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Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Must Go!


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
For six long months, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan knew that his son was on the take from a notorious property baron Malik Riaz Husain, and yet he did nothing to stop his son's illegal activities. Mr. Chaudhry was too busy waging a much-needed jihad against corruption by other powerful individuals through his suo moto actions.

Mr. Chaudhry finally acted against his son after the allegations became public in Pakistani media. His action appears to be self-serving to try and salvage his own reputation. Malik Riaz Husain, CEO of Bahria Town, has now offered detailed evidence and documentation to back up his charges against Chaudhry's son Arsalan Iftikhar of accepting bribes worth $3.7 million (Pak Rs. 340 million).

Predictably, Mr. Chaudhry's fellow judges are trying to silence the accuser by initiating contempt proceedings against him, a favorite tool of the current serving judges of the highest court in Pakistan to chill dissent. Other Chaudhry supporters are in denial. They are crying "conspiracy" to try and absolve him of a very serious lapse.

Judge Chaudhry's failure to act when he first learned about his son's corruption charges has put a harsh spotlight on Pakistan's Supreme Court as an institution. It has put at risk the noble efforts of Mr. Chaudhry to rid Pakistan of corruption at the highest levels of government. What's most important now is to try and restore confidence in Pakistan's higher judiciary as an institution.

Mr. Chaudhry must resign as a first step toward rebuilding trust in the institution. Other senior judges must then step in to order a thorough investigation into the activities of Mr. Malik Riaz Husain, and they should let the evidence lead them wherever it goes, including many powerful individuals in government, legislatures, political parties, lawyers' community and mass media who are alleged to have accepted illegal payments from him in return for lucrative contracts and other favors to Bahria Town.

The culture of corruption must end for Pakistan to offer hope to its people for their future.

Haq's Musings: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Should Resign
If the OP's allegations against the CJP are true then very very sad! Not good for Pakistan that even an inspiring figure like the CJP has been compromised even if indirectly.
I have not liked the, what I call, 'selective justice' from this judiciary--targeting mainly PPP, letting go terrorism-suspects too soon, meddling into 'executive' affairs too much, and virtual denial of the supremacy of the parliament.. But I had still thought better of them than financially compromised individuals.
For six long months, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan knew that his son was on the take from a notorious property baron Malik Riaz Husain, and yet he did nothing to stop his son's illegal activities. Mr. Chaudhry was too busy waging a much-needed jihad against corruption by other powerful individuals through his suo moto actions.

Mr. Chaudhry finally acted against his son after the allegations became public in Pakistani media. His action appears to be self-serving to try and salvage his own reputation. Malik Riaz Husain, CEO of Bahria Town, has now offered detailed evidence and documentation to back up his charges against Chaudhry's son Arsalan Iftikhar of accepting bribes worth $3.7 million (Pak Rs. 340 million).

Predictably, Mr. Chaudhry's fellow judges are trying to silence the accuser by initiating contempt proceedings against him, a favorite tool of the current serving judges of the highest court in Pakistan to chill dissent. Other Chaudhry supporters are in denial. They are crying "conspiracy" to try and absolve him of a very serious lapse.

Judge Chaudhry's failure to act when he first learned about his son's corruption charges has put a harsh spotlight on Pakistan's Supreme Court as an institution. It has put at risk the noble efforts of Mr. Chaudhry to rid Pakistan of corruption at the highest levels of government. What's most important now is to try and restore confidence in Pakistan's higher judiciary as an institution.

Mr. Chaudhry must resign as a first step toward rebuilding trust in the institution. Other senior judges must then step in to order a thorough investigation into the activities of Mr. Malik Riaz Husain, and they should let the evidence lead them wherever it goes, including many powerful individuals in government, legislatures, political parties, lawyers' community and mass media who are alleged to have accepted illegal payments from him in return for lucrative contracts and other favors to Bahria Town.

The culture of corruption must end for Pakistan to offer hope to its people for their future.

