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Chicago Tribune:Chinese doctor drags M. Phelps into doping speculation

a telling sign of a liar and a cheater is that they always try to deflect things, they always react angrily, they then try to turn things back onto the other person, always try to divert the attention elsewhere... this is all the chinese have done.. and if you read Ye Shicheats comments, they are an exact replica of the chinese officials statements.. she used the same excuses, points fingers at phelps, uses the american girl swimmer as example too.. exact replica of chinese official... it sounds more like she was coached in her reply.. and instead of being calm and just saying ok well, the IOC will handle it, nothing more to say etc... they instead do what ALL liars, cheats and manipulators do...

sounds like a 16 year old girl can do more than just pool, way better than those dumb kid in the west.

if that's the case, I am worried about the west's downfall faster than expected, remember to prepare one day the whites knee down to their Chinese masters when all their deeds will be retaliated.
OK, I am going to bed soon and I will leave you with this little riddle to solve for fun:

<Tonite can't see any indians >

Please let us me have the correct answer when I come back tomorrow. Many Thanks for your cooperation. LOLOL...

The 1st part of the correct answer is:

because there is no light in india and...

Ok, time for me to go to bed again, see you indians tomorrow. Hope you have the rest of the answer by tomorrow. LOLOL...
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