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Children as young as 4 will be taught abt LGBT

Disturbing development.

Western societies and secularism are a lost cause. Filthy animals beneath human form.

Muslims all over the world need to do their best to protect their way of life, and establish support networks for easier mobilization when necessary.

Wake-up call for the 50+ country Islamic bloc as well. When will supposedly Islamic states learn to rise above their petty differences and work for the betterment for every Muslim out there? Unfortunately, Islamic brotherhood is virtually a thing of the past, and fitna of sectarianism has taken hold.

Make it a habit to pray to Allah Almighty to help (us) Muslims in protecting our way of life from every kind of fitna out there.

Time to put pseudo-liberals in their place as well. These people facilitate spread of corruption with excuses and excuses.
There is only 1 cure for this sickness in Muslim countries. Enforce punishments as described by Allah for these sick people.

I can see a lot of ppl relocating or sending their wife and kids to Pakistan to study because this LGBT rubbish is getting out of hand.

There is only 1 cure for this sickness in Muslim countries. Enforce punishments as described by Allah for these sick people.

That’s what Brunei is doing and well done to them
LGBT lessons: Schools told they can choose what to teach
  • 9 April 2019


Media captionWhat is in the books that Parkfield parents are protesting about?
It is up to primary schools in England to choose what they teach about same-sex relationships, the education secretary has said.

Damian Hinds has written to head teacherssaying they are encouraged to teach children about LGBT issues if they "consider it age appropriate".

He said heads should consult parents but reassured them parents had no right to veto what was taught.

It follows protests over the content of lessons in some schools in Birmingham.

Rallies have been held outside the city's Parkfield Community School in protest at the "No Outsiders" programme, which teaches pupils about diversity, including LGBT rights and issues of race and religion.

Some parents said they believed the lessons "undermined parental rights and authority" - despite Ofsted's view that the lessons at Parkfield were age-appropriate.

Parkfield assistant head Andrew Moffat, who created the No Outsiders programme, told Sky News he had received a death threat, while others involved in the row have also reported feeling "alone" and unsupported.


Media captionParents claimed "hundreds" of pupils were kept out of school for a day
The school and four others in Birmingham have now suspended teaching the No Outsiders programme.

The controversy has spread further afield, with parents in Greater Manchester saying they will remove their children from sex and relationship lessons.


Image captionParents have been gathering outside the school for weekly protests
In his letter to the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), Mr Hinds says reports of teachers feeling intimidated are "concerning" and it was "regrettable that myths and misinformation" about education changes were allowed to be circulated.

He suggests listening to and understanding the views of parents as a way schools can "increase confidence in the curriculum" to help children leave school "prepared for life in modern, diverse Britain".

But he writes: "What is taught, and how, is ultimately a decision for the school."

And he adds: "I want to reassure you and the members you represent that consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content. We want schools to consult parents, listen to their views, and make reasonable decisions about how to proceed... and we will support them in this."


Media captionThe woman in charge of the trust running Parkfield school defends its LGBT rights teaching
In response, the NAHT said its members were "encouraged" by the letter and called for parents' protests to stop.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the union, said: "This letter confirms that whilst school leaders are required to involve parents and the wider community in the planned content of the curriculum, consultation does not provide parents or others with a veto on curriculum content.

"Schools that take this approach will receive the full support of the government."

He added: "There is clearly more to be done in Birmingham and in other areas where protests and disagreements have happened."

In England, relationships education will be compulsory for all primary pupils from September 2020. Sex education will also be compulsory for all secondary pupils from that date

@Reddington @OsmanAli98 @Dewaneh
LGBT lessons: Schools told they can choose what to teach
  • 9 April 2019

Media captionWhat is in the books that Parkfield parents are protesting about?
It is up to primary schools in England to choose what they teach about same-sex relationships, the education secretary has said.

Damian Hinds has written to head teacherssaying they are encouraged to teach children about LGBT issues if they "consider it age appropriate".

He said heads should consult parents but reassured them parents had no right to veto what was taught.

It follows protests over the content of lessons in some schools in Birmingham.

Rallies have been held outside the city's Parkfield Community School in protest at the "No Outsiders" programme, which teaches pupils about diversity, including LGBT rights and issues of race and religion.

