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Chennai floods are not a natural disaster—they been created by greedy town planner and dumb engineer

Its a good sight that Chinese are rich that everybody could afford a car and cause a jam.

In India, Jam are not caused by car but by cows and trickshaw jamming the road. :enjoy:
hahhah did they do pooo and toilet in car between 9 days..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
There are dams and well to reduce the effect. So Sorry in India, there is not such infrastructure. Most flood will reach your head or neck level. :enjoy:


At least we have to bear it only once in a hundred years, unlike you chinese, where every other year you have to walk to work in two feet of water ...poor chinese :disagree::disagree::disagree:...one massive flood ..and half of your population is wiped out..just like that...must be terrible for you , no ?

At least we have to bear it only once in a hundred years, unlike you chinese, where every other year you have to walk to work in two feet of water ...poor chinese :disagree::disagree::disagree:...one massive flood ..and half of your population is wiped out..just like that...must be terrible for you , no ?

Using some BS article doesn't even prove anything? Bear with it 100 years? Every year the flood in India is record high that sofa can float and water reach neck level. While most of our flood is caused by Typhoon which is maximum only kneel level. Even since three gorge dam completed, there is no major flood affecting us. You Indians are too poor to afford mega dam to regulate flood. :enjoy:
At least the flood water is not as filthy as the Ganges.

I'd imagine the flood has inconvenienced rapists. The number of rapes in Chennai has dropped significantly since the flood.
Using some BS article doesn't even prove anything? Bear with it 100 years? Every year the flood in India is record high that sofa can float and water reach neck level. While most of our flood is caused by Typhoon which is maximum only kneel level. Even since three gorge dam completed, there is no major flood affecting us. You Indians are too poor to afford mega dam to regulate flood. :enjoy:

Aww ..touched a nerve there did I , sweetie pie...it's not a BS article, its the economist ....and is as water tight as a Chinese bottom. Every year flood in India ? which India are you talking about, the one I live in ..naah ..I've never seen it occur every year the twenty odd years i've lived here ...Must be that image of india you have in that BS chinese mind of yours...maybe you should stop snorting too much C.....would be easy on your kid ...Why don't you check up on your history and let me know the floods you've had since 2010 ......:enjoy:
Aww ..touched a nerve there did I , sweetie pie...it's not a BS article, its the economist ....and is as water tight as a Chinese bottom. Every year flood in India ? which India are you talking about, the one I live in ..naah ..I've never seen it occur every year the twenty odd years i've lived here ...Must be that image of india you have in that BS chinese mind of yours...maybe you should stop snorting too much C.....would be easy on your kid ...Why don't you check up on your history and let me know the floods you've had since 2010 ......:enjoy:
WHat nerve has you touch on? Feel free to search for major flood of China since 2010. Even the photo used by economist show a lady get wet at foot level... What major flood?

While I easily can dig out serious flood in India every year. It will come back again and again every year becos nothing is done ti improve the situtation.

WHat nerve has you touch on? Feel free to search for major flood of China since 2010. Even the photo used by economist show a lady get wet at foot level... What major flood?

China has had 6 major floods in the past seven years ...

2008- South China - Death toll >200 plus more than 200 missing
2010- Floods - Death toll > 3000 people plus thousands missing
2011-Floods Death toll > 200 people dead ...plus hundreds missing
2012-Beijing flood- around 100 dead
2013-China -Russia floods around 100 dead
2013 South CHina floods ..around 100 dead

As for pictures...you may search on google ..there are practically thousands of pictures of the Floods in China :)
That photo is at August and not now. Its a massive disaster by Goni. While your Chennai currently is not even affected by Typhoon and flooded like a swimming pool. :lol:

you dont seem of a bright kind really, if you associate rains to typhoons only.

Have a look at chinese floods. Cant imagine how man diseases and epidemics lurking in those dirty water. How do chinese live in such enviroment ?

Have a look



Disaster is a disaster...Rains do not come selectively...even the best flood management system can be over whelmed...
Rape is a crime in America, but it's not a crime in India. If rape is not a crime, how can Indian women report it?
hahaaahaahah and my friend say EU has dumb ppl but i told him noooo you are wrong my friend...come here:pdf: and seee USA has more dumb ppl in the world...11 Reasons to Visit India

The problem goes deeper than greedy town planners and dumb engineers. Hindus are by nature disorganized and confused. They are incapable of planning, of thinking ahead, of executing projects in a timely manner. Even worse, Hindus are also very lazy and lackadaisical; they rather watch cricket and watch Bollywood than work.



China explosions: What we know about what happened in Tianjin - BBC News
Guys stop feeding the troll, lets not get into tutu-meme contest. Troll keeps bs**** bcos he cant even open his mouth in his country for fear of being dead so ends up relieving his frustration on internet.

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