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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

J-20: happy New Year 2016!!!! :partay::cheers::partay:
Click to see a larger version!!!!!

Does it has AESA radar ?
Happy New Year to our Chinese friends as well as the gift of J-20 for them and indeed it makes us happy too Pakistan-China. Hopefully this beautiful beast will be flying with full potential and personally I wish to see this bird in PAK colours, if possible though I would suggest the decision makers may have a look at it and will sit to talk about as there is nothing like never.

Pak-China friendship Zindabad. :)
Dont ask stupid question. You troll.
It is not a stupid question.

If you do not know, say so. If you can only guess, say what degree of confidence of that guess. But asking if the J-20 have an AESA radar or not, is not a stupid question.
Dont ask stupid question. You troll.

Its not a stupid question... As i read somewhere that russians are developing some radio optical phased radar for pakfa .. that can "see" upto 500km. Maybe china is trying something new too
He's a PAF pilot. I don't think he's trolling. I don't think it's a good question though.

Dont be fool by him. He is a delusion pakistanis who lives most of his time in UAE. He has loss touch with many progress of Pakistan and China. He will think his arab brothers are the most advance and the west is best for Pakistan despite Pakistan many times betray by the West.
IHS Jane's and Popular Science: China's J-10B, J-11D, J-16, and J-20 have AESA radars

In its March 11, 2015 article, IHS Jane's states that Chinese AESA radars have been developed for the J-10B and J-20. IHS Jane's suggests that an AESA upgrade for older SAC J-11s are possible (see first citation below).

In its May 4, 2015 article, Popular Science states that Chinese AESA radars have been installed on the J-11D upgrade (that first flew on April 29, 2015) and the J-16 (see second citation below and read the captions of the first and third photographs).

The J-16 strike fighter AESA radar has 1,760 transmit/receive elements (see caption under third photograph in Popular Science citation).

Images suggest upgrades to China's early series J-11s | IHS Jane's 360



The J-11D Surprise: China Upgrades Russian Flanker Fighters On Its Own | Popular Science

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Five Chinese aircraft with an indigenous AESA radar: J-10B, J-11D, J-15, J-16, and J-20

There are five Chinese aircraft with an indigenous AESA radar.

J-10B: about 1,200 transmit/receive elements
J-16: 1,760 transmit/receive elements
J-20: 1,856 transmit/receive elements


Deagel (J-10B): J-10B
IHS Jane's (J-10B, J-20): Images suggest upgrades to China's early series J-11s | IHS Jane's 360
Popular Science (J-11D, J-16): The J-11D Surprise: China Upgrades Russian Flanker Fighters On Its Own | Popular Science
The National Interest (J-15): Dragon on the High Seas: China's 3 Most Lethal Weapons of War on the Water | The National Interest




Dragon on the High Seas: China's 3 Most Lethal Weapons of War on the Water | The National Interest

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Something interesting I found on Indian Defense Forum's J-20 thread (page 46). "First one will fly within 5 years." Their moderator declared about their AMCA after J-20's maiden flight on January 11, 2011. Now 5 years passed..... :D

There were tens of posts about J-20 everyday after it's unveiling the veil and many claiming it's fake until it took the first flight. Five years later, now almost no Indian guys post comments anymore after big news like 2101 showed up. :P
This marvel is the sweet fruit of Chinese struggle for greatness.

China to the world: Hear Me Roar!
Hush, hush....

Something interesting I found on Indian Defense Forum's J-20 thread (page 46). "First one will fly within 5 years." Their moderator declared about their AMCA after J-20's maiden flight on January 11, 2011. Now 5 years passed..... :D

There were tens of posts about J-20 everyday after it's unveiling the veil and many claiming it's fake until it took the first flight. Five years later, now almost no Indian guys post comments anymore after big news like 2101 showed up. :P
Everyone has pride. No need to rub it in.

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