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Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Must Go!

^^ CJ is holy cow, because he was made so by media to get rid of P.Musharraf.

Today, no state agency would dare to point his corruption,,,, not a good sign!

IMO, he is the person responsible for today's Pakistan and he is corrupt too.

If he had 1% of dignity, he had resigned when his fake petrol claim surfaced!
^^ CJ is holy cow, because he was made so by media to get rid of P.Musharraf.

Today, no state agency would dare to point his corruption,,,, not a good sign!

IMO, he is the person responsible for today's Pakistan and he is corrupt too.

If he had 1% of dignity, he had resigned when his fake petrol claim surfaced!
Mr first why should he resign on bloody rumours spread by corrupt governments and their touts and he is trying to free Pakistan from corruption state agency are trying their level best to malign him but they are failing because he is an honest person only corrupt people are talking against him because they are scared of an honest CJ
Malik Riaz is a land mafia tycoon and is doomed eitherway, at least for admitting to bribing CJ`s son.

I know in Pakistan every where govt. will block your file if you don't pay!
Low level retired pensioners pay half of their pension as bribe to get the other half and your CJ doesn't know that ?
In open market you find goods with no record of import! don't tell me CJ is buying local made shampoo!
You can't have fast track court hearings until you pay to judge directly or indirectly!
CJ himself has been accused of misusing his authority and delivering injustice!

Should CJ not arrest every one? including himself?

Point its individual POV how you see it.
Malik Riaz can be a hero for all those who are forced to pay bribe.
He can lead a movement of the victims of black mailing because justice is only iconic.
Movement against injustice of judiciary!
I know in Pakistan every where govt. will block your file if you don't pay!
Low level retired pensioners pay half of their pension as bribe to get the other half and your CJ doesn't know that ?
In open market you find goods with no record of import! don't tell me CJ is buying local made shampoo!
You can't have fast track court hearings until you pay to judge directly or indirectly!
CJ himself has been accused of misusing his authority and delivering injustice!

Should CJ not arrest every one? including himself?

Point its individual POV how you see it.
Malik Riaz can be a hero for all those who are forced to pay bribe.
He can lead a movement of the victims of black mailing because justice is only iconic.
Movement against injustice of judiciary!
First their is no charge on CJ secondly who got Black Mailed The biggest black mailer himself ultimate Mail Riaz and first time in history the person who is getting blackmailed is keeping record of each and everything but not filing any complaint wow do you have any common sense left except for trying to blame CJ for the pieces of thrash which Musharraf the corrupt man tried to bring up those were proved nothing more than jokes
Haahaaaa.... Funny article, I think the person is a big fan of PPPP (Bhuto, Luto and Phuto group). This video can tell the truth that who is behind all this ****,

Abdul Qadir Gillani, Hamza Shebaz, Maryam Nawaz, and all known and unknown people are continuosly intrupting during program, and sending instructions for what to say or not.

If Irslan is guilty he will be punished by the court, I cant bet on it. But the story will not end on it all the Mafia behind malik riaz will be punished, Now Supreme court trod on the tail of Snake, first this snake will bite its kids in terrible fluster and then Supreme Court will trample its head.
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If the OP's allegations against the CJP are true then very very sad! Not good for Pakistan that even an inspiring figure like the CJP has been compromised even if indirectly.
I have not liked the, what I call, 'selective justice' from this judiciary--targeting mainly PPP, letting go terrorism-suspects too soon, meddling into 'executive' affairs too much, and virtual denial of the supremacy of the parliament.. But I had still thought better of them than financially compromised individuals.

No Sir, he is terribly wrong, misguided, and making inappropriate demand.

malik riaz himself admitted that giving souvenirs to Arsalan didnot buy him any relaxation in Bahria town cases, which proves that honourable Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudary is unbuyable...
1 hi acha judge mila hai usay bhi ghar bhaijh do

At least one institution is functional in the country and as per some survey reports he is the most credible person in Pakistan. Why we have the habit of humiliating our legends in the streets or exiling them to foreign land. This culture must end now... The whole of Pakistan will be supporting CJ if they tried to play games with him.


No worries bro- he is a man of steel and we are with him- nothing, really nothing can defame him- and all of the Pakistan is with him.

by the way Riaz is Saaakkkrrrrrrrrooooooooooooeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddd :lol:
For now this is the best chief justice. You don't want to make stupid moves that will make Zardari and company bring their own puppets....
Batman just look at the reality of your favourite business tycoon the Mafia chief
A inquiry is going on, and it will conclude sometime hopefully.

Why should the CJP resign?

Did the Prime Minister resign on his son's case? He is even convicted himself.

This whole conspiracy was just cooked up to make the CJP resign. Looks like some minds are already feeding on that thought.

^^ CJ is holy cow, because he was made so by media to get rid of P.Musharraf.

Today, no state agency would dare to point his corruption,,,, not a good sign!

IMO, he is the person responsible for today's Pakistan and he is corrupt too.

If he had 1% of dignity, he had resigned when his fake petrol claim surfaced!

The biggest holy cow in pakistan is the media right now.
Justice Chaudhry has been waging war against corruption in Pakistan but his suo moto actions have been selective. He has gone after the PPP corruption with a vengeance but ignored his son's corruption for months without action until it became public through the media. Nor has he pursued corrupt PML leadership.

His actions have been perceived as very biased and now there is confirmation.

He should resign because he has lost the moral authority to sit in judgement.
Justice Chaudhry has been waging war against corruption in Pakistan but his suo moto actions have been selective. He has gone after the PPP corruption with a vengeance but ignored his son's corruption for months without action until it became public through the media. Nor has he pursued corrupt PML leadership.

His actions have been perceived as very biased and now there is confirmation.

He should resign because he has lost the moral authority to sit in judgement.

moreover the judgment from CJ speaks that his loyalty is with terrorist and enemies of Pakistan. more than 350000 pending cases in lower courts but his all efforts are to topple PPP govt.Million of people are looking for judgment for ages in lower courts but this is not matter of CJ. He had open memogate and give judgment too on one article without evidence, but not accepting the solid evidence against his own son.
why don't media demand resign for him on " ikhlaki" basis like they did in pm case.
don't say that he is innocent in this case. this case is directly link with "azad(qanoon say) adalya"
CJ is the last bastion of truth and justice in our country, and now these theives and looters want this last line of resistance out of the way, so that they can destroy whats left of our country. shame on them!
CJ is the last bastion of truth and justice in our country, and now these theives and looters want this last line of resistance out of the way, so that they can destroy whats left of our country. shame on them!
that is biggest illusion of this nation!
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