Some parents said they believed the lessons "undermined parental rights and authority" - despite Ofsted's view that the lessons at Parkfield were age-appropriate.

Parkfield assistant head Andrew Moffat, who created the No Outsiders programme, told Sky News he had received a death threat, while others involved in the row have also reported feeling "alone" and unsupported.


Media captionParents claimed "hundreds" of pupils were kept out of school for a day
The school and four others in Birmingham have now suspended teaching the No Outsiders programme.

The controversy has spread further afield, with parents in Greater Manchester saying they will remove their children from sex and relationship lessons.


Image captionParents have been gathering outside the school for weekly protests
In his letter to the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), Mr Hinds says reports of teachers feeling intimidated are "concerning" and it was "regrettable that myths and misinformation" about education changes were allowed to be circulated.

He suggests listening to and understanding the views of parents as a way schools can "increase confidence in the curriculum" to help children leave school "prepared for life in modern, diverse Britain".

But he writes: "What is taught, and how, is ultimately a decision for the school."

And he adds: "I want to reassure you and the members you represent that consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content. We want schools to consult parents, listen to their views, and make reasonable decisions about how to proceed... and we will support them in this."


Media captionThe woman in charge of the trust running Parkfield school defends its LGBT rights teaching
In response, the NAHT said its members were "encouraged" by the letter and called for parents' protests to stop.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the union, said: "This letter confirms that whilst school leaders are required to involve parents and the wider community in the planned content of the curriculum, consultation does not provide parents or others with a veto on curriculum content.

"Schools that take this approach will receive the full support of the government."

He added: "There is clearly more to be done in Birmingham and in other areas where protests and disagreements have happened."

In England, relationships education will be compulsory for all primary pupils from September 2020. Sex education will also be compulsory for all secondary pupils from that date

@Reddington @OsmanAli98 @Dewaneh

This is Zionist agenda. They have successfully destroyed the social fabric of West. Now they want to do it with the Muslims as well. In the future, they might even introduce laws to fine or imprison parents who refuse to let their children be brainwashed by this sick education.
Good that children are taught at a Young age. Serves 2 purposes. Let's then be tolerant about those who are different. Let's then discover their sexuality early and be confident about if.

It's my baby, I can do whatever I want.
No you can't. Thou can influence the baby in a way. But after acertain age the child has amind of its own.
This should have been well thought when the parents or grand parents of these children decided to move to west for temporary economic gains..

I don't blame them.. it's just that there is a cost of everything and they should now work double shifts with their children to save them from the negative effects of cultural invasion.. Pakistanis migrants have the option of coming back to Pakistan anytime at the cost of their earnings and other benefits they get there, such as health services, if they can't work hard with their children and want to save them from harmful effects.. or they should keep quiet and accept the cultural invasion until Muslims become majority in west (which is not going to happen anytime soon).

I know parents who work really really hard on their children and don't complain about the environment they have chosen themselves for their families. In fact, some of the western raised children adhere to the Islamic values more than the children raised in Islamic countries..
These people are idiot.

They teach Lavat to their children in age 4.
For muslims living in the UK & the west, LGBT teaching is coming to a primary school near you - unless people wake up and rattle their elected MP.

Sex education: Parents' right to withdraw children could go
By Paul MartinReporter, BBC Wales Live
  • 3 hours ago

Image captionUnder the new curriculum, all primary school pupils will get sex education classes
Parents' right to withdraw their children from sex education lessons could be scrapped under reform plans.

The idea is being considered by the Welsh Government as part of its curriculum changes.

New Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is being introduced in primary and secondary schools.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams said she was considering whether allowing parents to remove pupils from the lessons was "still appropriate".

The consultation paper said arrangements had been unchanged for decades and it was "keen to explore potential approaches to modernise".

Ms Williams told Wales Live: "We don't give parents the right to withdraw from specific parts of the curriculum - maths or maybe science if somebody is concerned they don't believe the science around climate change - we don't give parents the right to withdraw children from those lessons.

"So it's about checking in to see if these rights are still appropriate as we move forward with our curriculum reform.

"We will do this sensitively and we will be listening to views and we're not charging ahead in a gung-ho fashion because we realise these are complex but highly important issues and that's why we're listening seriously to people's views."