Haq's Musings: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Should Resign

If proven that CJ knew of the bribe and benefitted from the arrangement then he should be prosecuted and sentenced for his crime. However, if such quid pro quo arrangement cannot be proved and if only his son was involved wirhout CJ's knowledge then just the son should be punished.
Why was CJ removed from his duties during Mushraf tenure? A hint: his son, Second hint: Name was Arsalan, third hint: charges were corruption. Kindly correct me if I am wrong, so couple of years down the road again the same sort of scenario arises. Let's see how this turns out to be. I think lot of media people will get duly get raped in this.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk
What a bogus and dumb article. Not surprised at all that CJ has come under threat from this land mafia tycoon Malik Riaz. First it was the Military govn't, then political elite esp the ppp govn't attacking the CJP, and now mafia business tycoons like Malik Riaz.

Pretty shameful.

Sheikh Rasheed has been predicting this for months, many more attacks yet to come on the supreme court, from all sorts of corrupt business and political mafias.

So dont be surprised.
This guy riaz haq has no credibility and I m amazed how can anybody take his side..Anyways if CJP's son found guilty he should be punished and that would be a trend setter and chief justice should now take all imp cases on urgent bases and decide on NRO and gilani and even military cases abt balochistan..
If proven that CJ knew of the bribe and benefitted from the arrangement then he should be prosecuted and sentenced for his crime. However, if such quid pro quo arrangement cannot be proved and if only his son was involved wirhout CJ's knowledge then just the son should be punished.

Even if you disregard Aitazaz Ahsan's statement that he told CJ about it 6 months ago, you still have to wonder why his son Arsalan's expensive vacations (along with CJ's wife and other family members) to London and Monte Carlo on a govt doctor's salary did not register with the CJ. Why did he turn a blind eye to this extravagant lifestyle that was clearly beyond his son's known means.
^ shhhhhhhhhh don't ask questions involving thinking. Fanboi work in the manner: oh he did it, it must be alright than.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk
This guy riaz haq has no credibility and I m amazed how can anybody take his side..Anyways if CJP's son found guilty he should be punished and that would be a trend setter and chief justice should now take all imp cases on urgent bases and decide on NRO and gilani and even military cases abt balochistan..

You can't take the high road on a low horse!
Only those resign, who holds the dignity of the position (they hold) above their selfish self.

Some relevant Facts of story:

-CJ is a political (bargained) judge and so is the other handpicked judiciary.

-CSS exams are joke, even failed candidates can be appointed as a police officer and judges, either by paying bribe or using the influence of their dishonorable fathers.

-Internationaly, (current) Islamic Republic of Pakistan is classified as most corrupt state ever on earth, while people are tricked, forced and even intimidated to call its judiciary, fair!

-CJ has swore upon Quran, that he was oblivious of overwhelming prosperity of his son! :undecided:

I leave it to the Pakistanis to trust, that:

-No one brought attention of CJ to the open letter, mentioning corrupt ways of his son and in-justice in his (own) practice!
-CJ didn't knew the price of BMW, his son use to drive!
-CJ didn't discussed about or said goodbye to his son, travelling to UK for holidays!
-CJ didn't knew, he or his son shouldn't meet the litigants of his court in private!

The real paradox or calamity of the whole episode is that interior ministry had no courage to directly approach the 'holy cow' (or) 'don' may i say!
No doubt, Interior ministry and NAB overlooked the imbalance of earnings and expenses of 'don' and used it as a bargain chip to earn legal protection for the fake degree of Asif Ali Zardari.

When it comes to the media and masses, every one has his preconceived declarations from day one. Suiting their individual political association.
While no one thinks logically and question the source of information.

While, IMO, the biggest hypocrite, popped up in the whole episode is Imran Khan, who brand him self Tsunami of justice.
Yet, failed to point out the partial self of judiciary or demand an impartial judicary on the occasion and neither, he came out to swore the (constant) innocence of CJ.

I'm sure dons of Pakistan, have overwhelmed the tycoon Malik Riaz.
What a bogus and dumb article. Not surprised at all that CJ has come under threat from this land mafia tycoon Malik Riaz. First it was the Military govn't, then political elite esp the ppp govn't attacking the CJP, and now mafia business tycoons like Malik Riaz.

Pretty shameful.

Sheikh Rasheed has been predicting this for months, many more attacks yet to come on the supreme court, from all sorts of corrupt business and political mafias.

