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Chennai tourist ‘injured in stone pelting’ dies at Kashmir hospital

Hahaa... That many surrender monkeys dies in Pakistan every few hours.

Still nobody dies getting stones from people of "integral part". That is reserved only for blackies from our east
Getting blown by fellow pious peaceful is more spectacular..

Many get kill in blasts all over the world.

However getting killed by residents of "integral part" is only for black monkey worshipping bhangies of a Supa puwa.
Many get kill in blasts all over the world.

However getting killed by residents of "integral part" is only for black monkey worshipping bhangies of a Supa puwa.
Nothing can beat Getting killed by real followers of relgiin of peace. Kabooom. Direct ticket to Eden garden.
Nothing can beat Getting killed by real followers of relgiin of peace. Kabooom. Direct ticket to Eden garden.

Nothing can beat monkey worshippers

Don't have balls to blow themselves so rape their own women for different reasons
Dont want to be hit by a stone then dont come to Kashmir

All indians out!

Is this a dare?

Keep hitting innocent, unharmful tourists and see what happens next.

Get India and Indians enraged and all this filthy byproduct of Afghans/Uzbeks raped local cowards will be 72'ed.

Like I said, we are waiting for reason, not manpower, not financing, not arms or ammunitions.

Give Indian army and CRPF a chance and all diluted & convert byproduct will run like they ran from sword wielding camel jockeys.
Very good Kashmiris should slaughter every indian who tries to enter their state and indians can go fcuk themselves for all we kashmiris care.
Is this a dare?

Keep hitting innocent, unharmful tourists and see what happens next.

Get India and Indians enraged and all this filthy byproduct of Afghans/Uzbeks raped local cowards will be 72'ed.

Like I said, we are waiting for reason, not manpower, not financing, not arms or ammunitions.

Give Indian army and CRPF a chance and all diluted & convert byproduct will run like they ran from sword wielding camel jockeys.

STFU bharati keyboard warrior.

Calling names to an indigenous effort won't fetch you anything. Forget Arjun and Tejas, how many universities Pakistan have in top 700? How many patents you hold?

Tenant and his puppies can hate landlord as much as they want but that doesn't make them owner of the property.

You keep getting orgasms while in real world no jihadi is crossing a month of shelf life.

You can have all the universtaies in the world.
Have you not seen the pictures of people clambering on building to assist your students to cheat during exams? Your people don't have an education. They have a piece of paper that says they have a degree and end up in call centres saying...
Hello my name is Kevin......shaking their heaf
Reply...no it's not if Gupta. And try to speak english.
They follow a script and ask them anything that's not on the script they fall apart. That's why all your projects have been a failure.
When the British left all the industrial complexes and centres of learning were in India and Pakistan had nothing. That same country is competing with you and is independent. Th projects it's starts it finishes. Jf17. Alkhalid. The nuclear weapons program. Missiles. Subs. I could go on.

Your degrees are only good to get you a spouse. Nothing else.

Regarding tenant and puppies hating the landlord. Indians still are slaves and even the recent release by the CIA stated your subsuvient mindset.

Have a nice day

Kashmir belongs to kashmiri pandits not invaders.

As usual these ppl will claim their movement is peaceful just like it has been for the past 800 years. Need to learn from russia,china..etc on how to handle these parasites sucking our lands.
Pandits....lol....they belong to India and should bugger off back to India. No one in Kashmir wants their backward disgusting practices that looks down on others like dalats. Brahmins kill dalats foe drinking water for their well or more recently riding and owning a horse. Who wants such idiots. That's why the pundits are not only a minority in Kashmir they are practically non existent

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