Image captionKirsty Williams said the changes would not be done in a gung-ho fashion
Currently, Sex and Relationships Education must be taught in secondary schools, but is optional in primary schools - under the new curriculum RSE will also be taught in primary schools.

Government guidance said it should be "developmentally appropriate" and recognise the importance of "diversity and difference across a range of identities related to relationships, sex, gender, sexuality".

There have been protests by parents at a school in Birmingham as they feel classes about LGBT rights were age-inappropriate and incompatible with Islam.

Under the new curriculum, schools would be legally obliged to teach RSE, but the guidance on which areas schools should focus on would be advisory.

However, the Welsh Government said it "fully expects schools to be teaching RSE that is inclusive of LGBTQI+ learners".

Some religious groups, including the Christian Institute and the Catholic Education Service, are opposed to the right of withdrawal being removed.

The National Association of Head Teachers said the decision "must continue to sit with parents and carers" although key elements relating to safeguarding must continue for all children.

But the Church in Wales and the National Secular Society have backed the idea.

The Church in Wales said RSE helped young people "develop an understanding of tolerance and diversity" making it "fundamental to the core purposes of the new curriculum".

The consultation closed on Monday and the government will analyse responses before making a decision.


Under new laws, children as young as 4 will be taught about gender orientation...(RSE). It’s pretty messed up...this is in fact indoctrination from an early age.

Please feel free to post related news

neoliberalism is disaster
This should have been well thought when the parents or grand parents of these children decided to move to west for temporary economic gains..

I don't blame them.. it's just that there is a cost of everything and they should now work double shifts with their children to save them from the negative effects of cultural invasion.. Pakistanis migrants have the option of coming back to Pakistan anytime at the cost of their earnings and other benefits they get there, such as health services, if they can't work hard with their children and want to save them from harmful effects.. or they should keep quiet and accept the cultural invasion until Muslims become majority in west (which is not going to happen anytime soon).

I know parents who work really really hard on their children and don't complain about the environment they have chosen themselves for their families. In fact, some of the western raised children adhere to the Islamic values more than the children raised in Islamic countries..

I’v been thinking abt this....I believe one option (although difficult) will be to send your wife and kids to Pakistan till they are 16 and then they return when they are mature....but this is so hard
This should have been well thought when the parents or grand parents of these children decided to move to west for temporary economic gains..

I don't blame them.. it's just that there is a cost of everything and they should now work double shifts with their children to save them from the negative effects of cultural invasion.. Pakistanis migrants have the option of coming back to Pakistan anytime at the cost of their earnings and other benefits they get there, such as health services, if they can't work hard with their children and want to save them from harmful effects.. or they should keep quiet and accept the cultural invasion until Muslims become majority in west (which is not going to happen anytime soon).

I know parents who work really really hard on their children and don't complain about the environment they have chosen themselves for their families. In fact, some of the western raised children adhere to the Islamic values more than the children raised in Islamic countries..

I suspect in the next 20-30 years we'll be forced to make this choice. If I move i'd have to move to Islamabad or nearby. Somewhere I can get IT work. This is why I hope the new IT city proposed for near Islamabad is a success.

If anyone wants to know why many British Pakistani's are still in the UK and don't go back, please travel to Mirpur and Dadyal districts of AJK. They are so backward and underdeveloped. Thar has better quality roads. Schools are poor, economy is non existent. I sincerely urge all Pakistani who travel to Kashmir to take a day to travel through this area. You will realise yourself why we are here.

You guys who live in the big cities are so lucky.
I think the teaching should be taught after they reach sexually aware.

Definitely not in kindergarten.
I suspect in the next 20-30 years we'll be forced to make this choice. If I move i'd have to move to Islamabad or nearby. Somewhere I can get IT work. This is why I hope the new IT city proposed for near Islamabad is a success.

If anyone wants to know why many British Pakistani's are still in the UK and don't go back, please travel to Mirpur and Dadyal districts of AJK. They are so backward and underdeveloped. Thar has better quality roads. Schools are poor, economy is non existent. I sincerely urge all Pakistani who travel to Kashmir to take a day to travel through this area. You will realise yourself why we are here.

You guys who live in the big cities are so lucky.

IMran khan needs to make Pakistan a magnet for overseas Pakistanis.

Youngsters born there should be eager to come here and tour the country. Overseas Pakistanis should feel secure investing and buying property here.

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