So dont be surprised.

:blah: Tell us some thing new! not :blah: which you have pasted many times before!

Bogus writers, bogus political commentators....... what next... bogus??? !

I have already asked you PTI elite to guide us to the certification process!

I think you are bogus, when you label every one as corrupt while your own President is convicted for attempting to murder the serving Chief Justice of Pakistan.

be reminded of basic FACTS>

It was CJ, who took su moto, not the military.

It was Hamid mir, who broke the story not Malik Riaz.
For six long months, Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry of Pakistan knew that his son was on the take from a notorious property baron Malik Riaz Husain, and yet he did nothing to stop his son's illegal activities. Mr. Chaudhry was too busy waging a much-needed jihad against corruption by other powerful individuals through his suo moto actions.

Mr. Chaudhry finally acted against his son after the allegations became public in Pakistani media. His action appears to be self-serving to try and salvage his own reputation. Malik Riaz Husain, CEO of Bahria Town, has now offered detailed evidence and documentation to back up his charges against Chaudhry's son Arsalan Iftikhar of accepting bribes worth $3.7 million (Pak Rs. 340 million).

Predictably, Mr. Chaudhry's fellow judges are trying to silence the accuser by initiating contempt proceedings against him, a favorite tool of the current serving judges of the highest court in Pakistan to chill dissent. Other Chaudhry supporters are in denial. They are crying "conspiracy" to try and absolve him of a very serious lapse.

Judge Chaudhry's failure to act when he first learned about his son's corruption charges has put a harsh spotlight on Pakistan's Supreme Court as an institution. It has put at risk the noble efforts of Mr. Chaudhry to rid Pakistan of corruption at the highest levels of government. What's most important now is to try and restore confidence in Pakistan's higher judiciary as an institution.

Mr. Chaudhry must resign as a first step toward rebuilding trust in the institution. Other senior judges must then step in to order a thorough investigation into the activities of Mr. Malik Riaz Husain, and they should let the evidence lead them wherever it goes, including many powerful individuals in government, legislatures, political parties, lawyers' community and mass media who are alleged to have accepted illegal payments from him in return for lucrative contracts and other favors to Bahria Town.

The culture of corruption must end for Pakistan to offer hope to its people for their future.

Haq's Musings: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Should Resign
Mr for your information Aitazaz Ahsan himself accepted the just talked to CJ not giving him any proof and and clue and CJ so why should CJ should have taken action and by the way even today no action can take place because that Land Mafia chief Riaz has not launched any complaint he is just trying to do a propaganda against CJ on signals from ISI and PPP

Even if you disregard Aitazaz Ahsan's statement that he told CJ about it 6 months ago, you still have to wonder why his son Arsalan's expensive vacations (along with CJ's wife and other family members) to London and Monte Carlo on a govt doctor's salary did not register with the CJ. Why did he turn a blind eye to this extravagant lifestyle that was clearly beyond his son's known means.
MR Arsalan went with his own wife and children not his mother and sister and other members of his family first check the facts before talking ****
1 hi acha judge mila hai usay bhi ghar bhaijh do

At least one institution is functional in the country and as per some survey reports he is the most credible person in Pakistan. Why we have the habit of humiliating our legends in the streets or exiling them to foreign land. This culture must end now... The whole of Pakistan will be supporting CJ if they tried to play games with him.

Even if you disregard Aitazaz Ahsan's statement that he told CJ about it 6 months ago, you still have to wonder why his son Arsalan's expensive vacations (along with CJ's wife and other family members) to London and Monte Carlo on a govt doctor's salary did not register with the CJ. Why did he turn a blind eye to this extravagant lifestyle that was clearly beyond his son's known means.

Do you think you should quit your job just because of your brothers corruption? Is there any logic in that?

CJ probably have more than enough load of work on his shoulders to be monitoring his adult son. Aside from the fact that his son is another individual, CJ is not liable for his actions, regardless of what institution he is working for.

The only time you can raise this issue against CJ if the supreme court doesn`t give proper sanctions against his son given his crimes are proven with evidence.

Malik Riaz is a land mafia tycoon and is doomed eitherway, at least for admitting to bribing CJ`s son.
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