortably speak in front of few people

I'm not fully sure what you are saying.

Home schooled means to teach your kids all the same things they would learn in school, but do it at home.

Problem with home school is that, unless if the kid will never have to work or interact with society, it degrades social ability and that impacts their life quite a bit. Especially in the work force.

Now anecdotally we can give stories all day long. I once got sick and didn't go to the doctor and recovered. Does that mean I should never go to the doctor for any reason?
Ew. Little kids would have very hurting behinds

They should also teach pedophilia, it's the new fashionable thing

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