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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

I thought you would be interested in J-9.

Looks similar to this one ...

[QUOTE = "jaybird, gönderi: 12861327, üye: 189124"]
Gerçekten yeni bir Türk üye misiniz, yoksa sayısız utanmaz sahte bayraklı Kızılderililerden biri gibi davranıp nefreti kışkırtmaya ve potu karıştırmaya çalıştığınızda emin değilim. Yani burada Türklere hakaret edip tuzağa düşmek istemiyorum.

Trol yorumunuz için. Gelecekteki J-20 yükseltmesi için gelecek nesil WS-15 motoru henüz hazır değil. Ama çok yakın. Bu arada, Çin zaten J-20'de WS-10 modelini yerli motor kullanıyor. Bu, Hindistan dahil kendi mermilerini yapamayan ülkelerin% 99,9'undan daha iyi.: p:

t I'm a Turk, don't worry. I just said my opinion and it was correct :)
Please explain where your opinion is correct here ... the facts are the same whether or not you are Turkish, which is irrelevant in this whole discussion.
[QUOTE = "Figaro, gönderi: 12862857, üye: 186693"]
Lütfen burada fikrinizin nerede doğru olduğunu açıklayın ... Türk olsanız da olmasanız da gerçekler aynıdır, bu tüm tartışmada alakasızdır.

FIt is strange that everyone became enemies because I expressed my opinion ... I am saying that the J-20 is not the 5th Generation. I compare it with America. Explain to me, let me believe that I have the 5th generation.
[QUOTE = "Figaro, gönderi: 12862857, üye: 186693"]
Lütfen burada fikrinizin nerede doğru olduğunu açıklayın ... Türk olsanız da olmasanız da gerçekler aynıdır, bu tüm tartışmada alakasızdır.

FIt is strange that everyone became enemies because I expressed my opinion ... I am saying that the J-20 is not the 5th Generation. I compare it with America. Explain to me, let me believe that I have the 5th generation.

Didn't Figaro explain in a separate post a while back?

@lcloo provided a short response and I'll provide more detailed answer.
  1. Yes. The J-20 is classified by the US DoD as a fifth generation fighter and has all the attributes of a fifth generation fighter. You can read what characteristics the J-20 was designed from below, written by the former head of Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (i.e. the institute responsible for the J-20) and also the chief designer for the J-10. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/translation-of-j-20-article-by-dr-song-wencong.165231/
  2. Yes. Actually there are four improvements to be precise. The first is from the AL-31F on the prototypes and LRIP models to the WS-10C, which offers higher thrust and reliability. The second is from the WS-10C to the 3D thrust vectoring WS-10C variant, which is around the same level as the Su-35's 117S engine. The third and final switch will be from this engine to the WS-15, which is the intended engine (i.e. 180 kN, T/W 10, 3D TVC, low SFC, much greater reliability). The first two switches have been completed (the J-20 WS-10 TVC version has started production in the summer) so only the switch the WS-15 is left.
  3. Yes. LRIP began in 2016 and a report stated the plan is for 30 J-20s being produced this year alone. The total number of J-20s by the end of this year should be greater than 60.

Also it looks like you are trying to communicate via Google translate. It makes it hard for us to understand what you are writing.
[QUOTE = "siegecrossbow, gönderi: 12862993, üye: 31334"]
Figaro bir süre önce ayrı bir gönderide açıklamadı mı?

Ayrıca Google çeviri aracılığıyla iletişim kurmaya çalıştığınız anlaşılıyor. Ne yazdığınızı anlamamızı zorlaştırıyor.

Yes, I'm sorry. I'm new in form I could not read old messages.
[QUOTE = "Figaro, gönderi: 12862857, üye: 186693"]
Lütfen burada fikrinizin nerede doğru olduğunu açıklayın ... Türk olsanız da olmasanız da gerçekler aynıdır, bu tüm tartışmada alakasızdır.

FIt is strange that everyone became enemies because I expressed my opinion ... I am saying that the J-20 is not the 5th Generation. I compare it with America. Explain to me, let me believe that I have the 5th generation.
There seems to be an issue with you quoting messages. Please use the reply button to respond.

Anyway back to the discussion, what makes you think the J-20 is not a 5th generation fighter, especially when all major institutions (e.g. the US Department of Defense) classifies it as such? The only portion of the J-20 I would not classify as 5th generation is the engine, which is only on the level of the 117S versus something like the F119 or F135. However, even this will be rectified soon with the WS-15.
[QUOTE = "Figaro, gönderi: 12862857, üye: 186693"]
Lütfen burada fikrinizin nerede doğru olduğunu açıklayın ... Türk olsanız da olmasanız da gerçekler aynıdır, bu tüm tartışmada alakasızdır.

FIt is strange that everyone became enemies because I expressed my opinion ... I am saying that the J-20 is not the 5th Generation. I compare it with America. Explain to me, let me believe that I have the 5th generation.
and pentagon/ EU countries accept and count J-20 is the 5th gen jet
[QUOTE = "ozranger, gönderi: 12864099, üye: 140681"]
J-20 hakkında bilgi paylaşmakla ilgili olmayan anlamsız iddialarda bulunanları yasaklamayı öneririm. Death_Angels bu konuya çok fazla barbut getirdi.

SI asked a question. Where is the freedom?
[QUOTE = "ozranger, gönderi: 12864099, üye: 140681"]
J-20 hakkında bilgi paylaşmakla ilgili olmayan anlamsız iddialarda bulunanları yasaklamayı öneririm. Death_Angels bu konuya çok fazla barbut getirdi.

SI asked a question. Where is the freedom?

Look like you use automatic translation on your web browser
[QUOTE = "ozranger, gönderi: 12864099, üye: 140681"]
J-20 hakkında bilgi paylaşmakla ilgili olmayan anlamsız iddialarda bulunanları yasaklamayı öneririm. Death_Angels bu konuya çok fazla barbut getirdi.

SI asked a question. Where is the freedom?
* How about you LEARN to read THIS thread from the beginning, instead of just jumping in with questions derailing this thread?

WHAT you believe or disbelieve is not relevant for us. It is up to you what you wanna believe.

* Imagine the quality of this thread if every "new member to this column" (CDF) exerts his "freedom" and jumps in with question or statement restarting the discussion: "We BELIEVE the XYZ / PQR / ... whatsoever" ==> sorry, but we just don't care what you believe or disbelieve! You can keep 'em for own self.

Your "freedom" is our agonies then!

* And please turn off the automatic translation in your browser, such feature is annoying.
Why don't you just copy and paste the English texts? There is nothing to do with the Turkish or Turkey here... this is NOT the Turkish Defence Forum!
[QUOTE = "Figaro, gönderi: 12862857, üye: 186693"]
Lütfen burada fikrinizin nerede doğru olduğunu açıklayın ... Türk olsanız da olmasanız da gerçekler aynıdır, bu tüm tartışmada alakasızdır.

FIt is strange that everyone became enemies because I expressed my opinion ... I am saying that the J-20 is not the 5th Generation. I compare it with America. Explain to me, let me believe that I have the 5th generation.

If you compared to US 5th generation fighters, even the J-20A with Lyulka Saturn AL31 is already considered 5th generation fighter. A fighter that has stealth with ability to dogfight is considered 5th generation fighter.

If you look at F-35, it can't supercruise and can't fly faster than Mach 1.8 failing JSF original requirements yet it can still be called 5th generation fighter. If F-35 caught in dogfight against conventional 4th generation Su-27SM3 or Su-35, most likely F-35 will be shot down. So you see, as long as a fighter has stealth, it is fifth generation.

Hope this explains.
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