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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

That is the internal weapons load. The F-35 could carry a lot more on external pylons.

F-22 has external pylons too. When I originally referred to weapon payload, I was discussing both planes in stealth mode. As you say, the F-35 ("bomb truck") wins in non-stealth mode.

Next time, I'll qualify the statement with a "in stealth mode." I was unclear.

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While the F-22 typically carries its weapons internally, the wings include four hardpoints, each rated to handle 5,000 lb (2,300 kg). Each hardpoint has a pylon that can carry a detachable 600 gallon fuel tank or a launcher holding two air-air missiles. However, the use of external stores has a detrimental effect on the F-22's stealth, maneuverability and speed. The two inner hardpoints are "plumbed" for external fuel tanks; the hardpoints can be jettisoned in flight so the fighter can maximise its stealth after exhausting external stores.[152] A stealth ordnance pod and pylon is being developed, designed to carry additional weapons internally.[153]"
No I am not an aerospace engineer (I am more of an electrical engineering person). You don't have to be one to know how much of a moron Render.Insane is either. Real engineers/experts don't spend that much time on the internet. Saying that Gambit is an aerospace engineer/expert is the same as saying that I am an mathematician just because I spend hours lecturing undergraduate students on basic differential calculus.

you lack logic and base things of hypothetical things... Calculus? lol
Personal attacks, nationality attacks.. dont do you or this thread justice.. especially with all of you behind IP addresses.

For the record (and I dont mean this in a derogatory way)..
I don't have to be an automotive engineer.. however, If I have an electrical degree and work in the showroom and service section of a Toyota or Honda..
I am expected to know more than the average person about CVT's, Fuel injectors, Car electronics, Anti lock brakes.. the works..even if all I work on is Car electronics.

Stick to what you know, if you dont agree.. state your point, cant convince the other guy.. then leave it..

you lack logic and base things of hypothetical things... Calculus? lol

Where did I bash the T-50 or say that the J-20 was way superior to the F-35 and T-50? I am still waiting for an apology.

You are the one talking about logic? Lol. I can't even understand what you are trying to say. As my friend popeye would probably advise you: improve your English skills! Other wise it is really easy for us to have misunderstandings.
If i Was the President of India, damn MY every move would be to counter china in the region....

CHINESE ARE MAKING ENIMES FASTER THAN THEIR FALSE(bulding unfilled homes and malls) econmic growth...


First of all this is a blog, not a forum.

Second of all calling me a "" is not a smart move, since I've just reported you for personal attacks.

Third of all I hope you understand the difference between "was" and "were" and if you actually took time to go over the offensive personal attack you directed against me, you will realize why a guy like you could never be the president of India.
the fact is J-20 is NOT comparable to Russian and American aircrafts, and i would like to make it clear, the pictures of avatars on chinese-dragon, and you confirming him in other post just is asisine way of showing pride for one's country... seriously you guys need to bug off...

I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I can't stop whatever I am doing that I am offending you unless you take your time to explain what chinese-dragon or any other Chinese member is doing to offend you.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I can't stop whatever I am doing that I am offending you unless you take your time to explain what chinese-dragon or any other Chinese member is doing to offend you.

No no its fine, mr.texas... your not offending anyone i would like inform you cut the pridefull chest thumping, that is all

I conclude
No no its fine, mr.texas... your not offending anyone i would like inform you cut the pridefull chest thumping, that is all

I conclude

Where did I chest thump? What is your definition of "Chest thumping"? American bashing, Indian bashing, Russian bashing? Do you have any PROOF of this? Where did I make all those derogatory comments that you claimed that I made?

I am proud of being Texan. You've got a problem with that? Don't mess with Texas.
Where is the proof Insane? Are you a little too "SCARED" because my post history is absolutely clean?
NO, i was banned a couple times because of you and Chinese-dragon... i sill get banned... these mods are absoultely biased... but what can i say this is Pak forum

Plenty of Chinese and Pakistanis members get banned for trolling.

So you are acknowledging that you hate me just because you get banned because of me?

Still waiting for proof of me chest thumping/bashing the T-50, F-35, India, Russia, etc.
Plenty of Chinese and Pakistanis members get banned for trolling.

So you are acknowledging that you hate me just because you get banned because of me?

Still waiting for proof of me chest thumping/bashing the T-50, F-35, India, Russia, etc.

Bro, ignore him, he is on a mission to derail the thread.
NO, i was banned a couple times because of you and Chinese-dragon... i sill get banned... these mods are absoultely biased... but what can i say this is Pak forum

I am a Chinese and I got banned on a monthly basis. The mod is doing their job.

Now pack up your crap and piss off.
Oh yeah one more thing Gambit. I am looking for your professional advice on implementing the SIFT algorithm for image identification/matching. Most of the code are open source and written in Matlab, a high level language that most aerospace undergraduates at my school have no problem mastering.
Programming is not my work although I do hack around a bit with Perl and Python in data processing of my wafers before shipping them off to customers. SIFT and Matlab? I hope you understand that while SIFT is useful for creating objects, even 3D ones, from features extracted from images, SIFT does a terrible job at extrapolating or inferring the original physical dimensions of whatever it is in the photo image.

Experimental high resolution radars utilizing double-digit ghz freq can pass their results to an image processor, such as SIFT, to try to create a photo-like image of the target. However, because of the dynamic nature of the target, the 'invariant' part of SIFT can only produce more of a snapshot of the target rather than a 'moving pictures' result. Still useful but still require more development.

This is certainly a very easy task given your "superior" understanding of science and engineering compared with everyone here.
Am flattered...:lol:...But the reality is that my mockery of you Chinese boys has more to do with your willingness to engage in intellectual dishonesty than of your intelligence and education. If anything, the more intelligent and educated the person, the greater that willingness to cast aside his education and the demand for critical thinking from that education to support a view and/or express an opinion he knows to be wrong.

A chemical engineer can exercise critical thinking when a mechanical engineer make a claim that his gut tell him is questionable. He can draw up his experience in investigative techniques and research for himself. That is why I encourage people to use keyword searches to verify everything I said about subjects that I yakked about. NO ONE can deny that fact. The reason I do that is because, unlike you Chinese boys, I have respect for people's intelligence, even if they are ignorant of the subjects under discussions. I cleared up misconceptions, explained concepts and practices using easily relatable analogies, and support my arguments will credible third party sources. Something you Chinese boys hate to do and hate even more to see when you are challenged.
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